Supplementary Information Table 2022-23
From: Parole Board of Canada
Official title: Parole Board of Canada 2022-23 Departmental Plan, Supplementary Information Table
Gender-based analysis plus
General information
Institutional GBA+ Capacity | |
The Parole Board of Canada (PBC) has a Gender-Based Analysis Plus (GBA+) Framework that serves as the PBC's statement of intent and seeks to build and sustain the practice of GBA+ through several streams. The Framework ensures that GBA+ is applied in all areas of the PBC’s policies, programs, and initiatives. Disaggregated offender data related to offenders is based on information entered in Correctional Service Canada's (CSC) Offender Management System from which the PBC extracts offender profile information. Disaggregated data related to Board member and staff is reported as entered into Human Resources Management System (HRMS). The PBC has engaged in efforts with the Centre for Gender, Diversity, and Inclusion Statistics within Statistics Canada as they work towards a public-facing data hub to support evidence-based policy development and decision-making. |
Highlights of GBA Plus Results Reporting Capacity by Program | |
Conditional Release Decisions | In 2022-2023, the PBC will:
Conditional Release Openness and Accountability | The PBC participates in many internal and external working groups and committees, such as the Chairperson’s Indigenous Circle, in order to remain informed and sensitive to the issues facing Indigenous offenders. The PBC continues to explore new partnerships with groups representing various vulnerable offender populations. |
Record Suspension and Expungement Decisions/Clemency Recommendations | All programs remove stigmatizing barriers of having a criminal record that allow people to pursue two of the pillars and goals: education and skills development and economic prosperity and participation. Legislatively, these programs are not required to report on gender data, unless requested on an adhoc basis by the Minister of Public Safety. The PBC continues to update all program application forms and implement internal database system changes with the addition of a third gender box - as a non-binary option to enable comprehensive gender data collection for possible future reporting. |
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