Northern BC Tourism Association helps advance accessibility and welcome visitors back to barrier-free attractions


This funding helped develop a self-audit tool and ongoing advisory and training opportunities for local businesses. It’s also helping these businesses become more inclusive by improving the accessibility of their facilities.


Image of a smilling child biking along the accessible trails in Kager Lake Recreation Site near Burns Lake
Image of a bathroom features accessible sink and chair improvements at Tatuk Lake Resort
Image of three people in the woods use a Trail Rider on the way to Bergeron Falls


Overall, this investment will foster tourism growth for years to come. Already, the program has:

✔ maintained 40 jobs;

✔ helped attract 2,000 domestic visitors to the North;

✔ assisted 90 businesses and not-for-profits.

To continue supporting organizations like Northern BC Tourism Association, PacifiCan has staff living in and providing service from eight locations across the province, including Prince George, Fort St. John and Prince Rupert, to serve Northern B.C.

For more information and contact details, please visit our office information webpage.


Quote image showing the headshot of Clint Fraser, CEO, Northern BC Tourism Association, alongside his quote that reads "Working to support the development of accessible and inclusive tourism experiences is an important part of developing a desirable destination. This funding will not only be applied to projects that enhance the visitor experience, but also improve the quality of life for residents in Northern B.C."

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