Backgrounder: Residents in Western Newfoundland benefit from improved potable water services and wastewater infrastructure


Backgrounder: Residents in Western Newfoundland benefit from improved potable water services and wastewater infrastructure

Joint federal, provincial, and municipal funding through the Investing in Canada infrastructure plan will support 13 water and wastewater infrastructure projects in Western Newfoundland and Labrador.

The Government of Canada is investing more than $3.4 million, and the Government of Newfoundland and Labrador is providing over $4 million towards these projects through the Green Infrastructure Stream (GIS) of the Investing in Canada infrastructure plan. The municipalities are contributing more than $2 million total toward their respective projects.

Project Information:


Project Name

Project Details

Federal Funding

Provincial Funding

Municipal Funding

Burgeo, Municipality of

Water Main Replacement Phase 6

The installation and replacement of 970m of new water main, increasing access to potable water, and improving water quality.





Burnt Islands, Municipality of

Lift Station Upgrades - Burnt Island

Replacing community lift station, including pumps, control panels, covers, hatches, chain hoists, pipes and valves, and system connections. The project will increase the town's capacity to treat and manage wastewater and stormwater.




Channel-Port aux Basques, Municipality of

Carson Crescent Storm Sewer Installation

Installing a new storm water collection system, including 190m of storm water piping, manholes, and catch basins. The project will also remove and replace curbs, gutters, sidewalks, and asphalt affected by construction. The community will benefit from improved storm water and wastewater management.




Parson's Pond, Municipality of

Sewer System Phase 6A

Project includes the installation of 750m of sanitary sewer mains for approximately 15 households. The project will increase the reliability of the sewer system services for area residents.




Port au Choix, Municipality of

Armour Stone Protection

Project consists of building a retaining sea wall on the harbour front, below the boardwalk. The project aims to prevent the bank from continuous erosion.




Port au Port East, Municipality of

Waterline Replacement - Romaines Road

Replacing drinking water mains, including approximately 700m of water main along Romaines Road. The project will connect approximately 35 households to the water system, providing safer, more reliable water distribution, and greater access to potable water.




Rocky Harbour, Municipality of

New Waterline Replacement- Chlorine Plant to West Link Rd - West Link Rd from Eastern Dr. to Parsons Lane

Replacing 1,000m of water lines on West Link Road with new PVC waterlines, as well as 200m of 300 mm waterlines. Work also includes replacing valves, curb stops and other associated work. This project will provide more dependable water distribution to residents.




Roddickton-Bide Arm, Municipality of

Sewage Holding Tank - Town of Roddickton-Bide Arm

The design and construction of a sewage holding tank. Scope includes design, tendering and construction of a 1000 cubic meter tank. The project will increase the quality of effluent prior to discharge into the harbor, and will increase the municipality's ability to treat and manage wastewater.




St. Pauls, Municipality of

Berm/Intake and Pumphouse Upgrades

The scope includes clean up and rehabilitation of reservoir/berm and replacing the existing pumphouse. The project will provide better water quality for residents and visitors.




Steady Brook, Municipality of

Lift Station Upgrade

Scope of work includes site excavation, construction of a concrete chamber, the installation of piping, valves, pumps, controls, electrical, hoists, covers, and all other necessary equipment to produce an operating lift station. The project will provide a safe and reliable sanitary sewer pump station for the community. The project will increase the community's capacity to manage wastewater.




Stephenville, Municipality of

Queen Street Extension

The rehabilitation of drinking, sewer and storm water pipes, including the reconstruction of 200m of water lines, 200m of sewer lines, 200m of storm sewer lines, improving services to 17 residences on the road. Project scope also includes construction of 400m of curbs, asphalt and associated road works.
The project will improve the Town's capacity to manage wastewater and stormwater, as well as increase access to potable water and improving the road network.




Stephenville Crossing, Municipality of

Seal Cove Road, Water & Sewer Phase 2

Scope of work includes replacing approximately 250m of water, sanitary sewer, and storm sewer infrastructure. It also includes 250m of road upgrades such as improved concrete curb and sidewalk, new manholes, valves, and fire hydrants.
The Project will increase access to potable water, increase capacity to manage wastewater and storm water, and improve road surface.




Trout River, Municipality of

Upgrade Water Supply Intake - Trout River

The rehabilitation and bank stabilisation of the armourstone along the outer bank of the Trout River. Project work will allow for more water to enter directly into to the intake system thereby creating a reliable and sustainable supply of water for area residents.




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