Respiratory Virus Detections/Isolations in Canada, Week 15, ending April 16, 2016

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Table 1 - Respiratory Virus Detections/Isolations for the week ending April 16, 2016
Table 1 - Respiratory Virus Detections/Isolations for Week 15, ending April 16, 2016 (Reporting Week 201615)
Reporting Laboratory Flu Test Flu A(H1N1)pdm09 Flu AH1 Pos. Flu AH3 Pos. Flu A Pos.(all) Flu B Pos. R.S.V. Test R.S.V. Pos. PIV Test PIV 1 Pos. PIV 2 Pos. PIV 3 Pos. PIV 4 Pos. Other PIV Pos. Adeno Test Adeno Pos. hMPV Test hMPV Pos. Rhino Test Rhino Pos. Coron Test Coron Pos.
Newfoundland 94 0 0 0 15 4 94 9 94 2 0 1 0 0 94 1 94 5 94 7 Not Tested Not Tested
Prince Edward Island 28 0 0 7 7 0 28 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Nova Scotia 100 0 0 0 16 1 99 13 12 0 0 0 0 0 12 0 12 2 12 1 12 1
New Brunswick 383 11 0 1 126 20 390 27 112 0 0 0 0 0 116 4 0 0 0 0 0 0
Atlantic 605 11 0 8 164 25 611 51 218 2 0 1 0 0 222 5 106 7 106 8 12 1
Région Nord-Est 336 0 0 0 48 34 276 11 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Not Available Not Available 0 0
Québec-Chaudière-Appalaches 553 0 0 0 64 74 532 29 102 1 0 0 1 0 105 3 74 2 Not Available Not Available 72 0
Centre-du-Québec 277 14 0 1 53 37 297 25 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Not Available Not Available 0 0
Montréal-Laval 1171 7 0 0 51 157 794 17 458 1 0 2 0 0 473 18 375 30 Not Available Not Available 365 6
Ouest du Québec 269 0 0 0 32 49 44 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Not Available Not Available 0 0
Montérégie 177 0 0 0 5 24 141 9 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Not Available Not Available 0 0
Province of Québec 2783 21 0 1 253 375 2084 93 560 2 0 2 1 0 578 21 449 32 Not Available Not Available 437 6
Ottawa P.H.L. 24 0 0 0 2 3 19 0 19 0 0 0 0 0 19 0 19 0 2 1 2 0
CHEO - Ottawa 182 0 0 0 4 15 175 12 15 0 0 0 0 0 15 3 52 2 15 4 15 2
Kingston P.H.L. 71 0 0 0 3 5 80 3 80 0 1 0 0 0 80 0 80 6 20 1 18 0
Toronto Medical Laboratory 203 0 0 0 10 10 203 7 11 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 11 0 0 0 0 0
P.H.O.L. - Toronto 656 31 0 2 58 66 556 8 556 3 2 5 0 0 556 5 541 9 115 8 66 2
Sick Kids'Hospital - Toronto 105 0 0 0 4 20 63 2 63 0 0 1 0 0 63 2 63 3 63 18 63 5
Sunnybrook & Women's College HSC 50 0 0 0 1 9 50 0 50 1 0 2 0 0 50 0 50 1 50 4 50 2
Sault Ste. Marie P.H.L. 14 0 0 0 0 0 14 1 14 0 0 0 0 0 14 0 13 0 4 0 3 0
Timmins P.H.L. 39 0 0 0 7 2 33 5 33 0 0 0 0 0 33 1 9 0 28 0 3 0
St. Joseph's - London 100 0 0 0 1 14 100 8 33 0 0 0 0 0 33 1 33 2 1 0 0 0
London P.H.L. 154 3 0 0 16 33 132 13 132 0 0 2 0 0 132 1 129 6 39 4 28 4
Orillia P.H.L. 106 0 0 0 9 14 87 4 87 0 0 1 0 0 87 0 87 1 8 0 5 1
Thunder Bay P.H.L. 68 1 0 0 10 5 61 4 61 1 1 0 0 0 61 4 60 2 7 0 5 0
Sudbury P.H.L. 56 2 0 0 15 6 56 2 56 0 0 0 0 0 56 1 55 0 9 0 8 0
Hamilton P.H.L. 109 2 0 0 4 17 101 1 101 0 0 2 0 0 101 1 99 5 18 0 14 1
Peterborough P.H.L. 93 1 0 0 5 6 87 4 87 0 1 0 0 0 87 0 86 2 20 1 14 2
Province of Ontario 2030 40 0 2 149 225 1817 74 1398 5 5 13 0 0 1387 19 1387 39 399 41 294 19
Manitoba 213 4 0 0 19 15 211 14 34 0 0 0 0 0 34 2 21 0 34 2 21 0
Regina 438 25 0 1 31 36 438 45 438 3 2 6 3 0 438 16 438 21 438 83 438 23
Saskatoon 148 0 0 0 12 13 148 22 41 0 0 0 0 0 41 3 41 0 41 9 41 8
Province of Saskatchewan 586 25 0 1 43 49 586 67 479 3 2 6 3 0 479 19 479 21 479 92 479 31
Province of Alberta 644 36 0 1 44 54 644 43 644 19 0 0 0 0 644 10 644 19 644 76 644 12
Prairies 1443 65 0 2 106 118 1441 124 1157 22 2 6 3 0 1157 31 1144 40 1157 170 1144 43
British Columbia 394 67 0 4 79 20 394 23 239 0 1 3 1 0 239 0 239 12 239 24 239 5
Yukon 11 4 0 0 4 0 11 0 Not Available Not Available Not Available Not Available Not Available Not Available Not Available Not Available Not Available Not Available Not Available Not Available Not Available Not Available
Northwest Territories 15 0 0 0 0 4 15 1 15 0 0 0 0 0 15 0 15 0 15 3 15 2
Nunavut 3 0 0 0 0 0 3 0 3 0 0 0 0 0 3 0 3 0 0 0 0 0
Territories/territoires 29 4 0 0 4 4 29 1 18 0 0 0 0 0 18 0 18 0 15 3 15 2
CANADA 7284 208 0 17 755 767 6376 366 3590 31 8 25 5 0 3601 76 3343 130 1916 246 2141 76
Specimens from YT, NT and NU are sent to reference laboratories in other provinces and reported results reflect specimens identified as originating from YT, NT or NU
Delays in the reporting of data may cause data to change retrospectively.
Table 2 - Respiratory Virus Detections/Isolations for the period August 30, 2015 - April 16, 2016
Table 2 - Respiratory Virus Detections/Isolations for the period August 30, 2015 - April 16, 2016 (Reporting Weeks 201535-201615)
Reporting Laboratory Flu Test Flu A(H1N1)pdm09 Flu AH1 Pos. Flu AH3 Pos. Flu A Pos.(all) Flu B Pos. R.S.V. Test R.S.V. Pos. PIV Test PIV 1 Pos. PIV 2 Pos. PIV 3 Pos. PIV 4 Pos. Other PIV Pos. Adeno Test Adeno Pos. hMPV Test hMPV Pos. Rhino Test Rhino Pos. Coron Test Coron Pos.
Newfoundland 2232 58 0 2 453 21 2232 101 2232 40 2 12 0 0 2232 81 2222 41 2232 170 Not Tested Not Tested
Prince Edward Island. 414 52 0 12 64 0 336 34 97 3 5 0 4 0 97 1 97 6 97 16 97 4
Nova Scotia 1954 0 0 1 286 8 1848 135 393 9 0 2 5 0 393 16 393 11 393 52 393 13
New Brunswick 4409 86 0 4 1025 63 3176 226 1107 12 0 1 0 0 1206 30 1 1 1 0 1 0
Atlantic 9009 196 0 19 1828 92 7592 496 3829 64 7 15 9 0 3928 128 2713 59 2723 238 491 17
Région Nord-Est 5243 0 0 1 754 164 4420 308 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Not Available Not Available 0 0
Québec-Chaudière-Appalaches 9062 0 0 0 1550 439 9557 919 3049 53 19 25 19 0 3275 156 2379 38 Not Available Not Available 2366 29
Centre-du-Québec 6252 567 0 4 1258 178 4502 726 136 0 0 0 0 0 136 11 0 0 Not Available Not Available 0 0
Montréal-Laval 30567 423 0 1 3593 1036 23597 1728 14260 205 36 37 15 0 14603 389 11641 273 Not Available Not Available 11358 225
Ouest du Québec 5910 0 0 0 1004 319 1342 275 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 Not Available Not Available 0 0
Montérégie 3976 0 0 0 422 82 2579 308 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Not Available Not Available 0 0
Province of Québec 61010 990 0 6 8581 2218 45997 4264 17445 258 55 62 34 0 18017 556 14020 311 Not Available Not Available 13724 254
Ottawa P.H.L. 666 33 0 10 108 13 606 44 606 12 4 3 1 0 606 4 580 15 265 56 218 32
CHEO - Ottawa 5528 0 0 0 519 87 5212 868 1066 18 2 0 10 0 1060 21 1693 39 1061 121 266 23
Kingston P.H.L. 1770 60 0 3 218 38 1588 105 1588 37 10 6 2 0 1588 25 1569 27 489 62 335 24
Toronto Medical Laboratory 6262 4 0 0 476 168 6260 148 347 3 2 0 0 0 0 0 347 7 0 0 0 0
P.H.O.L. - Toronto 17022 2035 0 240 3123 713 13834 598 13834 147 43 60 20 0 13834 172 13474 169 3033 292 2360 114
Sick Kids'Hospital - Toronto 3222 115 0 0 369 219 2681 240 2541 18 1 17 7 0 2661 41 2681 52 1573 198 1552 86
Sunnybrook & Women's College HSC 1915 79 0 16 106 32 1679 65 1621 13 0 4 22 0 1621 6 1679 36 1679 233 1660 75
Sault Ste. Marie P.H.L. 405 23 0 0 56 28 360 17 360 2 0 0 1 0 360 4 347 2 68 13 45 2
Timmins P.H.L. 528 27 0 3 87 8 432 25 432 18 1 0 2 0 432 4 315 4 179 10 47 7
St. Joseph's - London 2830 0 0 5 246 88 2830 306 1331 66 9 1 34 0 1271 39 1347 23 1351 263 1196 16
London P.H.L. 4462 269 0 30 623 288 4092 292 4092 60 11 14 20 0 4092 88 3993 74 1024 149 739 69
Orillia P.H.L. 2623 87 0 21 363 100 2528 144 2528 50 15 15 9 0 2528 24 2496 39 332 48 228 36
Thunder Bay P.H.L. 1149 45 0 1 199 26 1033 27 1033 22 6 7 0 0 1033 31 1015 36 110 10 73 0
Sudbury P.H.L. 1364 73 0 2 189 60 1295 76 1295 22 2 3 3 0 1295 21 1266 17 230 22 175 5
Hamilton P.H.L. 3607 204 0 15 419 194 3177 172 3177 41 7 11 9 0 3177 59 3092 68 750 133 603 54
Peterborough P.H.L. 2530 105 0 9 266 108 2335 150 2335 37 13 10 9 0 2335 43 2195 24 746 73 517 23
Province of Ontario 55883 3159 0 355 7367 2170 49942 3277 38186 566 126 151 149 0 37893 582 38089 632 12890 1683 10014 566
Manitoba 6883 179 0 37 874 140 4584 269 2914 50 13 5 14 0 2914 52 1624 87 2914 202 1624 67
Regina 11056 1573 0 53 1802 587 11056 365 11053 235 139 44 50 0 11056 322 11067 688 11066 1909 11067 493
Saskatoon 3360 2 0 0 576 139 3302 215 1800 59 27 3 20 0 1800 77 1742 50 1800 328 1800 64
Province of Saskatchewan 14416 1575 0 53 2378 726 14358 580 12853 294 166 47 70 0 12856 399 12809 738 12866 2237 12867 557
Province of Alberta 23791 3607 0 182 3907 1469 23791 997 23791 872 0 0 0 0 23791 223 23791 1292 23791 2872 23791 373
Prairies 45090 5361 0 272 7159 2335 42733 1846 39558 1216 179 52 84 0 39561 674 38224 2117 39571 5311 38282 997
British Columbia 12356 977 0 350 1991 1115 12304 549 4255 1 40 19 23 0 4255 40 4255 290 4255 770 4255 193
Yukon 286 49 0 4 81 19 286 20 Not Available Not Available Not Available Not Available Not Available Not Available Not Available Not Available Not Available Not Available Not Available Not Available Not Available Not Available
Northwest Territories 433 90 0 27 120 12 433 9 433 16 0 0 0 0 433 2 433 48 433 65 6 0
Nunavut 254 1 0 0 16 14 254 4 254 4 0 3 0 0 254 4 249 18 97 21 2 0
Territories/territoires 973 140 0 31 217 45 973 33 687 20 0 3 0 0 687 6 682 66 530 86 8 0
CANADA 184321 10823 0 1033 27143 7975 159541 10465 103960 2125 407 302 299 0 104341 1986 97983 3475 59969 8088 66774 2027
Specimens from YT, NT and NU are sent to reference laboratories in other provinces and reported results reflect specimens identified as originating from YT, NT or NU.
Delays in the reporting of data may cause data to change retrospectively.
Due to reporting delays, the sum of weekly report totals do not add up to cumulative totals.

Number of positive laboratory tests for other respiratory viruses by report week, Canada, 2015-16

Number of positive laboratory tests for other respiratory viruses by report week, Canada, 2015-16 - Text Equivalent
Number of positive laboratory tests for other respiratory viruses by report week, Canada, 2015-16
Week Week end ParaInfluenza Adenovirus hMPV Rhinovirus Coronavirus RSV
35 2015-09-05 33 17 12 199 4 7
36 2015-09-12 27 35 9 221 1 6
37 2015-09-19 29 26 10 296 3 8
38 2015-09-26 42 18 2 331 2 9
39 2015-10-03 48 19 3 385 8 14
40 2015-10-10 68 29 2 429 7 8
41 2015-10-17 78 38 8 384 2 15
42 2015-10-24 88 39 8 369 8 18
43 2015-10-31 89 52 13 299 4 16
44 2015-11-07 114 69 11 291 9 24
45 2015-11-14 128 58 27 289 9 39
46 2015-11-21 136 66 23 296 7 43
47 2015-11-28 148 73 20 274 6 115
48 2015-12-05 149 71 33 214 22 99
49 2015-12-12 143 75 55 218 28 187
50 2015-12-19 150 79 54 186 25 240
51 2015-12-26 147 72 95 184 27 232
52 2016-01-02 119 61 84 181 44 350
1 2016-01-09 163 88 136 193 78 461
2 2016-01-16 131 69 144 185 66 451
3 2016-01-23 105 68 169 141 101 512
4 2016-01-30 100 57 177 164 94 628
5 2016-02-06 94 68 210 187 130 688
6 2016-02-13 132 56 226 168 105 842
7 2016-02-20 83 58 257 169 140 667
8 2016-02-27 73 81 271 161 149 725
9 2016-03-05 91 78 275 200 194 731
10 2016-03-12 69 87 243 223 153 728
11 2016-03-19 88 70 241 229 150 650
12 2016-03-26 62 96 196 247 142 568
13 2016-04-02 68 63 169 250 119 543
14 2016-04-09 69 74 162 279 122 454
15 2016-04-16 69 76 130 246 76 366


Positive Influenza Tests (%) in Canada by Region by Week of Report

Positive Influenza Tests (%) in Canada by Region by Week of Report - Text Equivalent
Positive Influenza Tests (%) in Canada by Region by Week of Report
Week Week End Canada Tests Canada A% Canada B% At Tests At A% At B% QC Tests QC A% QC B% ON Tests ON A% ON B% Pr Tests Pr A% Pr B% BC Tests BC A% BC B% Terr Tests Terr A% Terr B%
35 2015-09-05 1498 0.40 0.20 71 0.00 0.00 360 0.56 0.28 529 0.00 0.19 449 0.45 0.00 79 2.53 1.27 10 0 0
36 2015-09-12 1493 1.21 0.00 35 2.86 0.00 395 0.51 0.00 445 0.22 0.00 517 0.77 0.00 90 11.11 0.00 11 0 0
37 2015-09-19 1778 0.84 0.06 48 2.08 0.00 395 0.00 0.00 585 0.17 0.17 624 0.16 0.00 114 10.53 0.00 12 0 0
38 2015-09-26 1987 1.46 0.00 84 0.00 0.00 419 0.48 0.00 647 0.31 0.00 698 0.72 0.00 128 15.63 0.00 11 0 0
39 2015-10-03 2365 2.24 0.25 92 0.00 0.00 531 0.38 0.00 779 2.57 0.39 744 1.75 0.40 198 9.09 0.00 21 0 0
40 2015-10-10 2443 1.84 0.20 134 0.75 0.00 608 0.16 0.00 792 2.90 0.13 691 0.58 0.29 205 7.80 0.98 13 0 0
41 2015-10-17 2673 1.31 0.07 123 0.81 0.00 660 0.61 0.00 975 1.54 0.10 683 1.02 0.15 222 3.60 0.00 10 0 0
42 2015-10-24 2972 0.77 0.10 134 0.00 0.75 679 0.29 0.00 1109 0.81 0.09 800 0.38 0.00 222 4.05 0.45 28 0 0
43 2015-10-31 3084 0.68 0.16 164 0.61 0.00 723 0.14 0.00 1203 0.42 0.08 761 0.53 0.26 212 4.72 0.94 21 0 0
44 2015-11-07 3330 1.08 0.12 154 1.30 0.00 871 0.46 0.11 1213 0.58 0.00 862 0.35 0.23 210 9.52 0.48 20 0 0
45 2015-11-14 3230 1.18 0.22 120 1.67 0.00 926 0.65 0.22 1093 1.19 0.27 817 0.98 0.24 252 3.57 0.00 22 0 0
46 2015-11-21 3521 1.42 0.09 168 0.00 0.00 985 0.30 0.20 1129 1.15 0.00 890 0.56 0.11 321 7.48 0.00 28 17.86 0
47 2015-11-28 3605 1.25 0.19 158 0.63 0.00 1105 1.09 0.09 1241 0.48 0.16 780 0.77 0.38 286 5.59 0.35 35 11.43 0
48 2015-12-05 3563 0.76 0.08 149 0.00 0.00 1083 0.46 0.09 1221 0.66 0.08 821 1.10 0.00 265 1.51 0.38 24 4.17 0
49 2015-12-12 3836 1.43 0.21 187 2.67 0.00 1170 0.60 0.17 1285 1.48 0.08 895 1.01 0.34 266 4.89 0.75 33 6.06 0
50 2015-12-19 4019 1.97 0.40 156 1.28 0.00 1437 1.04 0.07 1257 1.99 0.16 867 2.88 0.35 275 3.27 3.64 27 11.11 0
51 2015-12-26 3476 2.27 1.04 149 2.01 0.00 905 1.33 0.00 1355 2.14 0.30 776 3.48 1.55 282 2.48 7.09 9 11.11 0
52 2016-01-02 4273 3.30 0.98 214 3.27 0.00 1637 1.89 0.18 1332 2.48 0.38 799 6.88 1.38 276 5.43 8.33 15 0 0
1 2016-01-09 5371 4.58 1.27 233 2.58 0.86 1833 1.31 0.05 1691 3.90 0.30 1160 9.05 1.55 441 10.20 9.52 13 0 0
2 2016-01-16 5373 5.40 1.58 215 1.40 0.93 1777 1.52 0.28 1620 4.01 0.31 1284 10.12 1.79 446 14.57 11.21 31 0 0
3 2016-01-23 5270 9.13 3.11 172 5.81 0.00 1713 2.57 0.23 1560 6.73 0.96 1291 17.27 3.41 511 19.18 19.18 23 4.35 13.04
4 2016-01-30 5874 12.36 3.54 186 6.99 0.00 1840 5.38 1.25 1612 10.24 1.43 1653 21.42 3.39 543 16.57 18.78 40 12.5 10
5 2016-02-06 6740 17.12 3.46 265 17.74 0.00 1826 10.57 0.93 1954 13.97 1.94 2024 25.79 3.11 624 15.87 17.47 47 42.55 12.77
6 2016-02-13 8326 21.07 3.78 275 16.36 0.00 2595 15.84 0.96 2456 19.42 2.57 2284 29.82 4.29 690 18.99 18.55 26 34.62 3.85
7 2016-02-20 8656 24.25 4.48 350 20.29 0.57 3014 22.20 1.03 2181 19.90 4.17 2435 31.29 5.79 649 23.42 18.64 27 40.74 7.41
8 2016-02-27 11247 28.63 4.25 401 25.94 1.00 4053 27.76 2.47 3388 29.04 4.40 2791 30.46 5.30 566 23.50 13.60 48 50 0
9 2016-03-05 12238 29.33 4.98 518 30.12 0.39 4582 29.70 2.44 3398 29.66 6.18 2958 29.28 7.07 712 23.74 9.83 70 42.86 8.57
10 2016-03-12 12936 29.67 6.34 588 35.54 1.19 4761 28.38 4.03 3781 31.34 6.88 3053 28.10 9.17 668 30.39 10.18 85 37.65 15.29
11 2016-03-19 12718 24.29 7.14 826 28.33 0.85 4600 24.17 4.85 3831 25.35 8.14 2840 22.32 11.09 570 19.82 8.77 51 49.02 1.96
12 2016-03-26 10433 20.92 9.12 575 41.22 1.91 3813 21.58 7.68 3121 19.06 9.32 2362 15.33 12.83 523 28.30 9.75 39 46.15 5.13
13 2016-04-02 9991 18.11 10.16 770 34.81 1.69 3614 15.88 11.82 2837 14.95 8.95 2151 16.69 13.20 571 30.12 6.30 48 25 2.08
14 2016-04-09 8718 13.93 9.35 690 33.91 2.32 3317 12.18 11.34 2233 10.61 9.05 1887 8.32 10.07 545 31.56 5.32 46 21.74 4.35
15 2016-04-16 7284 10.37 10.53 605 27.11 4.13 2783 9.09 13.47 2030 7.34 11.08 1443 7.35 8.18 394 20.05 5.08 29 13.79 13.79


Positive RSV Tests (%) in Canada by Region by Week of Report

Positive RSV Tests (%) in Canada by Region by Week of Report - Text Equivalent
Positive RSV Tests (%) in Canada by Region by Week of Report
Week Week End Canada Tests RSV% At Tests RSV% QC Tests RSV% ON Tests RSV% Pr Tests RSV% BC Tests RSV% Terr Tests RSV%
35 2015-09-05 1465 0.48 59 0.00 363 1.65 530 0.19 424 0.00 79 0.00 10 0.00
36 2015-09-12 1474 0.41 47 0.00 407 0.25 433 0.69 486 0.41 90 0.00 11 0.00
37 2015-09-19 1752 0.46 43 0.00 419 0.72 600 0.50 564 0.18 114 0.00 12 8.33
38 2015-09-26 1879 0.48 73 0.00 410 1.22 624 0.32 633 0.16 128 0.00 11 9.09
39 2015-10-03 2197 0.64 79 0.00 515 2.14 706 0.28 678 0.00 198 0.00 21 4.76
40 2015-10-10 2380 0.34 108 0.00 600 0.67 802 0.12 652 0.31 205 0.49 13 0.00
41 2015-10-17 2591 0.58 100 0.00 633 1.58 987 0.30 639 0.16 222 0.45 10 0.00
42 2015-10-24 2843 0.63 93 0.00 638 1.57 1132 0.62 730 0.14 222 0.00 28 0.00
43 2015-10-31 2911 0.55 114 0.00 648 1.08 1202 0.58 714 0.28 212 0.00 21 0.00
44 2015-11-07 2906 0.83 104 0.96 715 1.96 1067 0.56 790 0.25 210 0.48 20 0.00
45 2015-11-14 3013 1.29 92 0.00 792 3.54 1092 0.46 763 0.52 252 0.79 22 0.00
46 2015-11-21 3126 1.38 118 0.00 767 4.04 1064 0.75 828 0.48 321 0.00 28 0.00
47 2015-11-28 3121 3.68 103 0.00 864 4.86 1222 0.90 663 9.35 234 0.00 35 0.00
48 2015-12-05 3205 3.09 114 0.00 872 6.54 1162 3.01 768 0.78 265 0.38 24 0.00
49 2015-12-12 3480 5.37 144 0.00 982 11.61 1230 4.31 825 2.18 266 0.75 33 0.00
50 2015-12-19 3543 6.77 107 0.00 1103 13.60 1182 4.15 849 3.89 275 2.18 27 7.41
51 2015-12-26 3123 7.43 103 0.00 638 13.79 1328 8.06 763 3.67 282 3.19 9 0.00
52 2016-01-02 3689 9.49 120 1.67 1321 15.37 1178 9.17 779 3.85 276 2.17 15 6.67
1 2016-01-09 4849 9.51 131 3.82 1538 14.30 1596 10.96 1130 3.19 441 5.44 13 7.69
2 2016-01-16 4747 9.50 134 2.99 1413 16.56 1497 10.75 1226 3.10 446 2.47 31 9.68
3 2016-01-23 4753 10.77 129 4.65 1444 17.80 1403 12.33 1243 4.34 511 4.31 23 0.00
4 2016-01-30 5263 11.93 136 5.15 1525 17.57 1425 16.98 1594 5.21 543 4.60 40 7.50
5 2016-02-06 6128 11.23 156 8.33 1490 19.19 1825 13.32 1986 4.78 624 8.17 47 0.00
6 2016-02-13 7228 11.65 177 4.52 1958 15.63 2215 17.61 2162 4.81 690 4.93 26 0.00
7 2016-02-20 7443 8.96 241 8.30 2363 12.48 1856 10.72 2307 4.72 649 6.78 27 0.00
8 2016-02-27 9024 8.03 226 8.85 2837 10.61 2825 8.74 2522 4.8 566 5.65 48 8.33
9 2016-03-05 9554 7.65 508 6.69 2922 9.41 2771 8.19 2571 5.76 712 6.18 70 4.29
10 2016-03-12 10414 6.99 569 7.56 3098 8.49 2982 7.18 3012 5.25 668 7.04 85 3.53
11 2016-03-19 10333 6.29 827 8.83 3070 6.51 3005 6.19 2810 5.2 570 7.72 51 1.96
12 2016-03-26 8799 6.46 575 11.65 2583 6.93 2756 5.12 2323 6.41 523 6.12 39 0
13 2016-04-02 8418 6.45 763 10.35 2588 6.72 2447 4 2001 7.4 571 6.65 48 12.5
14 2016-04-09 7514 6.04 688 9.16 2397 5.38 1981 4.85 1857 7.32 545 5.14 46 4.35
15 2016-04-16 6376 5.74 611 8.35 2084 4.46 1817 4.07 1441 8.61 394 5.84 29 3.45


Positive Parainfluenza Tests (%) in Canada by Region by Week of Report

Positive Parainfluenza Tests (%) in Canada by Region by Week of Report - Text Equivalent
Positive Parainfluenza Tests (%) in Canada by Region by Week of Report
Week Week End Canada Tests Para% At Tests Para% QC Tests Para% ON Tests Para% Pr Tests Para% BC Tests Para%
35 2015-09-05 1225 2.69 58 1.72 297 2.36 394 2.28 429 2.80 39 10.26
36 2015-09-12 1228 2.20 45 0.00 338 2.37 313 1.60 487 2.87 36 0.00
37 2015-09-19 1488 1.95 41 0.00 314 4.14 502 1.79 569 1.05 51 1.96
38 2015-09-26 1623 2.59 66 1.52 321 4.05 525 2.10 638 2.35 64 3.13
39 2015-10-03 1830 2.62 72 0.00 373 4.02 599 3.17 688 1.74 80 2.50
40 2015-10-10 2076 3.28 103 0.00 418 7.18 802 2.62 660 2.58 82 0.00
41 2015-10-17 2109 3.70 93 2.15 446 6.28 839 3.69 644 2.48 79 1.27
42 2015-10-24 2350 3.74 78 6.41 453 4.19 976 3.28 736 4.21 84 1.19
43 2015-10-31 2430 3.66 75 1.33 471 3.40 1075 4.19 721 3.61 69 1.45
44 2015-11-07 2371 4.81 77 1.30 430 3.26 963 4.98 800 6.38 83 0.00
45 2015-11-14 2363 5.42 61 6.56 530 4.72 915 5.03 769 6.76 69 1.45
46 2015-11-21 2376 5.72 83 4.82 451 4.66 857 5.02 840 7.98 121 0.83
47 2015-11-28 2464 6.01 73 4.11 487 4.93 999 4.40 728 9.34 142 6.34
48 2015-12-05 2425 6.14 81 3.70 492 3.46 922 5.21 775 9.81 125 4.00
49 2015-12-12 2557 5.59 92 3.26 513 1.95 954 4.82 833 9.84 135 1.48
50 2015-12-19 2520 5.95 80 3.75 534 2.81 898 3.79 852 11.27 135 1.48
51 2015-12-26 2120 6.93 79 2.53 127 2.36 973 5.86 767 10.30 165 3.03
52 2016-01-02 2342 5.08 59 10.17 509 2.36 870 2.76 782 9.59 110 0.91
1 2016-01-09 3207 5.08 80 5.00 616 2.44 1201 3.41 1131 8.84 169 1.78
2 2016-01-16 3153 4.15 91 1.10 492 3.05 1187 2.86 1181 5.93 181 6.08
3 2016-01-23 3227 3.25 94 3.19 546 0.55 1059 2.83 1260 5.16 254 0.79
4 2016-01-30 3604 2.77 97 4.12 589 0.68 1164 2.32 1541 3.63 183 1.64
5 2016-02-06 3939 2.39 98 3.06 522 1.72 1295 2.16 1909 2.78 93 1.08
6 2016-02-13 4476 2.95 115 3.48 639 1.25 1502 4.26 2034 2.61 172 1.16
7 2016-02-20 4457 1.86 148 3.38 772 0.52 1258 1.35 2173 2.49 89 2.25
8 2016-02-27 5570 1.31 137 2.19 839 0.12 2061 0.92 2364 1.99 131 0.76
9 2016-03-05 5749 1.58 184 2.72 782 0.77 2009 1.10 2360 2.33 356 0.56
10 2016-03-12 5681 1.21 243 2.47 777 0.64 2133 1.17 2280 1.27 184 0.54
11 2016-03-19 5687 1.55 266 1.5 778 2.7 2178 1.38 2240 1.34 187 0.53
12 2016-03-26 4939 1.26 234 1.28 669 1.05 1982 0.86 1863 1.66 158 2.53
13 2016-04-02 4590 1.48 257 1.95 680 0.74 1811 1.27 1774 1.75 32 6.25
14 2016-04-09 4194 1.65 251 1.2 680 1.62 1572 1.27 1573 1.84 86 4.65
15 2016-04-16 3590 1.92 218 1.38 560 0.89 1398 1.65 1157 2.85 232 2.16


Positive Adenovirus Tests (%) in Canada by Region by Week of Report

Positive Adenovirus Tests (%) in Canada by Region by Week of Report - Text Equivalent
Positive Adenovirus Tests (%) in Canada by Region by Week of Report
Week Week End Canada Tests Adeno% At Tests Adeno% QC Tests Adeno% ON Tests Adeno% Pr Tests Adeno% BC Tests Adeno%
35 2015-09-05 1237 1.37 60 3.33 320 0.00 381 1.31 429 1.86 39 0.00
36 2015-09-12 1226 2.85 45 4.44 353 4.25 296 1.35 487 2.67 36 2.78
37 2015-09-19 1511 1.72 41 0.00 346 4.05 493 0.41 569 1.76 51 0.00
38 2015-09-26 1628 1.11 66 4.55 337 0.89 514 0.78 638 1.25 64 0.00
39 2015-10-03 1834 1.04 72 2.78 388 1.55 588 0.68 688 1.02 80 0.00
40 2015-10-10 2090 1.39 104 0.96 431 2.32 802 1.25 660 1.06 82 1.22
41 2015-10-17 2111 1.80 93 0.00 462 3.03 825 1.45 644 1.71 79 0.00
42 2015-10-24 2375 1.64 82 0.00 466 3.00 984 1.02 736 1.90 84 1.19
43 2015-10-31 2477 2.10 115 1.74 489 4.29 1064 1.03 721 2.50 69 0.00
44 2015-11-07 2392 2.88 82 2.44 457 5.03 952 1.58 800 3.25 83 3.61
45 2015-11-14 2352 2.47 61 3.28 536 3.73 898 1.89 769 2.34 69 1.45
46 2015-11-21 2390 2.76 85 4.71 464 2.16 856 3.04 840 2.74 121 1.65
47 2015-11-28 2478 2.95 80 3.75 502 5.38 991 2.12 728 3.02 142 0.00
48 2015-12-05 2347 3.03 81 0.00 503 4.57 833 3.36 775 2.32 125 0.80
49 2015-12-12 2476 3.03 92 4.35 526 5.89 860 2.33 833 1.92 135 1.48
50 2015-12-19 2527 3.13 80 17.50 547 4.02 892 2.91 852 2.00 135 0.00
51 2015-12-26 2248 3.20 81 3.70 158 5.06 1068 3.46 767 3.00 165 0.61
52 2016-01-02 2357 2.59 60 6.67 529 3.59 864 2.78 782 1.66 110 0.00
1 2016-01-09 3292 2.67 80 7.50 632 3.80 1270 2.99 1131 1.77 169 0.00
2 2016-01-16 3162 2.18 94 5.32 514 2.53 1171 2.22 1181 2.12 181 0.00
3 2016-01-23 3241 2.10 94 5.32 567 3.17 1052 2.47 1260 1.51 254 0.00
4 2016-01-30 3626 1.57 97 6.19 611 1.96 1164 1.46 1541 1.30 183 1.09
5 2016-02-06 3949 1.72 99 7.07 528 3.22 1295 1.00 1912 1.62 93 0.00
6 2016-02-13 4491 1.25 116 1.72 645 2.33 1510 1.52 2034 0.74 172 0.58
7 2016-02-20 4462 1.30 148 2.03 807 2.11 1228 0.98 2173 1.10 89 2.25
8 2016-02-27 5593 1.45 150 2.00 855 2.34 2055 0.83 2364 1.69 131 0.76
9 2016-03-05 5754 1.36 191 7.33 789 2.15 2000 0.70 2360 1.19 356 1.40
10 2016-03-12 5677 1.53 243 1.23 792 3.28 2114 1.09 2280 1.45 184 1.09
11 2016-03-19 5696 1.23 268 1.49 804 2.24 2159 0.74 2240 1.25 187 2.14
12 2016-03-26 4954 1.94 234 2.99 688 3.49 1978 1.57 1863 1.66 158 1.9
13 2016-04-02 4582 1.37 257 1.17 690 2.9 1793 0.84 1774 1.35 32 3.13
14 2016-04-09 4205 1.76 255 2.75 703 1.99 1556 1.03 1573 2.1 86 2.33
15 2016-04-16 3601 2.11 222 2.25 578 3.63 1387 1.37 1157 2.68 232 0


Positive hMPV Tests (%) in Canada by Region by Week of Report

Positive hMPV Tests (%) in Canada by Region by Week of Report - Text Equivalent
Positive hMPV Tests (%) in Canada by Region by Week of Report
Week Week End Canada Tests hMPV% At Tests hMPV% QC Tests hMPV% ON Tests hMPV% Pr Tests hMPV% BC Tests hMPV%
35 2015-09-05 1097 1.09 46 2.17 220 0.45 370 0.81 414 0.97 39 0.00
36 2015-09-12 1096 0.82 32 0.00 256 1.56 293 1.02 470 0.21 36 0.00
37 2015-09-19 1379 0.73 38 0.00 259 0.39 480 0.62 540 0.56 51 0.00
38 2015-09-26 1484 0.13 60 0.00 244 0.00 507 0.00 600 0.17 64 0.00
39 2015-10-03 1692 0.18 58 0.00 292 0.00 586 0.00 658 0.46 80 0.00
40 2015-10-10 1924 0.10 84 0.00 342 0.00 780 0.13 625 0.00 82 0.00
41 2015-10-17 1896 0.42 76 2.63 355 0.28 762 0.00 616 0.65 79 0.00
42 2015-10-24 2196 0.36 68 0.00 365 0.00 954 0.21 702 0.43 84 0.00
43 2015-10-31 2137 0.61 46 2.17 382 0.00 930 0.11 693 0.87 69 1.45
44 2015-11-07 2183 0.50 62 0.00 334 0.00 932 0.11 755 0.93 83 1.20
45 2015-11-14 2226 1.21 38 0.00 409 0.73 944 0.11 747 1.74 69 0.00
46 2015-11-21 2226 1.03 65 0.00 345 0.29 869 0.00 802 2.00 121 1.65
47 2015-11-28 2312 0.87 54 1.85 429 0.23 1018 0.39 634 1.10 142 0.00
48 2015-12-05 2265 1.46 51 0.00 385 0.78 940 0.43 734 3.00 125 0.80
49 2015-12-12 2377 2.31 52 3.85 411 0.49 952 0.74 797 4.27 135 5.19
50 2015-12-19 2338 2.31 51 0.00 414 1.69 885 0.34 832 3.73 135 8.89
51 2015-12-26 2162 4.39 51 0.00 105 0.00 1078 1.48 754 8.36 165 9.09
52 2016-01-02 2205 3.81 42 2.38 409 0.98 862 1.39 770 7.01 110 9.09
1 2016-01-09 3059 4.45 64 0.00 499 1.80 1205 1.58 1113 8.45 169 7.69
2 2016-01-16 3008 4.79 56 3.57 413 0.97 1189 1.51 1148 8.45 181 11.05
3 2016-01-23 3037 5.56 52 0.00 463 2.16 1062 1.13 1192 10.74 254 7.48
4 2016-01-30 3412 5.19 75 0.00 510 1.76 1166 1.89 1448 8.43 183 13.11
5 2016-02-06 3681 5.70 61 0.00 454 2.20 1301 2.31 1750 8.74 93 17.20
6 2016-02-13 4261 5.30 67 1.49 510 1.76 1537 1.69 1961 8.72 172 10.47
7 2016-02-20 4245 6.05 108 2.78 653 3.52 1277 2.11 2102 8.66 89 24.72
8 2016-02-27 5273 5.14 86 6.98 683 4.25 2067 2.66 2268 7.72 131 4.58
9 2016-03-05 5561 4.95 184 2.72 626 4.31 2006 2.94 2331 6.44 356 9.55
10 2016-03-12 5420 4.48 189 1.59 593 4.55 2131 3.28 2259 5.71 184 6.52
11 2016-03-19 5615 4.29 191 5.24 623 3.53 2375 2.57 2201 5.86 187 10.16
12 2016-03-26 4674 4.19 162 2.47 543 5.34 1934 2.74 1844 5.21 158 8.23
13 2016-04-02 4282 3.95 198 1.52 509 3.73 1742 2.47 1765 5.44 32 15.62
14 2016-04-09 3917 4.14 140 5.00 536 4.48 1568 2.36 1555 5.34 86 9.3
15 2016-04-16 3343 3.89 106 6.60 449 7.13 1387 2.81 1144 3.5 232 5.17


Positive Rhinovirus Tests (%) in Canada by Region by Week of Report

Positive Rhinovirus Tests (%) in Canada by Region by Week of Report - Text Equivalent
Positive Rhinovirus Tests (%) in Canada by Region by Week of Report
Week Week End Canada Tests RhV% At Tests RhV% QC Tests RhV% ON Tests RhV% Pr Tests RhV% BC Tests RhV%
35 2015-09-05 732 27.19 46 6.52 0 0 213 22.54 429 29.6 39 48.72
36 2015-09-12 720 30.69 32 18.75 0 0 160 15.62 487 34.7 36 50
37 2015-09-19 897 33 38 18.42 0 0 231 21.64 569 38.14 51 37.25
38 2015-09-26 993 33.33 60 25 0 0 229 23.58 638 37.15 64 37.5
39 2015-10-03 1065 36.15 58 39.65 0 0 229 32.31 688 36.92 80 33.75
40 2015-10-10 1242 34.54 84 25 0 0 408 36.52 660 33.33 82 41.46
41 2015-10-17 1234 31.12 76 22.37 0 0 428 30.14 644 30.9 79 45.57
42 2015-10-24 1408 26.21 68 23.53 0 0 503 18.89 736 28.53 84 48.81
43 2015-10-31 1318 22.69 46 26.09 0 0 467 17.56 721 25.8 69 20.29
44 2015-11-07 1376 21.15 62 17.74 0 0 417 15.11 800 23.87 83 27.71
45 2015-11-14 1252 23.08 38 10.53 0 0 348 23.28 780 24.1 69 20.29
46 2015-11-21 1300 22.77 65 16.92 0 0 257 19.07 840 24.29 121 23.97
47 2015-11-28 1315 20.84 54 11.11 0 0 365 25.21 728 21.15 142 9.86
48 2015-12-05 1280 16.72 51 13.73 0 0 307 16.29 775 16.26 125 19.2
49 2015-12-12 1336 16.32 62 6.45 0 0 282 14.89 833 17.65 135 16.3
50 2015-12-19 1343 13.85 51 7.84 0 0 292 12.67 852 14.79 135 11.85
51 2015-12-26 1298 14.18 51 15.69 0 0 309 12.3 767 13.43 165 21.21
52 2016-01-02 1256 14.41 42 2.38 0 0 310 13.87 782 14.71 110 18.18
1 2016-01-09 1834 10.52 64 4.69 0 0 461 12.15 1131 9.64 169 13.02
2 2016-01-16 1941 9.53 56 8.93 0 0 505 9.9 1181 8.89 181 12.71
3 2016-01-23 2065 6.83 52 9.62 0 0 487 8.83 1260 6.03 254 5.51
4 2016-01-30 2214 7.41 75 5.33 0 0 389 6.94 1541 7.33 183 10.38
5 2016-02-06 2576 7.26 61 3.28 0 0 489 5.93 1912 7.22 93 19.35
6 2016-02-13 2728 6.16 67 7.46 0 0 443 3.84 2034 6.49 172 8.14
7 2016-02-20 2813 6.01 108 8.33 0 0 426 4.46 2173 5.84 89 13.48
8 2016-02-27 3094 5.2 86 0 0 0 480 6.04 2364 4.95 131 9.92
9 2016-03-05 3405 5.87 184 2.17 0 0 454 5.95 2360 4.92 356 14.33
10 2016-03-12 3195 6.98 189 1.06 0 0 486 5.76 2279 6.93 184 17.93
11 2016-03-19 3203 7.15 191 1.05 0 0 548 3.47 2240 7.95 187 14.97
12 2016-03-26 2751 8.98 162 4.32 0 0 548 5.84 1863 9.77 158 15.82
13 2016-04-02 2604 9.6 198 2.02 0 0 574 3.48 1774 11.89 32 40.62
14 2016-04-09 2265 12.32 140 1.43 0 0 446 10.09 1573 13.1 86 30.23
15 2016-04-16 1916 12.84 106 7.55 0 0 399 10.28 1157 14.69 232 10.34


Positive Coronavirus Tests (%) in Canada by Region by Week of Report

Positive Coronavirus Tests (%) in Canada by Region by Week of Report - Text Equivalent
Positive Coronavirus Tests (%) in Canada by Region by Week of Report
Week Week End Canada Tests Coro% At Tests Coro% QC Tests Coro% ON Tests Coro% Pr Tests Coro% BC Tests Coro%
35 2015-09-05 835 0.48 24 0 216 0.00 137 0.73 414 0.72 39 0
36 2015-09-12 858 0.12 14 0 248 0.40 85 0.00 470 0 36 0
37 2015-09-19 1010 0.3 11 0 255 0.39 145 0.69 540 0.19 51 0
38 2015-09-26 1059 0.19 19 0 233 0.43 141 0.00 600 0.17 64 0
39 2015-10-03 1221 0.66 15 0 285 0.35 173 1.73 658 0.61 80 0
40 2015-10-10 1394 0.5 44 0 334 0.30 301 1.66 625 0 82 1.22
41 2015-10-17 1390 0.14 29 0 352 0.00 307 0.33 616 0.16 79 0
42 2015-10-24 1559 0.51 35 0 357 0.28 364 1.65 702 0.14 84 0
43 2015-10-31 1457 0.27 7 0 376 0.27 299 0.00 693 0 69 4.35
44 2015-11-07 1451 0.62 13 0 327 1.53 260 1.15 755 0.13 83 0
45 2015-11-14 1544 0.58 13 0 397 0.25 301 1.00 747 0.67 69 0
46 2015-11-21 1508 0.46 22 0 336 0.30 210 0.48 802 0.37 121 1.65
47 2015-11-28 1631 0.37 11 0 420 0.48 340 0.59 692 0.29 142 0
48 2015-12-05 1462 1.5 9 0 372 1.34 200 3.50 734 1.36 125 0
49 2015-12-12 1608 1.74 10 0 398 1.51 244 4.10 797 1.25 135 1.48
50 2015-12-19 1622 1.54 7 0 401 0.50 235 1.28 832 2.04 135 2.22
51 2015-12-26 1314 2.05 8 0 105 2.86 276 2.17 754 2.25 165 0.61
52 2016-01-02 1582 2.78 9 0 400 2.00 282 4.26 770 2.73 110 2.73
1 2016-01-09 2213 3.52 6 0 485 2.47 432 9.26 1113 2.07 169 1.78
2 2016-01-16 2226 2.96 11 0 401 1.75 467 6.85 1148 1.74 181 3.31
3 2016-01-23 2330 4.33 8 0 456 3.95 408 8.33 1192 3.52 254 2.76
4 2016-01-30 2480 3.79 24 4.17 499 2.00 301 7.64 1448 3.38 183 6.01
5 2016-02-06 2856 4.55 9 0 443 2.93 540 9.63 1750 3.31 93 7.53
6 2016-02-13 3016 3.48 14 0 497 3.22 360 8.33 1961 2.5 172 5.23
7 2016-02-20 3215 4.35 11 9.09 626 4.47 371 6.74 2102 3.47 89 14.61
8 2016-02-27 3538 4.21 9 0 676 1.78 421 11.16 2268 3.62 131 6.11
9 2016-03-05 3720 5.22 23 26.09 626 3.67 333 11.41 2331 3.95 356 9.55
10 2016-03-12 3467 4.41 12 8.33 587 3.236792 368 11.41 2259 3.45 184 7.07
11 2016-03-19 3451 4.35 14 7.14 602 2.159465 411 9 2201 3.45 187 11.23
12 2016-03-26 2938 4.83 11 18.18 534 2.247187 371 9.43 1844 4.23 158 9.49
13 2016-04-02 2622 4.54 10 30 512 2.539058 277 9.03 1765 3.74 32 34.37
14 2016-04-09 2568 4.75 17 5.88 531 2.259883 360 6.39 1555 4.57 86 17.44
15 2016-04-16 2141 3.55 12 8.33 437 1.372995 294 6.46 1144 3.76 232 2.16

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