Chapter 4: Cancer incidence in Canada: trends and projections (1983-2032) – All other cancers - HPCDP: Volume 35, Supplement 1, Spring 2015

Chapter 4: Projections by Cancer Site

24. All other cancers

In 2003–2007, the average annual number of all other cancers in Canada was 7005 for males and 6995 for females, representing 8.7%and 9.4%of all new male and female cancer cases, respectively (Tables 4.24.1 and 4.24.2).

TABLE 4.24.1
Observed (2003–2007) and projected average annual new cases by age and province/territories combined (TC), all other cancers, males, Canada, 2003–2032
Period Age New cases
2003–07 <45 635 75 65 15 20 260 155 10 20 5 5 0
45–54 730 90 65 15 25 315 170 15 20 5 10 0
55–64 1245 155 105 30 40 500 320 25 45 5 20 5
65–74 1790 215 150 55 65 705 470 35 60 10 25 5
75–84 1895 235 155 60 75 705 535 35 65 10 20 0
85+ 710 90 55 25 35 240 215 20 25 5 5 0
Total 7005 865 595 205 260 2725 1865 135 230 30 80 10
2008–12 <45 615 65 65 10 20 275 155 10 15 0 5 0
45–54 800 95 75 15 20 380 180 15 20 5 10 0
55–64 1520 185 125 35 45 660 375 30 45 5 20 0
65–74 2025 235 160 55 65 825 535 35 70 10 25 5
75–84 2165 270 180 60 70 810 645 40 65 15 15 0
85+ 1015 135 75 35 40 350 340 20 30 5 5 0
Total 8140 975 680 205 255 3300 2220 145 245 40 80 15
2013–17 <45 630 65 65 10 15 310 155 10 15 0 5 0
45–54 755 80 70 15 20 385 160 15 20 5 5 0
55–64 1775 200 155 35 45 830 415 30 45 5 20 0
65–74 2480 290 195 60 70 1045 645 45 80 15 30 5
75–84 2380 290 190 60 70 910 715 45 70 20 20 5
85+ 1315 160 105 35 45 475 455 20 30 5 5 0
Total 9340 1085 780 210 265 3960 2540 160 260 50 85 15
2018–22 <45 660 70 55 10 15 340 160 10 15 0 5 0
45–54 660 65 75 10 15 355 130 15 15 5 5 0
55–64 1915 215 160 35 45 980 415 30 45 10 20 5
65–74 3010 350 250 65 75 1330 740 50 90 15 35 5
75–84 2810 335 225 65 80 1095 840 45 85 20 20 5
85+ 1550 190 125 40 45 560 550 25 35 10 5 0
Total 10 605 1220 890 225 275 4655 2835 175 280 60 90 15
2023–27 <45 695 75 50 10 15 380 165 10 15 0 5 0
45–54 630 60 75 5 15 355 120 10 10 0 5 0
55–64 1815 200 155 35 45 965 370 30 45 10 15 5
65–74 3515 405 310 70 85 1635 815 50 90 20 40 5
75–84 3525 430 285 80 95 1400 1025 60 105 25 30 5
85+ 1780 210 140 40 50 660 620 30 40 10 5 0
Total 11 960 1375 1020 240 300 5400 3115 195 305 70 100 20
2028–32 <45 725 75 50 10 20 405 175 10 15 0 5 0
45–54 645 65 70 5 15 380 115 10 15 0 5 0
55–64 1605 165 165 25 35 885 305 30 35 10 15 0
65–74 3830 440 330 75 90 1905 825 50 95 25 40 10
75–84 4360 535 380 90 105 1790 1200 75 120 30 35 5
85+ 2225 265 180 50 60 820 790 30 50 10 10 0
Total 13 390 1545 1170 255 325 6185 3415 210 330 75 105 20

Abbreviations: AB, Alberta; BC, British Columbia; CA, Canada; MB, Manitoba; NB, New Brunswick; NL, Newfoundland and Labrador; NS, Nova Scotia; ON, Ontario; PE, Prince Edward Island; QC, Quebec; SK, Saskatchewan; TC, All Territories (Yukon, Northwest Territories and Nunavut).

Note: Totals may not add up due to rounding.

TABLE 4.24.2
Observed (2003–2007) and projected average annual new cases by age and province/territories combined (TC), all other cancers, females, Canada, 2003–2032
Period Age New cases
2003–07 <45 625 65 60 20 20 280 135 10 15 0 10 0
45–54 740 85 70 20 20 305 185 15 25 0 10 0
55–64 1070 130 100 30 35 410 275 20 35 5 20 5
65–74 1425 180 115 45 50 555 380 25 50 10 20 0
75–84 1955 235 150 65 70 715 585 40 65 10 20 0
85+ 1185 155 85 45 40 385 405 25 40 5 5 0
Total 6995 845 585 220 245 2645 1965 135 225 30 90 10
2008–12 <45 645 70 70 15 20 280 135 15 15 5 10 0
45–54 825 95 85 25 25 355 195 15 25 5 15 0
55–64 1360 165 135 40 40 525 350 25 40 5 25 5
65–74 1660 215 140 50 55 635 440 30 60 10 25 5
75–84 2100 250 185 70 70 775 645 35 70 10 20 0
85+ 1610 205 120 50 55 535 565 25 45 5 10 0
Total 8195 1000 735 245 270 3110 2330 145 255 35 105 15
2013–17 <45 690 75 80 20 25 305 140 15 15 5 10 0
45–54 820 95 90 20 25 380 165 20 20 5 15 0
55–64 1625 195 170 50 50 640 415 25 50 5 30 5
65–74 2085 265 195 60 65 790 555 35 70 10 40 5
75–84 2250 280 205 70 70 840 685 35 80 10 25 5
85+ 1920 245 150 60 65 635 710 30 50 10 10 0
Total 9395 1155 895 275 295 3590 2670 165 285 45 125 15
2018–22 <45 725 80 90 20 25 325 140 15 15 5 10 0
45–54 790 95 90 20 25 370 150 25 20 5 15 0
55–64 1775 215 195 55 50 740 410 35 55 10 30 5
65–74 2580 320 265 75 75 985 680 45 80 15 50 5
75–84 2615 335 235 75 80 965 800 45 95 10 30 5
85+ 2145 270 190 60 70 725 785 30 55 10 10 0
Total 10 625 1315 1070 305 320 4115 2965 190 320 50 150 20
2023–27 <45 750 85 95 20 25 340 140 15 15 5 10 0
45–54 810 95 95 25 25 390 140 20 15 5 15 0
55–64 1715 215 195 50 50 770 345 40 45 10 35 5
65–74 3010 375 325 90 90 1180 775 55 95 15 60 5
75–84 3275 410 325 90 95 1200 995 60 115 15 45 5
85+ 2355 315 195 65 65 805 875 35 65 10 10 0
Total 11 920 1495 1230 340 350 4685 3270 220 355 55 175 25
2028–32 <45 760 90 100 20 25 345 140 15 15 5 10 0
45–54 840 105 100 25 25 420 130 20 15 5 15 0
55–64 1640 210 195 50 50 755 305 45 40 5 35 5
65–74 3270 405 360 100 95 1355 770 65 105 15 65 10
75–84 4050 500 435 115 115 1505 1215 75 130 20 60 10
85+ 2840 375 255 75 80 960 1055 40 80 15 15 5
Total 13 405 1685 1445 385 390 5345 3610 260 385 60 200 25

Abbreviations: AB, Alberta; BC, British Columbia; CA, Canada; MB, Manitoba; NB, New Brunswick; NL, Newfoundland and Labrador; NS, Nova Scotia; ON, Ontario; PE, Prince Edward Island; QC, Quebec; SK, Saskatchewan; TC, All Territories (Yukon, Northwest Territories and Nunavut).

Note: Totals may not add up due to rounding.

During the same period, the ASIRs of these cancers increased with age from 6.2 per 100 000 in those aged 44 or younger to 466.4 in those aged 85 or older in males and from 6.3 to 345.4 in females in the same age groups. For those aged 54 or younger, the increase was less pronounced (Table 4.24.3 and 4.24.4). The ASIRs were virtually the same for males and females younger than age 55 but were higher in men than in women after this age. Overall, all other cancers occurred nearly 1.3 times as often in males as in females. Tables 4.24.1 and 4.24.2 show that more than 80% of all other cancer cases occurred in people aged 55 or older.

TABLE 4.24.3
Observed (2003–2007) and projected age-standardized incidence rates (ASIRs) by age and province/territories combined (TC), all other cancers, males, Canada, 2003–2032
Period Age ASIRs
2003–07 <45 6.2 6.0 5.6 4.8 5.8 6.5 6.7 5.5 6.3 5.9 3.9 4.3
45–54 29.4 27.7 25.6 22.0 27.4 34.0 28.2 22.3 24.9 23.9 20.6 20.6
55–64 72.9 65.7 67.4 66.5 66.8 78.9 73.4 53.1 77.7 74.0 63.4 71.5
65–74 165.9 140.7 164.6 158.8 177.3 172.3 175.5 131.2 179.5 163.8 120.3 151.8
75–84 305.2 261.1 307.1 257.5 304.0 294.1 370.2 228.3 340.1 315.8 189.6 241.5
85+ 466.4 370.5 432.8 364.7 470.1 424.7 677.0 427.4 439.9 584.5 214.4 145.1
Total 40.7 35.5 39.0 35.2 40.5 41.6 46.1 32.2 42.7 41.4 27.6 31.8
2008–12 <45 6.1 5.0 5.3 3.9 4.9 7.0 6.7 5.3 5.7 5.1 4.9 2.8
45–54 29.2 25.7 24.7 19.5 22.4 36.0 27.3 21.0 25.2 24.3 19.3 28.4
55–64 73.8 63.5 63.1 57.4 60.4 86.4 73.4 56.9 69.3 62.7 52.7 34.6
65–74 163.6 132.9 152.4 145.4 155.5 177.9 171.2 109.8 171.8 180.2 113.3 215.5
75–84 308.4 261.3 307.0 253.4 289.6 298.9 381.3 240.0 317.1 436.3 156.3 232.8
85+ 484.5 403.0 433.8 386.2 432.8 433.5 736.5 373.0 492.6 644.4 147.4 239.3
Total 40.9 34.3 37.6 32.7 36.4 43.4 46.8 30.7 40.8 46.0 24.9 33.5
2013–17 <45 6.1 4.7 4.9 3.1 4.5 7.7 6.7 4.9 5.1 5.1 4.7 2.8
45–54 27.5 21.9 23.4 17.9 19.7 34.9 25.7 23.6 27.9 24.3 14.6 30.0
55–64 75.5 62.1 63.9 51.3 54.6 94.0 73.2 51.2 61.6 72.7 54.5 28.9
65–74 159.5 130.0 141.3 133.1 136.9 180.0 165.8 104.6 159.5 167.9 99.9 197.6
75–84 307.1 252.8 290.8 249.3 269.2 307.3 377.4 232.4 306.1 501.6 146.0 298.3
85+ 492.1 386.2 455.2 387.7 439.7 446.0 756.9 348.1 448.3 694.8 124.3 258.6
Total 40.6 32.9 36.1 30.5 33.4 45.0 46.3 29.4 38.2 48.9 22.9 34.5
2018–22 <45 6.2 4.7 4.1 2.8 4.2 8.1 6.9 4.9 5.3 5.1 4.6 2.8
45–54 26.0 17.9 25.4 14.4 17.9 34.7 23.5 25.2 23.2 24.3 12.8 31.1
55–64 73.7 60.4 58.9 48.1 51.7 97.0 68.1 49.0 59.2 80.3 51.1 38.2
65–74 159.1 128.6 138.8 120.1 120.5 187.6 162.1 104.5 147.7 187.9 98.8 130.0
75–84 302.3 244.1 279.7 248.9 258.3 310.3 367.9 202.2 297.0 436.5 139.8 311.2
85+ 489.1 388.1 446.1 379.6 408.6 444.2 755.6 361.5 418.1 816.6 123.5 404.3
Total 40.1 31.9 34.7 28.6 30.9 46.1 45.1 28.4 36.2 49.8 22.0 32.7
2023–27 <45 6.3 4.8 3.8 2.7 4.0 8.6 7.0 4.9 5.1 5.1 4.6 2.8
45–54 24.7 16.2 25.1 10.0 18.0 35.4 21.1 22.5 19.9 24.3 12.0 31.7
55–64 69.6 54.2 57.0 46.9 49.1 92.5 63.0 53.6 65.2 84.3 45.0 38.9
65–74 160.6 128.7 141.2 113.4 115.3 197.1 157.6 96.6 133.8 198.6 110.9 104.6
75–84 293.2 243.5 262.7 235.8 236.7 307.8 351.1 198.7 279.1 389.7 133.7 277.4
85+ 483.8 373.5 421.0 391.2 401.7 454.4 728.1 335.1 419.7 811.6 123.7 418.1
Total 39.4 31.1 33.6 27.2 29.4 46.8 43.3 27.5 34.7 49.2 21.9 30.1
2028–32 <45 6.4 4.8 3.5 2.6 4.3 8.9 7.3 4.9 4.9 5.1 4.5 2.8
45–54 24.0 17.3 21.4 8.5 15.3 35.9 19.3 22.4 22.6 24.3 11.2 32.3
55–64 66.0 46.2 61.4 40.2 46.1 90.4 57.9 58.2 57.6 88.5 42.7 39.6
65–74 156.4 126.2 132.5 109.8 112.4 199.4 146.6 92.9 131.7 209.7 107.9 131.8
75–84 292.9 242.8 264.0 219.7 216.7 317.8 342.5 196.1 261.4 408.8 141.4 183.0
85+ 473.0 368.1 416.9 392.1 391.7 446.8 710.7 282.4 399.4 603.4 123.2 428.4
Total 38.7 30.2 32.7 25.6 28.0 47.3 41.7 27.0 33.2 48.8 21.7 28.8

Abbreviations: AB, Alberta; BC, British Columbia; CA, Canada; MB, Manitoba; NB, New Brunswick; NL, Newfoundland and Labrador; NS, Nova Scotia; ON, Ontario; PE, Prince Edward Island; QC, Quebec; SK, Saskatchewan; TC, All Territories (Yukon, Northwest Territories and Nunavut).

TABLE 4.24.4
Observed (2003–2007) and projected age-standardized incidence rates (ASIRs) by age and province/territories combined (TC), all other cancers, females, Canada, 2003–2032
Period Age ASIRs
2003–07 <45 6.3 5.0 5.8 6.3 6.2 7.1 6.1 5.3 5.3 4.6 6.7 4.0
45–54 29.6 25.1 29.1 27.2 25.6 32.4 30.4 21.3 30.3 15.2 22.1 20.0
55–64 60.7 54.9 66.2 63.9 60.3 62.4 59.9 47.1 64.6 47.2 62.7 71.1
65–74 119.1 112.9 119.9 114.0 118.7 120.2 123.1 82.1 128.3 176.1 111.7 112.4
75–84 221.1 199.2 218.1 204.5 202.5 208.4 265.3 168.2 233.9 270.9 166.8 244.3
85+ 345.4 318.3 307.9 281.9 258.2 305.1 497.9 268.3 304.9 235.9 121.5 289.6
Total 32.3 29.0 32.0 30.8 30.2 32.5 35.6 24.4 32.7 33.0 27.2 30.4
2008–12 <45 6.5 5.5 6.3 6.1 5.9 7.2 6.2 6.8 5.2 6.4 6.7 4.6
45–54 30.3 25.3 30.1 29.4 26.6 33.8 29.8 26.3 30.3 27.4 29.2 27.9
55–64 63.6 54.7 69.0 64.9 55.3 65.5 66.4 44.5 61.5 64.3 66.2 69.0
65–74 122.5 116.3 124.9 125.2 117.6 123.3 126.6 88.0 138.1 129.6 115.0 139.7
75–84 227.1 204.1 248.4 222.2 212.9 216.3 273.3 156.9 250.2 221.6 165.6 216.7
85+ 369.8 338.8 351.1 293.3 303.1 324.7 539.5 227.5 308.1 328.6 134.8 257.2
Total 33.5 29.9 34.6 32.5 30.5 33.7 37.2 25.3 33.6 33.1 28.6 32.1
2013–17 <45 6.8 5.6 6.7 6.7 6.3 7.6 6.3 6.7 5.4 6.6 6.7 4.5
45–54 30.3 26.0 32.0 29.2 26.6 35.0 27.4 37.0 26.8 28.1 34.1 27.1
55–64 66.8 57.0 72.7 68.8 58.3 69.5 70.6 45.2 66.3 65.7 70.8 66.7
65–74 123.7 112.5 135.3 127.9 115.1 123.5 129.7 86.6 131.8 132.4 131.1 137.5
75–84 230.2 212.1 249.9 233.3 211.0 220.9 277.9 156.9 261.3 226.6 157.3 216.8
85+ 376.8 345.8 357.8 320.4 304.1 327.0 565.5 229.8 335.6 335.0 143.4 263.1
Total 34.3 30.4 36.2 34.0 30.8 34.7 37.9 26.4 34.1 33.8 30.4 31.6
2018–22 <45 6.8 5.7 7.1 6.5 6.2 7.6 6.0 6.6 5.4 6.6 6.7 4.5
45–54 31.6 26.8 34.2 32.6 29.0 36.5 27.6 43.0 26.7 28.3 39.5 26.6
55–64 67.1 57.7 72.8 72.3 58.7 71.8 66.9 53.3 68.6 66.3 76.0 64.6
65–74 126.1 110.0 141.4 131.2 111.3 127.0 136.4 88.9 127.0 133.7 139.5 134.0
75–84 230.9 214.4 247.3 238.2 212.9 222.2 279.3 158.6 262.0 228.3 162.2 214.9
85+ 380.1 344.1 395.9 332.1 314.5 335.0 557.5 211.0 348.4 338.0 153.5 265.3
Total 34.6 30.5 37.4 35.1 30.9 35.4 37.9 27.7 34.1 34.1 32.3 31.1
2023–27 <45 6.8 5.6 7.4 6.4 5.9 7.6 6.0 6.6 5.6 6.6 6.7 4.4
45–54 31.8 26.6 32.9 36.7 31.1 38.1 25.2 42.7 26.7 28.3 39.4 26.3
55–64 65.6 57.6 73.7 70.9 57.7 73.1 60.0 72.9 60.8 66.3 85.8 63.0
65–74 128.8 111.8 143.5 136.5 114.1 131.6 139.6 91.3 134.7 133.8 149.2 129.7
75–84 228.4 204.1 257.9 240.1 203.6 219.6 278.9 159.0 247.2 228.8 183.4 211.7
85+ 376.8 359.1 356.5 344.5 296.3 335.2 562.6 228.0 357.2 338.5 134.5 264.1
Total 34.6 30.3 37.7 35.9 30.5 35.9 37.3 29.7 33.7 34.1 34.4 30.4
2028–32 <45 6.8 5.6 7.7 6.0 5.8 7.5 6.0 6.6 5.6 6.6 6.7 4.3
45–54 31.1 26.5 32.8 35.9 30.1 38.6 22.1 42.4 25.5 28.4 39.4 25.9
55–64 66.9 58.5 76.9 77.3 60.7 74.9 59.3 84.9 59.5 66.4 98.0 61.8
65–74 127.5 111.6 140.8 141.3 114.1 134.9 130.5 107.0 135.4 133.6 157.4 125.7
75–84 230.8 199.2 264.1 244.2 198.5 225.0 288.3 163.5 238.4 228.5 193.1 206.2
85+ 375.4 348.9 372.4 343.1 311.4 335.1 551.9 220.9 348.1 338.7 155.0 261.1
Total 34.6 30.1 38.4 36.6 30.5 36.5 36.5 31.8 33.1 34.1 36.5 29.7

Abbreviations: AB, Alberta; BC, British Columbia; CA, Canada; MB, Manitoba; NB, New Brunswick; NL, Newfoundland and Labrador; NS, Nova Scotia; ON, Ontario; PE, Prince Edward Island; QC, Quebec; SK, Saskatchewan; TC, All Territories (Yukon, Northwest Territories and Nunavut).

Figure 4.24.1 illustrates that overall incidence rates for this group increased modestly in males during the first 3 observation periods and then stabilized. For females, the overall rates increased steadily throughout the whole observation period. During 1998–2007, the ASIRs for all other cancers increased non-significantly in males by 0.1% per year and increased significantly by 0.6% in females (data not shown).

FIGURE 4.24.1
Age-standardized incidence rates (ASIRs) by region, all other cancers, 1983–2032

figure 4.24.1

[Click to enlarge]

[FIGURE 4.24.1, Text Equivalent]

For males, the incidence rates of all other cancers are projected to decrease very slightly for Canada as a whole. At the regional level, the rates in Ontario are expected to continue to increase consistently, whereas the incidence in Quebec will tend to increase marginally in the next 5 years and thereafter decrease steadily. The rates in other regions will continue to decrease. For females, the overall rates are projected to increase up to 2013-2017 and then level off. Similar trends will occur in British Columbia, the Prairies and Quebec. The rates in females will increase slightly in Ontario and the Atlantic region.

The inter-regional comparison indicated that, in the last 10 years of observation, male ASIRs increased in Ontario and Quebec, and decreased in other regions (Figure 4.24.1). For females, the ASIRs have increased gradually since the early 1990s in most regions. Figure 4.24.2 shows that the ASIRs increased consistently in females of all age groups since 1988–1992, and in males aged 65 or older.

FIGURE 4.24.2
Age-standardized incidence rates (ASIRs) for all other cancers by age group, Canada, 1983–2032 (red lines denote males, blue lines denote females)

figure 4.24.2

[Click to enlarge]

[FIGURE 4.24.2, Text Equivalent]

Figure 4.24.2 shows that the ASIRs of all other cancers in Canada are estimated to increase and then level off in all age groups except in men aged 45 to 74, for whom the rates will decrease.

For males, the incidence rates of all other cancers are projected to stabilize (at about 40 per 100 000) for Canada as a whole (Figure 4.24.1). At the regional level, the rates in Ontario are expected to continue to increase consistently, whereas the incidence in Quebec will tend to increase marginally in the next 5 years and thereafter decrease steadily. The rates in other regions will continue to decrease. For females, the overall rates are projected to increase until 2013–2017 and then level off. Similar trends will occur in British Columbia, the Prairies and Quebec. The rates in females will increase slightly in Ontario and the Atlantic region. Figure 4.24.2 shows that the ASIRs in Canada are estimated to increase and then level off in all age groups except in men aged 45 to 74, for whom the rates will decrease.

From 2003–2007 to 2028–2032, the ASIRs of all other cancers for Canada are projected to fall by 5% in males, from 40.7 to 38.7 per 100 000, and to rise by 7% in females, from 32.3 to 34.6 per 100 000 (Tables 4.24.3 and 4.24.4). The annual number of new cases in males is projected to increase by 91%, from 7005 to 13 390, and the number of new cases in females, by 92%, from 6995 to 13 405 (Tables 4.24.1 and 4.24.2).


“All other cancers” is a heterogeneous category. The distributions of the most common types of non-sex-specific cancers in this group were generally the same for males and females between 2003 and 2007. During this period, the most frequently diagnosed cancers were cancers of other digestive system (10% in males and 12% in females), soft tissue including heart (8% in males and 6% in females), and all other and unspecified primary sites (47% in both males and females). Mesothelioma accounted for a larger proportion of cancers in males (5%) compared with females (1%). The number of Canadian males diagnosed with mesothelioma rose from 153 cases in 1984 to 420 cases in 2007 (data not shown) because of exposure to asbestos in the 1950s, 1960s and 1970s.Endnote 311 The incidence rate also increased from 1.4 to 2.3 per 100 000.

Cancer of other female genital system organs accounted for 11% of this category in females. The remaining represented cancers of minor sites, in particular the digestive and respiratory systems, and the urinary organs. The vast diversity of this category makes it difficult to identify the reason for the projected trends.

The presence of numerous types of rare and complex cancers in this category makes it a challenge for either the cancer care system or researchers to deal with. One implication is that there may be value in research that examines multiple rare cancers that contribute to this group.

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