National case definition: Tularemia
Date of last revision/review: May 2008
National notification
Only confirmed cases of disease should be notified.
Type of surveillance
Routine case-by-case notification to the federal level
Case classification
Confirmed case
Clinical illness (see Clinical evidence section) with laboratory confirmation of infection:
- isolation of Francisella tularensis from an appropriate clinical specimen
- a significant (e.g. fourfold or greater) change in serum antibody titre to F. tularensis antigen
Probable case
Clinical illness with laboratory evidence:
- detection of F. tularensis in a clinical specimen by fluorescent assay
- detection of F. tularensis nucleic acid
- ≥ 1:128 microagglutination titre or ≥ 1:160 tube agglutination in a single serum specimen
Clinical evidence
Clinical diagnosis is supported by evidence or history of a tick or deerfly bite, exposure to the tissues of a mammalian host of Francisella tularensis or exposure to potentially contaminated water.
Clinical illness is characterized by several distinct forms:
Ulceroglandular: cutaneous ulcer with regional lymphadenopathy
Glandular: regional lymphadenopathy with no ulcer; oculoglandular conjunctivitis with preauricular lymphadenopathy; oropharyngeal stomatitis or pharyngitis; or tonsillitis and cervical lymphadenopathy
Intestinal: intestinal pain, vomiting, and diarrhea; pneumonic primary pleuropulmonary disease; typhoidal febrile illness without early localizing signs and symptoms
ICD code(s)
ICD-10 code(s)
- A21 Tularaemia (includes: deer-fly fever, infection due to Francisella tularensis, rabbit fever)
- A21.0 Ulceroglandular tularaemia
- A21.1 Oculoglandular tularaemia (Ophthalmic tularaemia)
- A21.2 Pulmonary tularaemia
- A21.3 Gastrointestinal tularaemia (Abdominal tularaemia)
- A21.7 Generalized tularaemia
- A21.8 Other forms of tularaemia
- A21.9 Tularaemia, unspecified
Probable case definitions are provided as guidelines to assist with case finding and public health management, and are not for national notification purposes.
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