Respiratory Virus Report, Week 49 - ending December 8, 2018


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Organization: Public Health Agency of Canada

List of abbreviations
Influenza A(H1N1)pdm09
Influenza A(H3N2)
A (UnS)
Influenza A (Unsubtyped)
Children's Hospital of Eastern Ontario
human metapneumovirus
Health Sciences Centre
Not Applicable
Public Health Laboratory
Public Health Ontario Laboratory
Respiratory syncytial virus
University Health Network

Respiratory Virus Detections and Isolations

Table 1: Respiratory Virus Detections/Isolations for the week ending December 8, 2018 (Reporting Week 201849)
Table 1: Respiratory Virus Detections/Isolations for the week ending December 8, 2018 (Reporting Week 201849)
Reporting Laboratory Flu Tested A(H1N1)pdm09 Positive A(H3) Positive A(UnS) Positive Total Flu A Positive Total Flu B Positive RSV Tested RSV Positive PIV Tested PIV 1 Positive PIV 2 Positive PIV 3 Positive PIV 4 Positive Other PIV Positive Adeno Tested Adeno Positive hMPV Tested hMPV Positive Entero/Rhino Tested Entero/Rhino Positive Coron Tested Coron Positive
Newfoundland 81 0 0 4 4 0 81 6 81 0 2 8 0 0 81 1 81 0 81 11 N.A. N.A.
Prince Edward Island 22 2 0 0 2 0 22 0 4 0 0 0 0 0 4 0 4 0 4 2 4 0
Nova Scotia 75 0 0 3 3 0 75 3 9 0 0 1 0 0 9 0 9 0 9 0 9 0
New Brunswick 280 7 0 36 43 1 281 5 63 0 1 0 1 0 63 10 63 0 63 7 63 0
Atlantic 458 9 0 43 52 1 459 14 157 0 3 9 1 0 157 11 157 0 157 20 76 0
Région Nord-Est 365 0 0 88 88 0 252 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 N.A. N.A. 0 0
Québec-Chaudière-Appalaches 475 0 0 70 70 1 534 46 95 1 2 1 0 0 104 2 82 0 N.A. N.A. 81 0
Centre-du-Québec 430 0 0 60 60 3 372 27 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 N.A. N.A. 0 0
Montréal-Laval 1234 0 0 102 102 2 1183 150 700 1 14 2 3 0 700 31 691 10 N.A. N.A. 691 26
Ouest du Québec 417 0 0 42 42 1 293 41 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 N.A. N.A. 0 0
Montérégie 225 0 0 26 26 0 225 17 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 N.A. N.A. 0 0
Province of Québec 3146 0 0 388 388 7 2859 284 795 2 16 3 3 0 804 33 773 10 N.A. N.A. 772 26
Ottawa P.H.L. 34 2 1 1 4 0 34 0 13 0 0 0 0 0 13 0 12 0 1 0 0 0
CHEO - Ottawa 173 0 0 14 14 1 173 10 17 0 0 0 0 0 17 1 17 0 17 1 17 1
Kingston P.H.L. 32 0 0 0 0 0 32 0 14 0 1 1 0 0 14 0 14 0 2 0 0 0
UHN / Mount Sinai Hospital 276 0 0 3 3 0 276 12 15 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 15 0 N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A.
P.H.O.L. - Toronto 377 22 7 1 30 0 375 1 277 0 0 0 0 0 277 2 269 1 8 0 0 0
Sick Kids Hospital - Toronto 77 6 0 0 6 0 77 19 77 1 7 0 2 0 77 1 77 1 77 12 77 13
Sunnybrook & Women's College HSC 80 5 0 0 5 0 80 5 80 1 0 0 0 0 80 0 80 2 80 4 80 2
Sault Ste. Marie P.H.L. 11 1 0 0 1 0 10 0 10 0 0 0 0 0 10 0 10 0 0 0 0 0
Timmins P.H.L. 11 1 0 0 1 0 10 0 10 0 1 0 0 0 10 0 10 0 0 0 0 0
St. Joseph's - London 120 0 0 3 3 0 120 16 46 0 2 0 2 0 46 1 46 1 23 3 23 1
London P.H.L. 116 10 0 6 16 0 116 0 72 0 1 0 0 0 72 1 70 0 2 0 0 0
Orillia P.H.L. 25 0 0 0 0 0 25 0 13 0 0 0 0 0 13 0 10 0 3 0 0 0
Thunder Bay P.H.L. 6 0 0 0 0 0 6 0 6 0 0 1 0 0 6 0 6 0 0 0 0 0
Sudbury P.H.L. 21 0 0 0 0 0 20 1 20 0 1 0 0 0 20 1 20 0 0 0 0 0
Hamilton P.H.L. 135 4 3 3 10 0 135 0 97 0 2 4 0 0 97 0 95 0 2 0 0 0
Peterborough P.H.L. 29 1 0 0 1 0 29 0 18 0 0 0 0 0 18 0 16 0 2 0 0 0
Province of Ontario 1523 52 11 31 94 1 1518 64 785 2 15 6 4 0 770 7 767 5 217 20 197 17
Manitoba 384 28 0 48 76 2 352 4 155 0 3 0 2 0 155 0 130 1 155 19 130 1
Regina 493 178 6 23 207 0 493 6 493 0 5 6 3 0 493 2 493 2 493 73 493 0
Saskatoon 242 0 0 79 79 0 242 5 242 0 0 0 0 0 242 0 242 0 242 1 242 0
Province of Saskatchewan 735 178 6 102 286 0 735 11 735 0 5 6 3 0 735 2 735 2 735 74 735 0
Province of Alberta 1436 337 3 170 510 1 1030 0 1030 0 11 4 6 0 1030 15 1030 10 1030 134 1030 24
Prairies 2555 543 9 320 872 3 2117 15 1920 0 19 10 11 0 1920 17 1895 13 1920 227 1895 25
British Columbia 620 90 15 48 153 2 620 18 201 0 3 2 4 0 201 5 201 0 149 40 149 4
Yukon 8 0 0 1 1 0 8 0 N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A.
Northwest Territories 67 37 0 0 37 0 67 0 67 0 0 3 0 0 67 0 67 0 67 7 67 0
Nunavut 2 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 2 1 2 0 2 0 2 0
Territories 77 37 0 1 38 0 77 0 69 0 0 3 0 0 69 1 69 0 69 7 69 0
CANADA 8379 731 35 831 1597 14 7650 395 3927 4 56 33 23 0 3921 74 3862 28 2512 314 3158 72

Specimens from Yukon (YT), Northwest Territories (NT) and Nunavut (NU) are sent to reference laboratories in other provinces and reported results reflect specimens identified as originating from YT, NT or NU.

Delays in the reporting of data may cause data to change retrospectively.

Table 2: Respiratory Virus Detections/Isolations for the period August 26, 2018 - December 8, 2018 (Reporting Weeks 201835-201849)
Table 2: Respiratory Virus Detections/Isolations for the period August 26, 2018 - December 8, 2018 (Reporting Weeks 201835-201849)
Reporting Laboratory Flu Tested A(H1N1)pdm09 Positive A(H3) Positive A(UnS) Positive Total Flu A Positive Total Flu B Positive RSV Tested RSV Positive PIV Tested PIV 1 Positive PIV 2 Positive PIV 3 Positive PIV 4 Positive Other PIV Positive Adeno Tested Adeno Positive hMPV Tested hMPV Positive Entero/Rhino Tested Entero/Rhino Positive Coron Tested Coron Positive
Newfoundland 736 1 0 13 14 1 736 22 736 0 5 25 0 0 736 10 736 0 736 134 N.A. N.A.
Prince Edward Island 201 6 0 0 6 0 198 0 47 0 0 1 3 0 42 4 42 0 42 19 42 0
Nova Scotia 482 0 0 13 13 0 486 15 288 0 1 7 1 0 288 0 288 3 288 48 288 0
New Brunswick 1933 10 0 58 68 1 1936 15 787 0 9 4 16 0 787 59 787 1 787 163 787 1
Atlantic 3352 17 0 84 101 2 3356 52 1858 0 15 37 20 0 1853 73 1853 4 1853 364 1117 1
Région Nord-Est 1958 0 0 251 251 0 1546 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 N.A. N.A. 0 0
Québec-Chaudière-Appalaches 2149 0 0 204 204 5 2326 117 1004 3 23 5 5 0 1043 41 905 1 N.A. N.A. 902 2
Centre-du-Québec 1647 0 0 99 99 9 1484 59 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 N.A. N.A. 0 0
Montréal-Laval 9893 0 0 239 239 7 9899 490 6907 28 122 27 26 0 6907 241 6738 25 N.A. N.A. 6739 96
Ouest du Québec 1727 0 0 113 113 3 1395 101 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 N.A. N.A. 0 0
Montérégie 1511 0 0 60 60 1 1498 76 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 N.A. N.A. 0 0
Province of Québec 18885 0 0 966 966 25 18148 846 7911 31 145 32 31 0 7950 282 7643 26 N.A. N.A. 7641 98
Ottawa P.H.L. 226 3 7 1 11 0 222 0 185 0 0 1 0 0 185 0 174 0 12 0 0 0
CHEO - Ottawa 1979 0 0 40 40 5 1979 44 343 0 6 3 0 0 343 13 343 1 343 117 341 3
Kingston P.H.L. 284 0 7 0 7 0 284 1 255 0 1 1 0 0 255 0 244 0 43 0 0 0
UHN / Mount Sinai Hospital 3171 0 0 33 33 4 3171 55 206 0 2 0 2 0 0 0 182 2 N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A.
P.H.O.L. - Toronto 4515 54 44 3 101 17 4469 33 4139 12 39 13 0 0 4140 23 4034 16 200 0 0 0
Sick Kids Hospital - Toronto 818 16 3 0 19 0 818 81 818 4 27 10 14 0 818 17 818 7 818 279 818 35
Sunnybrook & Women's College HSC 768 16 4 1 21 0 768 7 768 1 3 5 1 0 768 0 768 7 768 97 768 12
Sault Ste. Marie P.H.L. 90 1 0 0 1 0 89 1 89 0 0 0 0 0 89 0 88 0 1 0 0 0
Timmins P.H.L. 83 2 0 0 2 0 81 0 81 0 3 2 0 0 81 0 77 0 7 0 0 0
St. Joseph's - London 771 3 0 5 8 0 771 47 465 1 4 5 7 0 465 18 465 7 389 114 356 2
London P.H.L. 1000 33 0 6 39 1 983 10 857 0 12 1 0 0 857 6 831 2 47 0 0 0
Orillia P.H.L. 238 0 0 0 0 0 238 1 218 0 1 2 0 0 218 1 210 0 10 0 0 0
Thunder Bay P.H.L. 88 2 0 0 2 0 86 0 86 1 0 3 0 0 86 0 82 0 4 0 0 0
Sudbury P.H.L. 197 0 0 0 0 0 196 3 196 1 2 0 0 0 196 2 178 0 23 0 0 0
Hamilton P.H.L. 1008 17 6 4 27 1 996 6 909 1 8 7 0 0 909 5 891 2 33 0 0 0
Peterborough P.H.L. 407 3 1 0 4 0 406 3 384 2 1 0 0 0 384 0 380 0 6 0 0 0
Province of Ontario 15643 150 72 93 315 28 15557 292 9999 23 109 53 24 0 9794 85 9765 44 2704 607 2283 52
Manitoba 3293 120 3 133 256 2 3242 32 1922 0 7 7 10 0 1922 17 980 5 1922 292 1014 6
Regina 3141 501 17 48 566 0 3141 12 5074 0 23 25 20 0 3141 52 3141 10 3141 842 3141 4
Saskatoon 2067 0 0 366 366 0 2067 20 2067 1 3 3 4 0 2067 23 2067 2 2067 188 2067 1
Province of Saskatchewan 5208 501 17 414 932 0 5208 32 7141 1 26 28 24 0 5208 75 5208 12 5208 1030 5208 5
Province of Alberta 12874 1950 46 1140 3136 19 10159 0 10159 9 86 104 96 0 10159 140 10159 79 10159 2129 10159 96
Prairies 21375 2571 66 1687 4324 21 18609 64 19222 10 119 139 130 0 17289 232 16347 96 17289 3451 16381 107
British Columbia 5188 217 58 83 358 5 5188 58 3168 5 26 55 44 0 3168 44 3168 5 2562 815 2562 27
Yukon 94 0 0 1 1 0 94 0 N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A.
Northwest Territories 260 72 0 0 72 0 258 0 258 0 0 10 0 0 258 7 258 1 258 54 258 2
Nunavut 26 6 0 0 6 0 26 0 26 0 0 0 0 0 26 4 25 0 26 9 25 0
Territories 380 78 0 1 79 0 378 0 284 0 0 10 0 0 284 11 283 1 284 63 283 2
CANADA 64823 3033 196 2914 6143 81 61236 1312 42442 69 414 326 249 0 40338 727 39059 176 24692 5300 30267 287

Specimens from YT, NT and NU are sent to reference laboratories in other provinces and reported results reflect specimens identified as originating from YT, NT or NU.

Delays in the reporting of data may cause data to change retrospectively.

Due to reporting delays, the sum of weekly report totals do not add up to cumulative totals.

Number of positive laboratory tests for other respiratory viruses

Figure 1: Number positive laboratory tests for other respiratory viruses by report week, Canada, 2018-19

Figure 1. Text version below.

Figure 1: Number positive laboratory tests for other respiratory viruses by report week, Canada, 2018-19 - Text description
Number positive laboratory tests for other respiratory viruses by report week, Canada, 2018-19
Week ParaInfluenza Adenovirus Human metapneumovirus Enterovirus/Rhinovirus Coronavirus Respiratory syncytial virus
35 35 21 6 196 4 9
36 49 27 3 214 2 7
37 40 32 5 299 2 15
38 41 31 2 440 3 15
39 40 42 6 487 9 12
40 47 42 7 490 8 24
41 49 46 12 446 7 23
42 84 45 6 481 7 32
43 98 50 10 402 10 49
44 86 55 8 287 20 62
45 88 70 14 303 16 108
46 82 62 19 304 26 103
47 84 65 23 279 38 171
48 119 65 27 355 62 287
49 116 74 28 317 73 395

Positive Influenza tests

Figure 2: Positive Influenza Tests (%) in Canada by Region by Week of Report

Figure 2. Text version below.

Figure 2: Positive Influenza Tests (%) in Canada by Region by Week of Report - Text description
Positive Influenza Tests (%) in Canada by Region by Week of Report
Week Week end Can Tests Can A
Can B
Atl Tests Atl A
Atl B
QC Tests QC A
ON Tests ON A
Pr Tests Pr A
Pr B
BC Tests BC A
Terr Tests Terr A
Terr B
35 2018-09-01 1764 0.68 0.00 60 0.00 0.00 471 0.42 0.00 511 0.59 0.00 555 0.90 0.00 155 1.29 0.00 12 0 0
36 2018-09-08 1880 0.80 0.00 101 0.00 0.00 494 0.00 0.00 523 1.91 0.00 587 0.68 0.00 167 0.60 0.00 8 0 0
37 2018-09-15 2235 0.36 0.04 127 0.00 0.00 586 0.00 0.00 555 0.36 0.00 721 0.69 0.14 230 0.43 0.00 16 0 0
38 2018-09-22 2567 0.43 0.12 98 0.00 0.00 669 0.15 0.00 722 0.14 0.42 799 0.38 0.00 262 2.29 0.00 17 0 0
39 2018-09-29 2996 0.57 0.10 145 0.69 0.00 753 0.00 0.00 842 0.00 0.00 954 0.84 0.21 289 2.77 0.35 13 0 0
40 2018-10-06 3384 1.54 0.09 153 0.00 0.00 833 0.36 0.00 902 0.11 0.00 1130 3.63 0.27 359 1.95 0.00 7 0 0
41 2018-10-13 3510 1.54 0.09 180 1.11 0.00 865 0.81 0.23 909 0.66 0.00 1176 2.89 0.09 350 1.43 0.00 30 0 0
42 2018-10-20 4020 2.84 0.05 248 0.40 0.00 966 0.93 0.00 1103 1.63 0.09 1359 5.30 0.00 325 4.31 0.31 19 0 0
43 2018-10-27 4470 5.23 0.09 238 1.26 0.00 1091 1.74 0.09 1183 1.18 0.08 1486 11.91 0.13 449 4.68 0.00 23 0 0
44 2018-11-03 4703 8.42 0.13 322 0.93 0.00 1371 2.33 0.22 1194 1.34 0.17 1481 22.08 0.07 323 5.57 0.00 12 0 0
45 2018-11-10 5665 9.83 0.26 336 0.89 0.30 1562 3.01 0.06 1571 1.72 0.76 1804 26.00 0.06 372 2.42 0.00 20 10 0
46 2018-11-17 5449 13.95 0.17 267 1.50 0.00 1573 4.77 0.19 1298 1.85 0.23 1898 33.46 0.11 393 4.33 0.25 20 25 0
47 2018-11-24 6386 15,24 0,13 307 3,58 0,00 2043 6,71 0,05 1380 2,03 0,29 2248 33,45 0,13 387 9,82 0,00 21 33,33 0
48 2018-12-01 7415 18,07 0,13 312 6,73 0,00 2462 9,99 0,28 1427 4,98 0,07 2622 35,09 0,08 507 10,85 0,00 85 31,76 0
49 2018-12-08 8379 19,10 0,17 458 11,35 0,22 3146 12,33 0,22 1523 6,17 0,07 2555 34,13 0,12 620 25,16 0,32 77 49,35 0

Positive Respiratory synctial virus tests

Figure 3: Positive Respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) Tests (%) in Canada by Region by Week of Report

Figure 3. Text version below.

Figure 3: Positive Respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) Tests (%) in Canada by Region by Week of Report - Text description
Positive Respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) Tests (%) in Canada by Region by Week of Report
Week Week end Can Tests RSV
Atl Tests RSV
QC Tests RSV
ON Tests RSV
Pr Tests RSV
BC Tests RSV
Terr Tests RSV
35 2018-09-01 1743 0.52 57 0 489 1.23 504 0.4 526 0 155 0.65 12 0
36 2018-09-08 1853 0.38 100 0 510 0.78 514 0.58 554 0 167 0 8 0
37 2018-09-15 2232 0.67 127 0 620 0.81 552 1.81 687 0 230 0 16 0
38 2018-09-22 2562 0.59 99 2.02 720 0.56 720 1.11 744 0 262 0.38 17 0
39 2018-09-29 2946 0.41 146 0 770 0.78 838 0.36 890 0.22 289 0.35 13 0
40 2018-10-06 3307 0.73 153 0.65 844 1.42 897 0.56 1047 0.29 359 0.84 7 0
41 2018-10-13 3423 0.67 180 0.56 862 0.81 907 1.1 1094 0.18 350 0.86 30 0
42 2018-10-20 3875 0.83 246 0 964 1.97 1094 0.73 1227 0.33 325 0.31 19 0
43 2018-10-27 4346 1.13 240 1.67 1123 2.58 1178 1.02 1333 0.15 449 0.45 23 0
44 2018-11-03 4472 1.39 322 0.62 1328 2.18 1191 1.93 1297 0.31 323 1.24 11 0
45 2018-11-10 5234 2.06 336 2.38 1430 4.48 1559 1.86 1518 0.26 372 0.81 19 0
46 2018-11-17 4960 2.08 267 3 1427 4.98 1284 1.32 1569 0.25 393 0.76 20 0
47 2018-11-24 5857 2,92 310 1,29 1891 5,5 1378 3,34 1870 0,64 387 1,29 21 0
48 2018-12-01 6776 4,24 314 2,55 2311 8,74 1423 3,65 2136 0,56 507 2,56 85 0
49 2018-12-08 7650 5,16 459 3,05 2859 9,93 1518 4,22 2117 0,71 620 2,9 77 0

Positive Parainfluenza tests

Figure 4: Positive Parainfluenza (PIV) Tests (%) in Canada by Region by Week of Report

Figure 4. Text version below.

Figure 4: Positive Parainfluenza (PIV) Tests (%) in Canada by Region by Week of Report - Text description
Positive Parainfluenza (PIV) Tests (%) in Canada by Region by Week of Report
Week Week End Canada Tests PIV
Atl Tests PIV
QC Tests PIV
ON Tests PIV
Pr Tests PIV
BC Tests PIV
35 2018-09-01 1401 2.5 57 0 382 3.14 332 1.51 507 2.56 111 4.5
36 2018-09-08 1480 3.31 49 0 404 3.22 345 3.19 534 3.18 141 5.67
37 2018-09-15 1677 2.39 64 3.13 432 3.47 341 1.17 659 1.67 165 4.85
38 2018-09-22 1924 2.13 70 1.43 487 2.67 453 1.1 716 1.96 181 3.31
39 2018-09-29 2214 1.81 113 1.77 492 4.07 555 0.72 847 0.83 194 3.61
40 2018-10-06 2444 1.92 82 1.22 492 3.05 635 1.26 987 1.72 241 2.07
41 2018-10-13 2521 1.94 117 0.85 517 2.51 598 1.51 1006 1.59 253 3.56
42 2018-10-20 2798 3 146 2.05 501 4.79 785 2.93 1121 2.14 226 3.98
43 2018-10-27 3081 3.18 113 3.54 544 3.49 852 2.58 1230 2.85 319 4.7
44 2018-11-03 2921 2.94 149 4.03 583 3.6 778 2.44 1189 2.35 214 5.14
45 2018-11-10 3474 2.53 201 3.98 534 2.43 1086 1.75 1403 2.78 237 3.8
46 2018-11-17 5070 1.62 175 4 523 3.06 747 1.47 3392 1.21 219 3.2
47 2018-11-24 3558 2,36 156 9,62 553 1,45 901 2,22 1748 1,95 183 3,83
48 2018-12-01 3930 3,03 209 4,31 672 1,93 806 2,73 1963 3,16 215 5,12
49 2018-12-08 3949 2,94 157 8,28 795 3,02 785 3,44 1920 2,08 223 4,04

Positive Adenovirus tests

Figure 5: Positive Adenovirus (adeno) Tests (%) in Canada by Region by Week of Report

Figure 5. Text version below.

Figure 5: Positive Adenovirus (adeno) Tests (%) in Canada by Region by Week of Report - Text description
Positive Adenovirus (adeno) Tests (%) in Canada by Region by Week of Report
Week Week End Can Tests Adeno
Atl Tests Adeno
QC Tests Adeno
ON Tests Adeno
Pr Tests Adeno
BC Tests Adeno
35 2018-09-01 1394 1.51 57 3.51 384 2.86 323 0 507 1.38 111 0
36 2018-09-08 1471 1.84 49 2.04 404 1.73 336 1.19 534 1.87 141 2.13
37 2018-09-15 1666 1.92 64 6.25 434 1.38 328 1.22 659 1.67 165 3.03
38 2018-09-22 1910 1.62 65 7.69 489 1.02 442 1.36 716 1.54 181 2.21
39 2018-09-29 2200 1.91 113 0.88 493 3.04 540 0.93 847 2.13 194 1.55
40 2018-10-06 2426 1.73 82 2.44 492 3.05 617 1.3 987 1.62 241 0
41 2018-10-13 2511 1.83 117 3.42 516 3.88 589 0.68 1006 1.29 253 1.19
42 2018-10-20 2789 1.61 146 2.74 502 2.79 775 0.77 1121 1.52 226 1.77
43 2018-10-27 3065 1.63 113 2.65 550 3.82 830 0.48 1230 1.63 319 0
44 2018-11-03 2910 1.89 149 3.36 586 3.41 764 0.92 1189 1.43 214 2.34
45 2018-11-10 3459 2.02 201 5.47 540 5.56 1065 0.66 1403 1.35 237 1.27
46 2018-11-17 3123 1.99 175 2.29 524 6.3 732 0.82 1459 1.1 219 1.37
47 2018-11-24 3547 1,83 156 5,77 557 3,77 886 0,9 1748 1,43 183 1,09
48 2018-12-01 3924 1,66 209 3,35 675 4,59 797 1,13 1963 0,76 215 0,93
49 2018-12-08 3943 1,88 157 7,01 804 4,1 770 0,91 1920 0,89 223 2,24

Positive Human metapneumovirus tests

Figure 6: Positive human metapneumovirus (hMPV) Tests (%) in Canada by Region by Week of Report

Figure 6. Text version below.

Figure 6: Positive human metapneumovirus (hMPV) Tests (%) in Canada by Region by Week of Report - Text description
Positive human metapneumovirus (hMPV) Tests (%) in Canada by Region by Week of Report
Week Week End Can Tests hMPV
Atl Tests hMPV
QC Tests hMPV
ON Tests hMPV
Pr Tests hMPV
BC Tests hMPV
35 2018-09-01 1335 0.45 57 0.00 368 0.54 322 0.62 466 0.43 111 0
36 2018-09-08 1383 0.22 49 0.00 393 0.51 335 0 458 0.22 141 0
37 2018-09-15 1598 0.31 64 0.00 416 0.24 336 0 601 0.5 165 0.61
38 2018-09-22 1837 0.11 65 0.00 470 0.21 434 0 670 0 181 0.55
39 2018-09-29 2097 0.29 113 0.00 474 0 538 0 765 0.65 194 0.52
40 2018-10-06 2312 0.3 82 0.00 467 0.43 620 0.16 895 0.45 241 0
41 2018-10-13 2392 0.5 117 0.85 499 0.2 589 0.85 904 0.55 253 0
42 2018-10-20 2690 0.22 146 0.00 481 0 769 0.13 1049 0.48 226 0
43 2018-10-27 2946 0.34 113 0.00 523 0 837 0.36 1131 0.53 319 0
44 2018-11-03 2841 0.28 149 0.00 560 0.18 757 0.53 1153 0.26 214 0
45 2018-11-10 3375 0.41 201 0.00 524 0.38 1078 0.46 1322 0.53 237 0
46 2018-11-17 3074 0.62 175 0.00 507 0.39 734 0.54 1425 0.77 219 0.91
47 2018-11-24 3475 0,66 156 0,00 538 0,19 872 0,34 1709 1,11 183 0
48 2018-12-01 3820 0,71 209 1,44 650 0,15 777 1,42 1904 0,63 215 0
49 2018-12-08 3884 0,72 157 0,00 773 1,29 767 0,65 1895 0,69 223 0

Positive Enterovirus/Rhinovirus tests

Figure 7: Positive Enterovirus/Rhinovirus (entero/rhino) Tests (%) in Canada by Region by Week of Report

Figure 7. Text version below.

Figure 7: Positive Enterovirus/Rhinovirus (entero/rhino) Tests (%) in Canada by Region by Week of Report - Text description
Positive Enterovirus/Rhinovirus (entero/rhino) Tests (%) in Canada by Region by Week of Report
Week Week End Canada Tests Entero/rhino
Atl Tests Entero/rhino
QC Tests Entero/rhino
ON Tests Entero/rhino
Pr Tests Entero/rhino
BC Tests Entero/rhino
35 2018-09-01 771 25.42 57 19.3 N.A. N.A. 99 16.16 507 29.19 96 17.71
36 2018-09-08 837 25.57 49 18.37 N.A. N.A. 125 21.6 534 27.53 122 22.95
37 2018-09-15 963 31.05 64 21.88 N.A. N.A. 81 32.1 659 32.02 143 27.97
38 2018-09-22 1112 39.57 65 24.62 N.A. N.A. 161 34.78 716 41.48 153 41.83
39 2018-09-29 1303 37.38 113 32.74 N.A. N.A. 180 36.11 847 38.37 150 38.67
40 2018-10-06 1475 33.22 82 32.93 N.A. N.A. 198 36.36 987 30.9 201 42.29
41 2018-10-13 1496 29.81 117 37.61 N.A. N.A. 141 24.82 1006 27.93 202 39.11
42 2018-10-20 1679 28.65 146 30.14 N.A. N.A. 206 27.18 1121 26.67 187 41.18
43 2018-10-27 1855 21.67 113 19.47 N.A. N.A. 225 26.67 1230 18.7 264 30.68
44 2018-11-03 1713 16.75 149 18.12 N.A. N.A. 206 17.48 1189 14.8 161 28.57
45 2018-11-10 1998 15.17 201 14.93 N.A. N.A. 198 13.64 1403 14.18 183 24.59
46 2018-11-17 1990 15.28 175 9.71 N.A. N.A. 168 19.64 1459 13.23 174 32.76
47 2018-11-24 2296 12,15 156 14,74 N.A. N.A. 227 15,86 1748 10,76 148 20,95
48 2018-12-01 2670 13,3 209 11 N.A. N.A. 272 15,44 1963 11,46 161 32,3
49 2018-12-08 2534 12,51 157 12,74 N.A. N.A. 217 9,22 1920 11,82 171 25,15

Positive Coronovirus tests

Figure 8: Positive Coronavirus (coron) Tests (%) in Canada by Region by Week of Report

Figure 8. Text version below.

Figure 8: Positive Coronavirus (coron) Tests (%) in Canada by Region by Week of Report - Text description
Positive Coronavirus (coron) Tests (%) in Canada by Region by Week of Report
Week Week End Canada Tests Coron
Atl Tests Coron
QC Tests Coron
ON Tests Coron
Pr Tests Coron
BC Tests Coron
35 2018-09-01 1058 0.38 35 0 368 0.54 82 0 466 0.43 96 0
36 2018-09-08 1149 0.17 30 0 393 0 105 0 492 0.41 122 0
37 2018-09-15 1277 0.16 36 2.78 416 0 65 0 601 0 143 0
38 2018-09-22 1477 0.2 37 0 470 0 130 0.77 670 0.3 153 0
39 2018-09-29 1616 0.56 60 0 474 0 154 2.6 765 0.13 150 2.67
40 2018-10-06 1786 0.45 46 0 467 1.07 170 1.76 895 0 201 0
41 2018-10-13 1841 0.38 79 0 500 0.6 126 1.59 904 0.22 202 0
42 2018-10-20 2005 0.35 93 0 480 0.21 177 0.56 1049 0 187 2.67
43 2018-10-27 2193 0.46 63 0 523 0.38 189 0.53 1131 0.35 264 0.76
44 2018-11-03 2132 0.94 82 0 560 0.89 168 1.79 1153 0.87 161 1.24
45 2018-11-10 2325 0.69 131 0 524 1.15 152 1.97 1322 0.45 183 0.55
46 2018-11-17 2383 1.09 116 0 507 2.17 147 1.36 1425 0.84 174 0.57
47 2018-11-24 2708 1,4 94 0 537 2,98 203 1,97 1709 0,94 148 1,35
48 2018-12-01 3137 1,98 139 0 650 3,23 218 5,05 1904 1,31 161 3,11
49 2018-12-08 3180 2,3 76 0 772 3,37 197 8,63 1895 1,32 171 2,92

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