Safety: Choosing Safe Children's Products
It is important that all baby furniture and children's products meet Canadian safety standards.
A product is recalled because the company that makes it has found something wrong that could be dangerous. Contact Consumer Product Safety at Health Canada to learn about children's products that have been recalled.
- Choose a high chair with a safety belt. Use the belt every time your child sits in the chair.
- Make sure the food tray is firmly attached to the frame and has no parts that could pinch little fingers.
- Do not use any crib made before 1986.
- The crib should be in good condition and not have loose, missing, or broken parts.
- The crib mattress should fit tightly inside the crib. You should have room for only one finger between the mattress and each side of the crib.
- Use a playpen with small holes in the mesh.
- The playpen should only be used with the mattress pad provided. Do not add an extra mattress, large toys, or blankets to the playpen. Do not use a playpen as a crib.
Baby gates
- Use screws to fasten a baby gate in place at the top of any staircase. Use a pressure gate at the bottom of stairs and in doorways. Always keep the gates locked
- Openings in the gate should be too small for your child's head or body to fit through.
Key Message
If you have concerns about a product, call the company that made it or check their website.
- Choose a sturdy stroller. Follow the instructions for your child's weight and height.
- Always use a stroller that has a safety belt. Make sure you use the belt each time your child sits in the stroller.
- Make sure the stroller's brakes work properly. Use the brakes each time you put your child into or take him out of the stroller.
Baby slings and soft carriers
- Check the sling or carrier for any rips, torn straps, or broken hardware.
- Check on your baby often while she is in the sling or carrier. Adjust your baby's position so that she is able to breathe freely.
Baby walkers
- Do not use baby walkers. They can cause a baby to fall down the stairs. It is against the law for anyone to sell baby walkers in Canada.
Car Seats
- The right car seat is one that matches your child's height and weight and can be correctly installed in your vehicle. Use it for every ride in a vehicle.
- Be careful when buying a second-hand car seat. Make sure that it has not expired or that the car seat has not been in a crash.
Second-hand products
- You can save money by buying used products, but be careful. Before buying, check carefully to see if the item
- has been damaged or is cracked
- is missing parts or has loose parts
- is missing the instructions
- has been banned or recalled because it does not meet Canadian safety standards.

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