Patented Medicine Prices Review Board
Letter on Implementation of the Call to Action on Anti-Racism, Equity and Inclusion
Summer 2021 update
The Patented Medicine Prices Review Board (PMPRB) is committed to implementing the call to action on anti-racism, equity, and inclusion. As a micro organization (80 FTEs), to date, the following actions have been taken:
- The PMPRB is on the Mentorship Plus Interdepartmental Working group for Small Departments and Agencies. Mentorship Plus is a new initiative that has been co‑developed by members of employment equity (EE) and equity‑seeking groups to better support leadership development, with specific emphasis on supporting members of underrepresented groups who aspire to leadership and executive positions.
- The PMPRB has input a new policy on prevention of harassment/discrimination, as well as requiring employees to take the related CSPS training. Those of diverse background were consulted in the creation of this policy.
- With regards to personally learning about racism, reconciliation, accessibility, equity and inclusion, and fostering a safe, positive environment, we have promoted CSPS training, webcasts and have communicated internally with employees.
- We have recently hired an EX-01 with a disability (the PMPRB has a total of six executives). The equity statement was in the posting and heavily contributed to the success of the process.
While some progress has been made, much remains to be completed. Specifically, the PMPRB is committed to undertake the following:
Over the next year:
- Implement mandatory new public-service wide training for delegated managers on unconscious bias, address the issue of racism and discrimination at all-staff meetings, as well as invite guest speakers on the topic.
- Implement new Government of Canada amendments related to strengthening certain provisions to address potential bias and barriers in staffing processes in order to reaffirm the importance of a diverse and inclusive workforce.
- Collect workforce information through self‑identification questionnaires, conduct a workforce analysis and gather disaggregated data. Given our small size, presentation of this data will be limited to protect the privacy of employees.
- Implement Mentorship Plus.
Longer term:
- When redesigning internal policies and procedures, the PMPRB commits to consult individuals from diverse backgrounds to eliminate barriers.
- With regards to recruiting highly qualified candidates from Indigenous communities and Black and other racialized communities from across all regions of Canada, the PMPRB we will prioritize these candidates when filling vacant executive positions.
The PMPRB will gather data and measure results as follows:
- The PMPRB will monitor employee progress on training on prevention of harassment/discrimination and ensure compliance.
- Collect workforce information and conduct a workforce analysis.
Given the small size of the PMPRB (only 80 FTEs):
- We are heavily constrained in terms of capacity to operationalize this initiative in a timely manner. The PMPRB already has a very representative workplace, and we continue to commit to the spirit of the requirement.
- We have not targeted specific communities in competitions/hiring. We have a difficult time attracting candidates to positions in general, let alone if we reduce the scope. If more senior level Public Service-wide pools for Employee Equity groups were accessible to us, this would be helpful.
- We are supportive of enabling and advancing the work of grassroots networks and communities within the Public Service; however, our small size makes this very difficult.
The PMPRB recognizes the importance of this initiative and will continue to work towards this goal in the short and long term.
Yours very truly,
Dr. Mitchell Levine
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