People of PacifiCan: Sarah Westbury

Web banner image of Sarah Westbury, Economic Policy Analyst. Sarah's headshot is pictured wearing a cedar headband , next to the caption  "I am fascinated by the interconnectedness of everything in the economy   and the role that government plays in that."


Sarah is pictured above, wearing a cedar headband she made with the Indigenous Intern Leadership Program. We’re sharing a bit about Sarah's story and her advice to anyone interested in a career with PacifiCan

How did you arrive at PacifiCan?

I did a double major in anthropology and environmental studies. I have always been interested in policy and governance so I took some courses in public administration as well. I joined the PacifiCan team as part of Indigenous Intern Leadership Program. 

What do you do in a typical day?

I work on a variety of files ranging from AI & quantum to oceans and Indigenous economic growth. There are lots of random tasks that come into my inbox that I help provide information on. I am helping more senior analysts and advisors prepare products, a lot of my time is taken up researching.

Quick facts

Location: Vancouver BC

Education: B.A. from the University of Victoria

Time at PacifiCan: 1.5 year

What do you find most rewarding about your work?

It is extremely rewarding to work for an organization that is BC focused. I love working for an organization that supports local organizations and businesses and contributes to a strong local economy. I have been provided with the resources I need to succeed. I love the emphasis on growth in the workplace and endless opportunities to learn.

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