Statement from the Chief Public Health Officer of Canada on July 6, 2020


July 6, 2020 - Ottawa, ON - Public Health Agency of Canada

OTTAWA - In lieu of an in-person update to the media, Dr. Theresa Tam, Canada’s Chief Public Health Officer, issued the following statement today:

“There have been 105,536 cases of COVID-19 in Canada, including 8,684 deaths. 66% of people have now recovered. Labs across Canada have tested over 2,940,000 people for COVID-19 to date. Over the past week, an average of 39,000 people were tested daily, with 1% testing positive.

As many Canadians know first hand, pets are great companions that can support physical and mental well-being. This is especially true in stressful times such as the current pandemic.

While COVID-19 is spreading as a result of human-to-human transmission, you may worry whether your furry friend could get sick too. Research is ongoing, but to date there has not been evidence of pets such as dogs and cats spreading the disease to humans. However, it is possible for pets to contract COVID-19 as a result of contact with a person who has COVID-19, although it is still not clear how often this happens and under what circumstances.

If you are experiencing symptoms of COVID-19, you should:

  • keep your distance from your pets until you are feeling better
  • have another member of your household or friend, who is not sick, take care of your pets
  • if this is not possible, always practise good hygiene; wash your hands often, especially before and after touching animals, their food and supplies

It is always important for you to wash your hands before and after you touch your pet or any of their belongings, such as toys, food and water bowls.  If you are taking your dog on a walk, keep a two-metre distance from other dog walkers. And, just like you do for the humans in your bubble, remember to keep your pet protected in your bubble too.

Visit for more the latest case numbers, public health advice and guidance.”


Media Relations
Public Health Agency of Canada

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