Transparency at PacifiCan
The Government of Canada is committed to open government, which we are pursuing along 3 streams:
- Open data
- Open information
- Open dialogue
As part of our commitment to enhance transparency and accountability by publicly disclosing information online, PacifiCan has undertaken the following initiatives:
Mandate letter from the Prime Minister
Priorities, objectives and challenges the Prime Minister has directed the minister responsible for PacifiCan to address.
Departmental Plans
PacifiCan's priorities and expected results and the associated resource requirements over a three-year planning period.
Departmental Results Reports
PacifiCan's progress toward fulfilling the expectations and commitments set out in its Departmental Plan.
Other Departmental Reports
PacifiCan's reports on operations and programs.
Proactive disclosure
Grants and contributions
Disclosure of transfers of money to funding recipients.
Travel and hospitality expenses
Travel, hospitality and conferences expenses incurred by PacifiCan by fiscal year.
Government contracts awarded
Contracts over $10,000 issued by PacifiCan.
Reclassification of public service positions
Reclassified public service positions at PacifiCan.
Quarterly financial reports
PacifiCan’s quarterly financial results.
Briefings to Minister and Deputy Minister
Transition materials for PacifiCan's new minister and president, and briefing note titles for PacifiCan's president.
Audit and evaluation reports
Evaluation plans, internal audit and evaluation reports of PacifiCan’s programs, policies and initiatives.
Access to information and privacy
Access to Information and Privacy at PacifiCan
Submit an access to information or privacy request, and learn about your right to access federal government records.
Completed access to information requests
Information held in federal government records that has been released in response to access requests.
ATIP Reports to Parliament
How PacifiCan administers its responsibilities under the Access to Information Act and under the Privacy Act each year.
Submit an ATIP request
Submit a request online or by mail under the Access to Information Act or the Privacy Act.
Info Source at PacifiCan
Info Source provides an overview of information we collect, use, disclose and retain.
Open Government at PacifiCan
The Open Data portal seeks to improve the ability of the public to find, download and use Government
of Canada data. You are invited to search the catalogue, download data sets and explore the possibilities
of open data.
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