Make a complaint

Our Office will review complaints that fall within our mandate in an impartial and independent manner. Find out below about how to make a complaint, and about the types of complaints we review and how we work to resolve them.

We may also initiate a broader review of the issue brought to our attention to make recommendations to the Government of Canada on how to improve its laws, policies or services for victims and survivors of crime.

How to make a complaint

We encourage you to email us with general inquiries or comments.

If you have a complaint, you can

online complaint form with images of a computer and a mobile phone

What type of complaints we review

The OFOVC can review most complaints relating to federal departments, services, programs and laws that apply to victims of crime. You can contact us if you are a victim of crime who has experienced any of the following:

Other examples of complaints we can review include:

Complaints we do not have the authority to review

It is also possible that, in rare circumstances, the Office chooses not to review a complaint. For more details, consult the Policy for refusing to review, or terminating a review before completion, where complaint is inappropriate, frivolous or vexatious

Understanding the complaints process

If you feel you were not treated fairly, the first step is to discuss your concerns with the government office you are dealing with. In order to find a fair solution to the problem, you can:

If you have not taken these steps, we may ask you to do so. If you do not know who to talk to, you are welcome to contact us. We may be able to help by identifying other options available to you. 

If you are not satisfied with the response to your formal complaint from a federal department or agency, you can contact us, ask that we review your situation and make a complaint.

How we work to resolve complaints

We work closely with individuals who contact us with complaints to try to find solutions. In dealing with complaints, we follow the process outlined below. Because every victim's situation is different, the process may differ slightly in some cases. In every case, we give all parties to a dispute an opportunity to be heard. We treat all victims, government departments and agencies fairly, and with dignity and respect.

Frequently asked questions

To learn more about the complaints process and the type of complaints we review, how we manage and protect your information, and how long a review can take to conduct a review and achieve resolution, consult the Frequently Asked Questions about the complaint process.

It is important to note that the Federal Ombudsperson for Victims of Crime does not oversee provincial matters, or matters relating to compensation or financial assistance for victims of crime. If you are not sure whether your complaint falls within our mandate, you are welcome to contact us. If we cannot address your complaint directly, we may be able to connect you with the appropriate agency or service provider.

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