Realizing the Future of Vaccination for Public Health

Chief Public Health Officer of Canada's Report on the State of Public Health in Canada 2024

Chief Public Health Officer of Canada: Dr. Theresa Tam

A message from Canada's Chief Public Health Officer

Vaccination is a critical tool to help protect the health of people in Canada. By working with communities and strengthening our public health system, we can optimize the impact of vaccination so that everyone can experience the benefits for their health and well-being.

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Annual report 2024

Full report

Explores the role of vaccines in population health. Presents a vision for a future of vaccination in Canada and how the public health system can support it.

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Executive summary

Highlights how vaccination can be used to improve health and health equity, particularly in the context of emerging public health threats and new technologies.

Read the executive summary

The way forward

Proposes tangible actions across the vaccination system on the themes of sustainable investments, data and evidence systems, as well as mechanisms for collaboration.

Read the way forward


Promoting vaccine uptake among First Nations, Inuit and Métis populations

Highlights examples of promising practices in promoting vaccine uptake and confidence among Indigenous populations across diverse geographic contexts and age groups.

Read the case studies

Health of people in Canada dashboard

Explores the health of our population using interactive indicators and complements the CPHO's annual reporting on the state of public health in Canada.

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