Statement on International Pink Day


Ottawa, April 10, 2019 – The Special Advisor to the Prime Minister on LGBTQ2 issues, Randy Boissonnault, today issued the following statement on International Day of Pink:

“Twelve years ago, two Nova Scotian high-school students witnessed a classmate being bullying for wearing a pink shirt and decided to intervene. A few days later, those students—in fact, the entire student body— wore pink for a day. That display of solidarity has since resonated around the world.

“Today is about solidarity—that spirit of inclusiveness. It is a spirit that, like this International Day of Pink, continues to be felt in societies around the world, as greater awareness brings greater acceptance and, ultimately, greater equality. It is true that discrimination and stigma continue to exist, but through more and more people standing in solidarity, there is hope for equality.

“I encourage everyone to be proud in pink and to be proud of who you are. I encourage everyone to stand against bullying, discrimination, homophobia, biphobia and transphobia today and every day. Around the world, millions will be standing with us, in solidarity—and in pink.

“The Government of Canada is committed to ensuring that all individuals are treated equally and with dignity and respect. A part of that is being achieved by better serving LGBTQ2 concerns and redressing past injustices. I encourage Canadians to learn about what the Government is doing to promote equality and human rights for the LGBTQ2 community, at home and internationally, by visiting and join the conversation using #FreeToBeMe.”


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