News results

Showing 1 - 10 of 22 results

Procurement Improvement Action Plan

| Public Services and Procurement Canada | backgrounders

The Government of Canada is committed to conducting procurements in an open, fair, and transparent manner. This starts by ensuring sound management and integrity of its procurement processes.

Three new contracts and one standing offer awarded for the Faro Mine Remediation Project

| Public Services and Procurement Canada | backgrounders

Faro Mine was once the largest open-pit lead-zinc mine in the world. Spanning over 25 square kilometres, it is now the site of one of the most complex abandoned mine remediation projects in Canada. It is located in south-central Yukon, near the town of Faro, in the traditional territory of the Kaska Nation, and upstream from Selkirk First Nation. The Ross River Dena Council is the closest First Nation community to the site.

Faro Mine Remediation Project

| Public Services and Procurement Canada | backgrounders

Faro Mine was once the largest open-pit lead-zinc mine in the world. Spanning over 25 square kilometres, it is now the site of one of the most complex abandoned mine remediation projects in Canada. It is located in south-central Yukon, near the town of Faro, in the traditional territory of the Kaska First Nations, and upstream from Selkirk First Nation. The Ross River Dena Council is the closest First Nation community to the site.

Centre Block Rehabilitation Project: A green and sustainable Parliament Building

| Public Services and Procurement Canada | backgrounders

Public Services and Procurement Canada is restoring and modernizing the buildings and grounds of Canada’s Parliamentary Precinct, including the iconic Centre Block. This heritage building will be carefully restored and modernized to serve a modern parliamentary democracy and be accessible to all Canadians.

Centre Block Rehabilitation Project:  Balancing the conservation and renewal of Canada’s most iconic site

| Public Services and Procurement Canada | backgrounders

The restoration and modernization of Centre Block led by Public Services and Procurement Canada (PSPC) is the centrepiece of the Long Term Vision and Plan for the Parliamentary Precinct. Through this rehabilitation project, the building and grounds will be carefully adapted to meet the requirements of the Parliament of Canada, as well as 21st-century expectations for sustainability, security and accessibility—while protecting and conserving their heritage character, qualities and features.

Centre Block Rehabilitation Project: A modern Parliament Building for a modern Canada

| Public Services and Procurement Canada | backgrounders

Public Services and Procurement Canada is restoring and modernizing the buildings and grounds of Canada’s Parliamentary Precinct. Through this rehabilitation project, Centre Block will become sustainable, accessible, and modern while celebrating the architectural style of the building and conserving its heritage elements.

Centre Block Rehabilitation: Restoring a Canadian icon: Royal Architectural Institute of Canada’s Independent Design Review Panel

| Public Services and Procurement Canada | backgrounders

Over the past several years, Public Services and Procurement Canada has successfully completed several major restoration and modernization projects on some of the most notable heritage assets in the National Capital, including the Library of Parliament, the Sir John A Macdonald and Wellington buildings, the West Block and the Senate of Canada Building. The standard for design is high in this context, and must be balanced with functionality that serves a variety of uses, notably those of Parliament and the public.

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