News results

Showing 151 - 160 of 436 results

Backgrounder: ACOA supports sustainable development in Eastern P.E.I. 

| Atlantic Canada Opportunities Agency | backgrounders

The Government of Canada is investing over $1.5 million in 8 projects to help innovative businesses and organizations in Eastern P.E.I. The Province of P.E.I. is also contributing over $900,000 toward five of the eight projects.

Improving mobile connectivity to keep people safe in northern Manitoba

| Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada | news releases

Everyone needs reliable and affordable mobile connectivity, no matter where they live in Canada. That is why the Government of Canada is taking action to bring mobile service and high-speed Internet access to underserved communities across the country.

Backgrounder: Cape Breton organizations receive federal investment to recover, repair and rebuild post-Hurricane Fiona

| Atlantic Canada Opportunities Agency | backgrounders

Hurricane Fiona was an unprecedented storm that wreaked havoc along the Atlantic coast, causing damage to businesses, communities and non-profit organizations. The Government of Canada recognizes the need to rebuild and adapt to future weather events, and is investing $6,437,005 in non-repayable contributions through ACOA’s Hurricane Fiona Recovery Fund (HFRF) program to fund five projects that will restore and upgrade infrastrcuture.

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