Respiratory Virus Report, Week 23 - ending June 8, 2024

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Organization: Public Health Agency of Canada

Please note that the Respiratory Virus Detection Surveillance System (RVDSS) is a sentinel laboratory surveillance system that does not capture all respiratory virus testing performed in Canada; differences may exist between the data presented in this report and provincial/territorial epidemiological reports. SARS-CoV-2 laboratory data is included in this report to facilitate the comparison of positivity with other respiratory viruses. Interpretation should be made with caution as testing practices differ among viruses.

For additional SARS-CoV-2 surveillance information, please refer to the COVID-19 epidemiology update.

Overall summary

In week 23 (week ending June 8, 2024) in Canada, percent positivity is currently highest for enterovirus/rhinovirus (11.8% positive) and SARS-CoV-2 (9.7% positive) among respiratory viruses under surveillance. The following results were reported from RVDSS laboratories:

  • National SARS-CoV-2 percent positivity continues to increase (2,188 detections; 9.7% positive). Trends currently vary by region.
  • Influenza percent positivity remains at interseasonal levels (202 detections; 1.1% positive).
  • RSV percent positivity is stable (68 detections; 0.4% positive).
  • Percent positivity of all other non-SARS-CoV-2 respiratory viruses is near expected levels typical of this time of year.
  • 34/35 sentinel laboratories reported surveillance data

On this page

Atlantic Canada
British Columbia
Eastern Ontario Regional Laboratory Association
Flu A(H1)pdm09
Influenza A(H1N1)pdm09
Flu A(H3)
Influenza A(H3N2)
Flu A(UnS)
Influenza A(Unsubtyped)
Human coronavirus 229E/OC43/NL63/HKU1
Human metapneumovirus
Human parainfluenza virus
Health Sciences Centre
Data not collected
Data not reported for current week
Public Health Ontario Laboratory
Respiratory syncytial virus
Respiratory Virus Detection Surveillance System
Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2
Territories of Canada
University Health Network

Respiratory virus detections

Table 1: Respiratory virus detections for the week ending June 8, 2024 (surveillance week 2024-23)
Reporting Laboratory SARS-CoV-2 Tested SARS-CoV-2 Positive Flu Tested A(H1)pdm09 Positive A(H3) Positive A(UnS) Positive Total Flu A Positive Total Flu B Positive RSV Tested RSV Positive HPIV Tested HPIV 1 Positive HPIV 2 Positive HPIV 3 Positive HPIV 4 Positive Other HPIV Positive ADV Tested ADV Positive HMPV Tested HMPV Positive EV/RV Tested EV/RV Positive HCoV Tested HCoV Positive
Newfoundland 669 95 581 0 0 2 2 2 581 3 581 1 1 30 1 0 581 2 581 9 581 85 581 9
Prince Edward Island 104 14 47 0 0 0 0 0 47 0 9 0 0 1 0 0 9 0 9 0 9 3 9 0
Nova Scotia 1030 118 958 0 0 7 7 4 810 1 37 0 0 8 0 0 37 0 37 0 37 2 37 0
New Brunswick 762 39 589 0 0 0 0 5 589 1 102 0 1 19 1 0 102 6 102 3 102 23 102 0
Atlantic 2565 266 2175 0 0 9 9 11 2027 5 729 1 2 58 2 0 729 8 729 12 729 113 729 9
Région Nord-Est 868 77 871 0 0 2 2 8 514 4 123 0 0 14 0 0 123 10 119 3 N.C. N.C. 123 1
Québec-Chaudière-Appalaches 1163 134 1061 0 0 3 3 4 1034 7 434 0 0 9 1 0 438 13 434 17 N.C. N.C. 326 7
Centre-du-Québec 1360 122 1210 0 0 4 4 3 592 11 43 0 0 3 0 0 43 1 43 1 N.C. N.C. 43 2
Montréal-Laval 1114 88 1079 0 0 9 9 7 909 6 744 0 5 37 0 0 744 14 744 26 N.C. N.C. 744 8
Ouest du Québec 763 52 475 0 0 0 0 2 475 4 18 0 0 1 0 0 18 1 18 1 N.C. N.C. 18 1
Montérégie 657 41 900 0 0 3 3 5 900 9 7 0 0 1 0 0 7 0 7 0 N.C. N.C. 7 0
Province of Québec 5925 514 5596 0 0 21 21 29 4424 41 1369 0 5 65 1 0 1373 39 1365 48 N.C. N.C. 1261 19
P.H.O.L. - Ottawa 97 16 98 0 0 0 0 0 98 0 79 0 0 0 0 10 79 0 79 4 79 6 79 0
EORLA 746 42 365 0 0 2 2 0 365 3 39 0 0 1 0 0 39 0 39 2 39 7 39 0
P.H.O.L. - Kingston 129 27 101 0 0 0 0 0 95 0 69 0 0 0 0 5 69 0 69 4 69 12 69 1
UHN / Mount Sinai Hospital 894 34 587 1 0 1 2 1 587 2 89 0 0 3 1 0 89 0 89 1 89 5 89 5
P.H.O.L. - Toronto 252 52 606 1 2 0 1 0 603 0 586 0 0 0 0 61 586 6 586 23 586 72 586 15
Sick Kids Hospital - Toronto N.R. N.R. N.R. N.R. N.R. N.R. N.R. N.R. N.R. N.R. N.R. N.R. N.R. N.R. N.R. N.R. N.R. N.R. N.R. N.R. N.R. N.R. N.R. N.R.
Shared Hospital Laboratory 1102 59 859 3 0 1 4 3 861 0 857 0 0 0 0 5 857 6 856 9 856 50 855 5
P.H.O.L. - Sault Ste. Marie 10 0 11 0 0 0 0 0 11 0 8 0 0 0 0 4 8 0 8 0 8 0 8 0
P.H.O.L. - Timmins 26 4 25 0 0 1 1 0 25 0 21 0 0 0 0 0 21 1 21 3 21 2 21 0
St. Joseph's - London 338 20 124 0 0 0 0 0 124 1 59 0 0 0 0 4 59 1 59 2 59 14 59 1
P.H.O.L. - London 227 43 204 0 0 0 0 0 204 0 186 0 0 0 0 22 186 3 186 5 186 31 186 0
P.H.O.L. - Orillia 3 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 2 0 2 0 2 0
P.H.O.L. - Thunder Bay 25 5 25 0 0 0 0 0 23 0 21 0 0 0 0 4 21 0 21 0 21 2 21 0
P.H.O.L. - Sudbury 6 0 9 0 0 0 0 0 9 0 7 0 0 0 0 1 7 0 7 0 7 0 7 0
P.H.O.L. - Hamilton 26 6 35 0 0 0 0 0 27 0 24 0 0 0 0 0 24 0 24 0 24 2 24 0
P.H.O.L. - Peterborough 55 1 94 0 0 1 1 0 92 1 59 0 0 0 0 2 59 4 59 1 59 9 59 0
St. Joseph's - Hamilton 1389 62 1304 0 0 4 4 5 1304 3 1304 0 0 42 0 0 1304 5 1304 14 1304 101 0 0
Sault Area Hospital 62 4 54 1 0 0 1 0 54 0 48 2 0 1 0 0 48 0 48 0 48 5 48 1
Province of Ontario 5387 375 4503 6 2 10 16 9 4484 10 3458 2 0 47 1 118 3458 26 3457 68 3457 318 2152 28
Manitoba 977 87 837 0 0 2 2 5 837 1 72 0 0 10 1 0 72 4 89 2 72 25 89 3
Saskatchewan 1144 87 825 0 0 7 7 10 715 5 313 0 0 24 0 0 313 4 313 2 313 37 313 5
Alberta 3397 410 1057 2 3 3 9 16 908 3 897 4 1 33 0 0 897 10 830 1 884 107 897 14
Prairies 5518 584 2719 2 3 12 18 31 2460 9 1282 4 1 67 1 0 1282 18 1232 5 1269 169 1299 22
British Columbia 2901 430 2698 8 4 0 39 13 2698 3 683 3 0 64 3 0 683 15 683 14 662 116 662 9
Yukon 36 7 21 0 0 0 0 1 21 0 N.C. N.C. N.C. N.C. N.C. N.C. N.C. N.C. N.C. N.C. N.C. N.C. N.C. N.C.
Northwest Territories 16 0 16 0 0 0 0 0 16 0 N.C. N.C. N.C. N.C. N.C. N.C. 16 0 16 0 16 8 N.C. N.C.
Nunavut 170 12 139 0 0 0 0 5 139 0 N.C. N.C. N.C. N.C. N.C. N.C. N.C. N.C. N.C. N.C. N.C. N.C. N.C. N.C.
Territories 222 19 176 0 0 0 0 6 176 0 N.C. N.C. N.C. N.C. N.C. N.C. 16 0 16 0 16 8 N.C. N.C.
CANADA 22518 2188 17867 16 9 52 103 99 16269 68 7521 10 8 301 8 118 7541 106 7482 147 6133 724 6103 87

The data in the RVDSS report represent surveillance data available at the time of writing. Data missing from the current week are denoted by N.R. Data not collected by reporting lab denoted by N.C.

Some specimens from Yukon (YT) are sent to reference laboratories in British Columbia and reported results reflect specimens identified as originating from YT.

Results from British Columbia comprise of specimens from the following sites: Children's and Women's Hospital Laboratory, Fraser Health Medical Microbiology Laboratory, Island Health, Providence Health Care, Vancouver Coastal Health sites, Victoria General Hospital, BCCDC Public Health Laboratory, Interior Health Authority sites and Northern Health Authority sites.

Due to different testing protocols of laboratories across Canada, influenza A subtype detection counts may not be included in total influenza A detection counts. Total influenza A and B positive counts are used to calculate percentage of tests positive.

Delays in the reporting of data may cause data to change retrospectively.

Table 2: Cumulative respiratory virus detections from August 27, 2023 to June 8, 2024 (surveillance weeks 2023-35 to 2024-23)
Reporting Laboratory SARS-CoV-2 Tested SARS-CoV-2 Positive Flu Tested A(H1)pdm09 Positive A(H3) Positive A(UnS) Positive Total Flu A Positive Total Flu B Positive RSV Tested RSV Positive HPIV Tested HPIV 1 Positive HPIV 2 Positive HPIV 3 Positive HPIV 4 Positive Other HPIV Positive ADV Tested ADV Positive HMPV Tested HMPV Positive EV/RV Tested EV/RV Positive HCoV Tested HCoV Positive
Newfoundland 25911 3589 19630 0 0 1363 1363 187 19630 1063 19630 31 95 432 116 0 19630 324 19630 529 19630 1844 19630 574
Prince Edward Island 8528 846 5734 0 0 542 542 239 5734 376 674 4 1 43 9 0 673 44 663 30 674 188 658 35
Nova Scotia 56416 9244 42399 0 0 2925 2925 690 34977 1495 1392 16 3 22 10 0 1392 47 1385 21 1392 257 1391 34
New Brunswick 42456 4186 40274 925 29 1907 2861 1058 39870 1934 3839 11 8 136 35 0 3839 135 3839 120 3839 763 3839 153
Atlantic 133311 17865 108037 925 29 6737 7691 2174 100211 4868 25535 62 107 633 170 0 25534 550 25517 700 25535 3052 25518 796
Région Nord-Est 64093 7547 59566 5 0 4747 4752 1716 25031 1570 3381 17 12 109 19 0 3381 141 3293 152 N.C. N.C. 3381 152
Québec-Chaudière-Appalaches 74241 10187 55956 0 0 5627 5627 2103 53647 3002 21943 22 9 134 16 0 22585 653 21942 825 N.C. N.C. 17915 651
Centre-du-Québec 92014 13047 52571 0 0 4647 4647 1445 29352 1763 1428 15 8 44 7 0 1427 69 1428 63 N.C. N.C. 1462 56
Montréal-Laval 107180 14444 97082 5 2 6813 6820 1396 61884 3118 34029 98 52 690 28 0 34029 680 34115 987 N.C. N.C. 34029 1140
Ouest du Québec 59328 10331 27404 4 0 2149 2153 527 27146 1159 797 11 4 38 7 0 797 65 797 38 N.C. N.C. 797 30
Montérégie 58877 8430 51859 0 0 3297 3297 599 50765 2015 273 1 0 4 2 0 273 8 273 5 N.C. N.C. 273 3
Province of Québec 455733 63986 344438 14 2 27280 27296 7786 247825 12627 61851 164 85 1019 79 0 62492 1616 61848 2070 N.C. N.C. 57857 2032
P.H.O.L. - Ottawa 12378 4086 8879 301 56 199 430 51 8873 158 5425 0 0 0 0 205 5425 14 5423 181 5425 481 5423 329
EORLA 46389 4798 22680 0 0 1641 1641 494 22680 1164 1600 3 5 42 5 0 1575 16 1600 44 1600 289 1600 51
P.H.O.L. - Kingston 8758 2386 5177 151 20 97 229 8 5165 168 3533 0 0 0 0 119 3533 12 3533 72 3533 392 3533 180
UHN / Mount Sinai Hospital 42411 3381 27232 42 10 584 636 97 27232 243 2172 0 0 40 3 0 2172 3 2172 28 2172 104 2172 67
P.H.O.L. - Toronto 21476 5956 41867 1230 945 368 1869 281 41842 1059 38627 0 0 0 0 1863 38636 463 38610 1168 38627 3691 38610 2061
Sick Kids Hospital - Toronto 4725 328 4330 106 102 20 228 88 4330 314 4330 16 12 121 22 0 4330 117 4330 137 4330 876 4330 142
Shared Hospital Laboratory 66919 5044 55339 886 544 298 1728 499 55348 1354 55080 0 0 0 0 428 49426 396 55177 402 55195 1872 55198 583
P.H.O.L. - Sault Ste. Marie 643 281 797 55 3 17 69 3 795 46 527 0 0 0 0 24 527 2 527 1 527 31 527 48
P.H.O.L. - Timmins 1358 347 1447 67 11 39 105 16 1440 68 1157 0 0 0 0 52 1157 9 1157 33 1157 79 1157 59
St. Joseph's - London 32533 3667 18516 0 0 1003 1003 278 18502 742 2679 0 0 0 0 67 2698 48 2698 68 2700 315 2698 84
P.H.O.L. - London 16857 4474 13059 504 149 172 631 124 13055 481 10648 0 0 0 0 480 10648 53 10643 286 10648 932 10643 456
P.H.O.L. - Orillia 682 174 1327 73 17 11 101 1 1323 74 1251 0 0 0 0 34 1251 16 1251 24 1251 147 1251 27
P.H.O.L. - Thunder Bay 2208 598 1481 64 4 10 48 15 1462 35 1227 0 0 0 0 39 1227 8 1227 37 1227 79 1227 36
P.H.O.L. - Sudbury 856 243 1047 45 1 23 69 2 1043 26 760 0 0 0 0 41 761 2 760 18 760 65 760 70
P.H.O.L. - Hamilton 7342 2143 6272 167 76 99 265 43 6253 172 4777 0 0 0 0 161 4777 98 4776 139 4777 628 4776 223
P.H.O.L. - Peterborough 2880 744 3109 214 206 76 162 38 3096 227 2318 0 0 0 0 124 2318 48 2318 70 2318 361 2318 77
St. Joseph's - Hamilton 73710 6308 66465 0 0 3318 3318 999 66465 1817 66465 0 0 1055 0 0 66465 414 66465 1066 66465 3981 0 0
Sault Area Hospital 6893 937 4855 185 26 56 267 25 4848 205 3879 31 1 61 17 0 3830 44 3830 91 3830 337 3840 79
Province of Ontario 349018 45895 283879 4090 2170 8031 12799 3062 283752 8353 206455 50 18 1319 47 3637 200756 1763 206497 3865 206542 14660 140063 4572
Manitoba 61842 8109 46844 147 16 1929 2092 763 46844 1425 3795 6 11 97 46 0 3795 141 4623 176 3795 685 4623 159
Saskatchewan 77488 7997 54665 150 29 5443 5622 2267 48458 1774 18151 38 9 402 31 0 18151 320 18151 848 18151 1838 18151 560
Alberta 208230 22569 184211 11896 907 597 13470 4923 172444 6421 51869 181 100 1213 5 0 51856 563 49579 51 51047 4817 51868 1491
Prairies 347560 38675 285720 12193 952 7969 21184 7953 267746 9620 73815 225 120 1712 82 0 73802 1024 72353 1075 72993 7340 74642 2210
British Columbia 148982 19244 151930 4255 935 283 9360 1652 148498 6096 36494 135 203 913 229 0 36496 1079 36381 1451 35141 5312 35118 1072
Yukon 2060 199 1360 37 17 0 66 33 1351 48 N.C. N.C. N.C. N.C. N.C. N.C. N.C. N.C. N.C. N.C. N.C. N.C. N.C. N.C.
Northwest Territories 1394 82 1331 167 7 1 175 67 1331 176 N.C. N.C. N.C. N.C. N.C. N.C. 1132 47 1132 12 1332 178 N.C. N.C.
Nunavut 5977 502 4505 433 34 53 520 265 4505 566 N.C. N.C. N.C. N.C. N.C. N.C. N.C. N.C. N.C. N.C. N.C. N.C. N.C. N.C.
Territories 9431 783 7196 637 58 54 761 365 7187 790 N.C. N.C. N.C. N.C. N.C. N.C. 1132 47 1132 12 1332 178 N.C. N.C.
CANADA 1444035 186448 1181200 22114 4146 50354 79091 22992 1055219 42354 404150 636 533 5596 607 3637 400212 6079 403728 9173 341543 30542 333198 10682

The data in the RVDSS report represent surveillance data available at the time of writing. Data not collected by reporting lab denoted by N.C.

Some specimens from Yukon (YT) are sent to reference laboratories in British Columbia and reported results reflect specimens identified as originating from YT.

Results from British Columbia comprise of specimens from the following sites: Children's and Women's Hospital Laboratory, Fraser Health Medical Microbiology Laboratory, Island Health, Providence Health Care, Vancouver Coastal Health sites, Victoria General Hospital, BCCDC Public Health Laboratory, Interior Health Authority sites and Northern Health Authority sites.

Due to different testing protocols of laboratories across Canada, influenza A subtype detection counts may not be included in total influenza A detection counts. Total influenza A and B positive counts are used to calculate percentage of tests positive.

Delays in the reporting of data may cause data to change retrospectively. Due to these delays, the sum of weekly report totals do not add up to cumulative totals.

Positive respiratory virus tests historical comparison

Figure 1: Positive severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2), influenza, and respiratory syncytial virus tests (%) reported by participating laboratories in Canada by surveillance week compared to average and range from 2014-2015 to 2019-2020 season
Figure 1

Shaded area represents the maximum and minimum % of respiratory virus tests positive reported by week from seasons 2014-2015 to 2019-2020

Note: Changes to testing practices during the COVID-19 pandemic may cause substantial changes to indicator estimates from previous years. Collection of laboratory testing practice meta-data to understand these changes is ongoing. Interpret trends with caution.

Note: SARS-CoV-2 surveillance was integrated into RVDSS at the beginning of the 2022-2023 season; no prior data is available for historical comparison.

Note: Data from week 11 of the 2019-2020 season onwards are excluded from the historical comparison due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

Figure 1: Positive severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2), influenza, and respiratory syncytial virus tests (%) reported by participating laboratories in Canada by surveillance week compared to average and range from 2014-2015 to 2019-2020 season
Week Week end 2023-2024 SARS-CoV-2% 2022-2023 SARS-CoV-2% 2023-2024 A% 2022-2023 A% 2021-2022 A% Max A% Base Min A% Base Av A% Base 2023-2024 B% 2022-2023 B% 2021-2022 B% Max B% Base Min B% Base Av B% Base 2023-2024 RSV% 2022-2023 RSV% 2021-2022 RSV% Max RSV% Base Min RSV% Base Av RSV% Base
35 2023-09-02 14.40 13.40 0.69 0.18 0.04 1.60 0.11 0.67 0.06 0.02 0.00 0.28 0.00 0.14 0.58 1.12 4.43 1.34 0.38 0.61
36 2023-09-09 15.92 13.07 0.43 0.14 0.01 2.11 0.23 0.99 0.06 0.04 0.00 0.55 0.00 0.15 0.71 1.12 6.61 1.09 0.22 0.62
37 2023-09-16 16.49 12.74 0.48 0.23 0.03 1.59 0.35 0.87 0.03 0.01 0.00 0.19 0.04 0.12 0.82 1.06 7.59 1.37 0.38 0.65
38 2023-09-23 18.60 13.62 0.51 0.48 0.00 2.15 0.43 1.17 0.02 0.02 0.00 0.21 0.00 0.14 1.15 1.47 7.16 1.24 0.37 0.67
39 2023-09-30 19.59 14.44 0.51 0.67 0.01 2.65 0.50 1.52 0.09 0.03 0.00 0.29 0.09 0.18 1.14 2.14 8.48 1.29 0.51 0.72
40 2023-10-07 19.81 15.06 0.64 0.96 0.00 2.17 1.01 1.58 0.05 0.03 0.02 0.20 0.05 0.11 1.35 2.54 8.53 1.39 0.34 0.71
41 2023-10-14 17.55 16.59 0.49 1.42 0.03 2.66 1.05 1.56 0.03 0.01 0.03 0.36 0.03 0.16 1.80 3.65 9.54 1.74 0.58 1.03
42 2023-10-21 17.78 15.39 0.73 2.36 0.03 2.96 0.77 1.92 0.08 0.05 0.02 0.45 0.05 0.25 2.38 4.63 8.18 2.11 0.63 1.25
43 2023-10-28 17.89 15.78 1.16 5.47 0.03 5.19 0.68 2.59 0.10 0.03 0.02 0.55 0.06 0.23 3.25 6.76 8.11 2.16 0.55 1.41
44 2023-11-04 17.74 13.91 2.63 10.75 0.10 8.32 1.08 3.35 0.10 0.03 0.10 0.71 0.12 0.31 4.07 7.77 7.82 3.35 0.83 2.07
45 2023-11-11 18.17 12.43 4.93 16.19 0.07 9.83 1.18 4.19 0.14 0.04 0.06 0.97 0.22 0.44 5.12 7.68 7.03 4.43 1.29 2.71
46 2023-11-18 18.80 11.96 7.24 20.23 0.10 13.89 1.42 5.43 0.16 0.05 0.06 1.49 0.09 0.57 5.85 7.54 7.18 6.33 1.38 3.60
47 2023-11-25 19.31 11.76 8.81 24.27 0.13 15.25 1.25 6.91 0.12 0.04 0.07 2.13 0.13 0.80 6.81 6.66 8.10 8.69 1.79 4.79
48 2023-12-02 18.03 12.12 11.62 24.04 0.19 18.07 0.76 9.40 0.26 0.03 0.15 3.18 0.08 1.20 6.99 6.87 8.92 9.47 3.11 6.08
49 2023-12-09 17.53 12.61 14.74 21.12 0.23 19.13 1.43 11.34 0.29 0.06 0.05 4.21 0.19 1.60 7.38 7.29 10.09 12.26 5.40 7.54
50 2023-12-16 17.78 13.10 15.32 17.31 0.23 26.42 1.97 13.93 0.36 0.06 0.02 7.50 0.15 2.48 7.26 8.61 10.78 13.19 6.42 8.55
51 2023-12-23 16.81 14.09 16.78 12.50 0.18 28.53 2.27 16.69 0.45 0.05 0.02 10.44 0.19 3.30 7.29 9.16 8.97 15.23 7.40 9.92
52 2023-12-30 15.35 15.53 18.18 7.93 0.09 33.97 3.30 20.32 0.52 0.07 0.01 12.58 0.23 4.04 7.41 10.59 6.72 17.80 7.89 10.97
1 2024-01-06 14.51 15.03 14.49 4.54 0.08 30.93 4.58 19.59 0.60 0.07 0.00 10.34 0.22 3.87 7.10 10.34 5.26 15.62 8.37 10.84
2 2024-01-13 13.03 13.38 11.16 2.21 0.11 26.80 5.46 19.11 0.56 0.05 0.01 11.01 0.29 3.91 6.26 9.07 4.32 14.05 7.45 10.24
3 2024-01-20 11.35 12.21 10.27 1.40 0.04 28.20 9.13 18.95 0.79 0.14 0.01 12.75 0.35 4.70 6.13 8.43 3.42 15.56 7.90 10.95
4 2024-01-27 10.19 11.30 11.10 0.91 0.05 27.01 12.34 18.82 1.08 0.14 0.00 12.74 0.41 5.17 5.85 7.96 2.33 15.88 8.38 11.89
5 2024-02-03 9.34 11.51 11.28 0.76 0.03 23.66 15.78 19.15 1.48 0.28 0.01 14.84 0.41 5.77 5.91 7.15 2.19 16.33 8.77 12.14
6 2024-02-10 8.79 11.88 10.37 0.67 0.04 23.36 15.68 18.80 1.74 0.34 0.01 16.23 0.44 6.22 5.21 5.78 2.10 15.79 7.98 12.32
7 2024-02-17 8.12 11.79 9.43 0.57 0.02 24.22 15.48 18.53 2.18 0.29 0.00 17.02 0.35 6.56 4.49 5.13 2.16 15.53 8.42 11.89
8 2024-02-24 7.49 11.73 8.01 0.57 0.06 28.62 12.42 18.57 3.17 0.49 0.02 16.79 0.45 6.61 4.78 4.53 2.12 15.47 8.04 11.28
9 2024-03-02 7.03 11.18 6.72 0.63 0.12 29.30 11.04 18.13 4.03 0.70 0.00 15.45 0.74 6.25 3.79 3.70 2.50 15.62 7.59 10.52
10 2024-03-09 6.24 11.41 5.55 0.63 0.16 29.65 8.51 16.84 5.12 0.77 0.00 14.86 0.81 6.42 3.64 2.80 3.10 14.97 6.92 9.92
11 2024-03-16 6.13 11.58 4.36 0.52 0.26 24.27 6.74 14.55 5.42 1.15 0.01 13.11 1.05 6.86 3.18 2.18 3.71 12.11 6.29 9.33
12 2024-03-23 5.17 11.28 3.30 0.59 0.86 20.91 5.51 12.68 5.82 1.29 0.00 11.53 1.51 7.43 2.49 1.98 3.79 10.70 6.46 8.59
13 2024-03-30 4.85 10.85 2.71 0.64 1.52 18.09 4.67 11.66 6.60 1.72 0.00 12.55 1.98 7.90 2.32 1.63 4.00 9.32 6.45 8.11
14 2024-04-06 4.72 10.91 2.28 0.38 2.48 24.10 3.21 11.23 6.76 1.84 0.01 13.12 2.14 7.89 2.08 1.33 4.05 8.09 6.06 6.91
15 2024-04-13 4.91 11.37 1.80 0.59 3.84 17.75 2.18 8.72 6.02 1.92 0.02 12.22 2.00 7.55 1.79 1.40 3.46 7.73 5.34 6.34
16 2024-04-20 4.81 10.93 1.35 0.52 6.98 13.67 2.13 6.80 4.97 1.86 0.01 11.94 2.56 7.68 1.68 1.31 2.97 6.64 4.40 5.65
17 2024-04-27 5.53 10.09 1.15 0.48 9.67 11.31 1.28 5.34 4.71 1.90 0.01 12.18 2.94 7.49 1.47 1.14 2.84 5.79 3.89 4.80
18 2024-05-04 6.48 9.85 1.14 0.50 11.28 8.04 0.89 3.95 4.18 1.82 0.01 10.20 2.65 6.31 1.27 0.87 2.34 4.86 2.84 3.85
19 2024-05-11 7.43 9.60 0.92 0.67 12.58 8.22 0.90 3.25 3.28 1.47 0.05 9.33 2.12 5.71 1.07 0.74 2.40 4.61 2.44 3.31
20 2024-05-18 8.17 9.32 0.66 0.78 10.28 6.42 0.56 2.33 2.40 1.29 0.07 7.59 1.12 4.89 0.99 0.65 2.52 4.46 1.88 2.84
21 2024-05-25 7.88 9.22 0.50 0.51 9.73 4.40 0.12 1.67 1.46 1.13 0.04 5.43 0.91 3.93 0.82 0.41 2.25 4.10 1.23 2.26
22 2024-06-01 8.50 8.45 1.13 0.53 8.38 2.96 0.29 1.34 0.90 1.02 0.06 3.51 0.53 2.51 0.65 0.55 2.40 3.72 0.86 1.81
23 2024-06-08 9.72 7.44 0.58 0.64 6.88 2.55 0.56 1.07 0.55 0.69 0.13 2.78 0.32 1.79 0.42 0.41 2.10 3.38 0.77 1.66
Figure 2: Positive tests (%) of other respiratory viruses reported by participating laboratories in Canada by surveillance week compared to average and range from 2014-2015 to 2019-2020 season
Figure 2

Shaded area represents the maximum and minimum % of respiratory virus tests positive reported by week from seasons 2014-2015 to 2019-2020

Note: Changes to testing practices during the COVID-19 pandemic may cause substantial changes to indicator estimates from previous years. Collection of laboratory testing practice meta-data to understand these changes is ongoing. Interpret trends with caution.

Note: Data from week 11 of the 2019-2020 season onwards are excluded from the historical comparison due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

Note: % Tests Positive scale changes across the dashed line

Figure 2: Positive tests (%) of other respiratory viruses reported by participating laboratories in Canada by surveillance week compared to average and range from 2014-2015 to 2019-2020 season
Week Week end 2023-2024 EV/RV% 2022-2023 EV/RV% 2021-2022 EV/RV% Max EV/RV% Base Min EV/RV% Base Av EV/RV% Base 2023-2024 HPIV% 2022-2023 HPIV% 2021-2022 HPIV% Max HPIV% Base Min HPIV% Base Av HPIV% Base 2023-2024 ADV% 2022-2023 ADV% 2021-2022 ADV% Max ADV% Base Min ADV% Base Av ADV% Base 2023-2024 HMPV% 2022-2023 HMPV% 2021-2022 HMPV% Max HMPV% Base Min HMPV% Base Av HMPV% Base 2023-2024 HCoV% 2022-2023 HCoV% 2021-2022 HCoV% Max HCoV% Base Min HCoV% Base Av HCoV% Base
35 2023-09-02 12.50 15.47 21.96 27.19 22.44 24.71 1.99 2.80 5.99 3.16 1.15 2.44 1.62 2.28 1.18 1.74 0.99 1.43 0.34 1.80 0.23 2.04 0.10 0.78 0.28 0.53 1.05 0.76 0.18 0.45
36 2023-09-09 14.85 16.22 18.59 30.69 23.30 26.31 1.49 3.21 4.93 3.31 1.35 2.32 1.52 2.18 1.15 2.85 1.42 1.87 0.39 1.81 0.24 0.84 0.10 0.48 0.42 0.38 0.62 0.38 0.12 0.22
37 2023-09-16 18.29 21.73 27.46 33.58 27.74 31.69 1.60 3.02 5.97 3.26 1.65 2.40 1.47 2.10 0.81 2.44 1.38 1.86 0.39 1.38 0.17 1.61 0.00 0.51 0.23 0.28 0.44 0.56 0.00 0.26
38 2023-09-23 20.25 23.50 33.19 39.57 32.80 35.83 1.77 2.42 4.73 2.87 1.92 2.33 0.93 1.58 0.82 2.04 1.11 1.63 0.38 1.61 0.37 1.43 0.06 0.48 0.46 0.32 0.67 1.36 0.06 0.43
39 2023-09-30 18.52 22.89 30.01 40.59 34.87 37.68 1.32 3.09 8.12 3.01 1.70 2.24 1.15 2.21 1.14 2.27 1.04 1.66 0.51 1.43 0.17 0.72 0.05 0.29 0.28 0.59 0.62 0.66 0.07 0.45
40 2023-10-07 17.45 19.32 26.26 41.29 33.00 35.43 1.34 3.69 8.19 3.28 1.90 2.43 1.41 1.79 1.31 2.25 1.39 1.82 0.32 1.49 0.16 0.92 0.05 0.34 0.26 0.93 0.57 1.08 0.22 0.59
41 2023-10-14 15.74 16.70 22.91 33.62 26.94 29.93 1.28 3.52 10.46 3.70 1.96 2.75 1.38 2.03 1.37 1.91 1.28 1.70 0.37 1.66 0.20 0.95 0.04 0.46 0.32 0.99 1.69 0.70 0.00 0.34
42 2023-10-21 13.12 12.95 22.16 32.62 24.54 27.86 1.59 4.22 10.01 3.89 2.64 3.21 1.43 1.65 2.54 2.39 1.47 1.86 0.46 1.58 0.15 0.89 0.15 0.40 0.17 1.16 1.07 1.18 0.20 0.49
43 2023-10-28 12.52 11.05 19.64 28.73 21.67 24.95 1.21 4.41 9.38 3.98 3.18 3.54 1.48 1.79 1.15 2.42 1.63 1.96 0.46 1.79 0.36 1.64 0.12 0.58 0.38 1.86 1.05 2.35 0.27 0.75
44 2023-11-04 10.83 10.23 21.45 23.82 16.75 21.38 1.44 4.14 10.28 4.81 2.94 3.72 1.76 2.02 1.42 2.88 1.18 2.21 0.55 1.79 0.77 1.08 0.23 0.48 0.37 2.54 2.21 2.59 0.21 0.88
45 2023-11-11 10.70 7.77 22.39 23.08 15.17 20.56 1.65 3.90 9.97 5.42 2.53 4.01 1.45 1.99 1.63 2.68 2.02 2.42 0.60 2.06 0.64 1.30 0.04 0.77 0.42 3.00 2.57 2.74 0.52 0.96
46 2023-11-18 8.64 6.93 21.37 22.77 15.28 19.24 1.39 3.97 8.29 5.72 1.62 4.14 2.03 1.87 2.51 2.90 1.99 2.52 0.79 1.89 0.99 1.43 0.18 0.81 0.65 3.54 2.99 3.32 0.46 1.25
47 2023-11-25 7.62 4.88 18.54 20.84 12.15 16.09 1.55 3.63 7.04 7.00 2.36 4.72 1.90 1.89 1.94 2.95 1.83 2.35 1.00 1.78 1.01 2.02 0.09 0.90 0.65 3.24 3.90 3.26 0.37 1.25
48 2023-12-02 6.79 4.74 16.64 16.72 12.69 13.84 1.51 3.04 5.78 6.14 3.03 4.18 2.15 1.87 1.89 3.34 1.66 2.49 0.91 1.86 1.48 1.94 0.31 1.09 0.76 3.94 4.94 4.30 1.00 2.04
49 2023-12-09 6.00 4.09 14.57 16.32 10.72 13.07 1.39 3.03 3.97 5.65 2.94 4.19 1.83 1.68 2.48 3.03 1.84 2.50 1.20 1.93 1.22 2.80 0.49 1.48 1.12 4.48 6.58 5.19 0.84 2.53
50 2023-12-16 5.90 4.58 12.40 13.85 8.43 10.91 1.46 2.98 3.23 5.95 2.54 4.22 2.00 2.29 2.72 3.13 1.49 2.42 1.31 1.92 1.08 3.32 0.46 1.68 1.47 5.13 7.26 6.04 1.54 3.16
51 2023-12-23 5.56 4.49 9.95 14.18 8.81 10.48 1.35 3.09 3.01 6.71 2.94 3.95 1.55 1.76 2.54 3.20 1.36 2.04 1.59 2.23 1.20 4.39 0.37 2.47 1.77 5.28 8.11 6.68 1.87 3.72
52 2023-12-30 4.71 4.50 7.71 14.41 6.24 9.26 1.35 3.32 2.13 5.08 2.87 3.75 1.76 1.80 1.92 2.59 1.20 1.76 1.76 2.75 1.00 3.81 0.41 2.49 2.48 4.73 10.33 6.73 2.78 4.73
1 2024-01-06 4.80 4.19 5.71 11.09 4.36 7.42 1.48 3.63 1.84 5.08 2.68 3.34 1.48 1.88 1.84 2.67 0.85 1.54 2.20 2.94 0.72 4.45 0.28 2.74 3.06 4.40 9.27 7.77 3.07 5.16
2 2024-01-13 4.43 4.71 3.98 9.55 4.31 6.79 1.17 3.24 1.19 4.12 2.46 3.05 1.25 1.87 1.13 2.15 0.87 1.37 1.64 2.61 0.38 4.76 0.42 2.69 3.19 4.01 7.46 7.89 2.84 5.45
3 2024-01-20 4.59 6.68 3.12 8.42 4.44 6.01 1.08 2.92 0.76 3.25 2.59 2.82 1.11 1.97 1.34 2.10 1.15 1.45 2.20 2.56 0.24 5.56 0.47 3.18 3.89 3.46 4.97 7.90 4.17 6.11
4 2024-01-27 4.37 8.22 2.60 9.04 4.89 6.41 1.16 2.78 0.64 3.12 1.77 2.55 1.56 2.35 1.18 1.83 1.11 1.49 2.11 2.71 0.23 5.19 0.55 3.05 5.19 2.63 3.92 7.86 3.79 6.09
5 2024-02-03 5.02 8.94 3.02 9.79 6.06 6.94 1.45 2.70 0.48 3.48 1.70 2.39 1.62 2.44 1.57 1.93 1.36 1.62 2.27 2.96 0.25 5.70 0.58 3.34 5.10 3.20 2.83 8.49 4.55 6.84
6 2024-02-10 6.26 9.97 3.86 9.89 6.16 6.98 1.56 2.68 0.51 2.89 1.57 2.19 1.84 2.14 1.44 1.74 1.25 1.51 2.54 3.73 0.42 5.57 0.65 3.48 6.80 2.64 3.01 8.57 3.48 6.75
7 2024-02-17 6.18 9.87 4.46 8.95 6.00 7.04 1.54 2.63 0.44 3.20 1.42 2.11 1.22 2.31 1.52 1.61 1.30 1.51 2.82 4.41 0.44 6.05 1.45 3.96 7.73 3.14 3.24 8.02 4.35 6.52
8 2024-02-24 6.21 9.55 6.31 8.35 5.20 6.94 1.84 2.55 0.73 3.21 1.31 2.25 1.30 2.86 1.85 2.00 1.38 1.66 3.15 4.29 0.53 5.74 1.19 4.19 8.28 3.07 3.67 8.29 4.21 6.61
9 2024-03-02 6.48 9.77 7.80 9.03 5.73 7.75 2.40 3.07 0.60 3.35 1.41 2.44 1.65 2.75 1.90 1.92 1.09 1.40 3.92 4.72 0.40 6.42 1.87 4.46 7.09 3.41 3.32 8.01 5.09 6.87
10 2024-03-09 6.52 9.42 8.24 10.16 5.53 8.08 2.74 2.77 0.68 4.18 1.19 2.69 1.31 2.79 1.98 2.23 1.50 1.78 4.57 5.05 0.51 6.74 2.26 4.94 6.84 3.71 3.86 8.34 4.28 6.99
11 2024-03-16 6.67 8.77 8.97 9.45 7.15 8.22 3.43 3.48 0.66 4.58 1.35 3.00 1.29 2.39 1.88 2.32 1.23 1.69 4.88 5.07 0.59 7.94 2.52 4.87 7.18 3.70 3.25 8.02 4.35 6.23
12 2024-03-23 6.63 9.31 9.52 10.26 8.58 9.63 4.10 2.98 1.05 4.95 1.26 3.33 1.42 2.60 1.71 2.13 1.82 1.96 4.63 5.40 0.77 6.69 3.65 5.35 6.79 4.50 4.38 6.99 3.95 5.67
13 2024-03-30 7.36 8.35 8.49 12.58 7.69 10.26 4.52 3.17 1.39 5.21 1.48 3.68 1.63 2.51 2.30 2.12 1.37 1.70 5.02 4.79 1.28 6.90 3.95 5.27 6.02 4.04 4.45 8.16 3.65 5.46
14 2024-04-06 7.54 8.95 9.25 13.59 8.46 12.00 4.52 3.45 1.18 6.26 1.67 4.30 1.58 2.56 1.74 2.31 1.50 1.86 5.14 4.61 1.45 7.70 4.14 5.99 6.77 4.51 4.24 7.79 3.84 4.86
15 2024-04-13 8.51 9.16 9.14 14.59 9.49 13.17 5.96 3.83 1.35 6.94 1.97 4.61 1.39 3.04 1.71 2.62 1.64 2.12 4.64 4.09 1.52 7.47 3.81 6.11 5.46 3.56 4.97 5.52 3.23 4.24
16 2024-04-20 9.50 8.67 8.20 16.10 10.84 13.77 5.48 3.89 2.19 7.88 1.97 5.20 1.53 2.79 1.84 3.21 1.85 2.32 5.17 3.93 2.18 7.16 3.71 6.04 4.92 3.64 4.91 4.99 3.51 4.32
17 2024-04-27 11.52 9.88 7.74 18.29 13.64 16.16 6.63 4.07 1.78 8.67 2.07 6.01 1.35 2.63 1.37 2.54 1.70 2.10 4.22 3.53 2.40 6.58 4.68 5.77 4.78 4.36 4.91 4.11 2.54 3.37
18 2024-05-04 10.39 10.97 7.41 20.03 12.54 16.39 6.55 4.84 2.07 8.21 3.19 5.80 1.46 3.57 1.32 2.89 1.43 2.24 3.94 3.15 2.55 6.37 3.14 5.22 4.43 3.42 4.80 4.00 2.36 3.10
19 2024-05-11 10.29 11.03 8.36 21.71 15.33 19.23 7.00 4.11 2.71 9.24 3.67 5.98 1.28 2.96 1.52 2.63 1.61 2.06 3.91 2.51 3.63 7.46 3.23 4.86 3.39 3.46 4.37 3.71 1.58 2.41
20 2024-05-18 10.74 10.82 9.06 24.52 16.73 19.77 7.04 4.14 3.29 8.60 3.90 6.75 1.56 3.18 1.68 3.35 1.79 2.44 3.55 1.79 4.79 6.85 2.55 5.12 2.63 2.71 4.53 3.31 1.87 2.49
21 2024-05-25 11.46 10.68 10.26 25.86 16.41 21.07 7.07 4.33 3.47 9.56 6.00 7.27 1.55 3.26 1.95 3.51 1.41 2.39 2.40 1.44 5.69 6.80 3.22 4.69 2.00 2.15 3.64 2.37 1.10 1.74
22 2024-06-01 11.38 10.83 9.14 23.76 17.55 20.51 6.36 5.12 3.32 8.71 5.94 6.99 1.10 3.16 1.56 3.45 1.91 2.79 2.51 1.23 5.22 5.39 2.43 3.89 1.79 2.31 3.78 2.06 0.56 1.23
23 2024-06-08 11.80 12.30 13.26 23.65 18.15 21.01 5.92 4.42 4.59 9.74 5.14 6.94 1.41 3.10 2.26 2.72 1.69 2.18 1.96 1.41 5.35 4.49 2.25 3.25 1.43 1.50 2.93 1.86 0.47 1.08

Positive severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) tests

Figure 3: Positive severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) tests (%) in Canada by region by surveillance week
Figure 3

Note: Differences in positivity between jurisdictions can reflect differences in testing practices. Please interpret with caution.

Figure 3: Positive severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) tests (%) in Canada by region by surveillance week
Week Week end Can Tests SARS-CoV-2% Atl Tests SARS-CoV-2% QC Tests SARS-CoV-2% ON Tests SARS-CoV-2% Pr Tests SARS-CoV-2% BC Tests SARS-CoV-2% Terr Tests SARS-CoV-2%
35 2023-09-02 25656 14.40 2110 16.92 9351 16.30 6230 12.39 5192 10.59 2651 18.03 122 11.48
36 2023-09-09 28237 15.92 2346 20.20 10215 17.37 6939 15.46 5968 11.90 2640 16.70 129 17.05
37 2023-09-16 31790 16.49 2567 18.62 11678 18.11 7337 15.66 6948 12.12 3111 20.64 149 10.07
38 2023-09-23 36264 18.60 2775 18.38 13455 20.48 8514 18.38 7969 14.23 3377 22.59 174 10.34
39 2023-09-30 40587 19.59 3126 22.65 15431 21.30 9291 17.86 8658 15.65 3895 23.59 186 12.90
40 2023-10-07 42173 19.81 3544 24.41 15684 22.19 9349 17.61 9198 15.96 4202 20.75 196 12.24
41 2023-10-14 38462 17.55 3583 20.74 12605 18.30 8426 15.27 9624 16.76 4047 19.13 177 14.69
42 2023-10-21 39350 17.78 3493 19.70 12590 18.63 9300 16.86 10040 17.16 3737 17.13 190 17.37
43 2023-10-28 37286 17.89 3095 17.74 12003 18.29 9276 19.35 9450 17.05 3262 14.87 200 17.50
44 2023-11-04 38183 17.74 2965 17.91 11975 18.42 9060 17.09 10341 18.12 3648 15.98 194 15.98
45 2023-11-11 38722 18.17 3122 20.12 11815 19.90 9607 18.24 10448 16.98 3545 14.41 185 10.81
46 2023-11-18 41432 18.80 3186 22.47 13182 20.21 10470 20.36 11134 16.80 3245 12.14 215 5.12
47 2023-11-25 42304 19.31 3490 22.35 12938 21.52 10880 22.17 11422 15.57 3385 11.96 189 6.35
48 2023-12-02 44713 18.03 3648 21.98 14100 22.18 11174 20.06 11903 12.58 3639 10.31 249 7.63
49 2023-12-09 46876 17.53 3654 20.17 14467 22.78 11644 18.67 12452 12.41 4272 10.30 387 6.98
50 2023-12-16 48215 17.78 4065 18.60 15835 23.97 12142 18.69 12089 11.16 3746 10.25 338 6.21
51 2023-12-23 48372 16.81 4353 15.81 16682 22.12 11548 18.73 11472 9.91 3952 10.55 365 9.86
52 2023-12-30 46997 15.35 4234 14.67 15739 19.65 11522 17.68 10314 9.95 4930 8.64 258 5.04
1 2024-01-06 48060 14.51 4471 12.68 15874 17.71 11545 16.83 10577 10.62 5300 9.57 293 7.17
2 2024-01-13 44189 13.03 4333 11.98 13921 14.75 11346 14.29 9475 9.91 4862 12.48 252 6.35
3 2024-01-20 38190 11.35 3750 10.64 11599 11.60 9942 12.87 8591 9.92 4141 10.92 167 4.19
4 2024-01-27 37089 10.19 3784 9.49 11052 9.79 9238 11.40 8358 8.95 4459 11.89 198 4.04
5 2024-02-03 36771 9.34 3908 8.75 10995 8.58 9011 9.75 8265 9.56 4420 10.63 172 5.81
6 2024-02-10 34740 8.79 3499 8.80 10544 7.33 8519 8.48 8042 10.12 3940 10.74 196 7.14
7 2024-02-17 35098 8.12 3185 8.92 11071 6.64 8901 7.48 8021 9.21 3722 11.04 198 7.07
8 2024-02-24 34145 7.49 3098 8.23 10925 5.10 8077 6.82 7890 8.66 3872 12.45 283 10.25
9 2024-03-02 33779 7.03 2992 7.02 10468 4.88 8299 6.21 7831 8.42 3972 11.76 217 6.45
10 2024-03-09 32484 6.24 3112 7.42 9479 3.46 7884 4.67 7845 7.71 3860 12.31 304 6.25
11 2024-03-16 32416 6.13 3346 6.90 9376 3.03 7702 5.47 7795 7.36 3904 11.63 293 7.51
12 2024-03-23 30991 5.17 3206 7.74 8609 2.25 7772 4.26 7547 6.15 3552 9.80 305 5.25
13 2024-03-30 29569 4.85 2831 6.85 8537 2.69 6962 4.28 7517 4.98 3450 9.25 272 7.35
14 2024-04-06 29672 4.72 2964 6.01 8696 2.38 7100 4.63 7336 4.43 3303 10.54 273 5.13
15 2024-04-13 29332 4.91 3243 6.38 8694 2.29 6878 5.18 7260 5.33 2987 9.24 270 5.93
16 2024-04-20 27218 4.81 2970 6.50 7913 2.39 6469 4.61 6615 5.22 3017 9.02 234 5.56
17 2024-04-27 26661 5.53 2790 7.53 7721 3.55 6117 5.46 6834 5.27 2961 9.32 238 8.40
18 2024-05-04 27314 6.48 2984 5.90 7595 3.49 6486 7.96 6812 6.47 3198 10.60 239 13.81
19 2024-05-11 26246 7.43 2788 7.71 7355 4.95 6071 7.79 6657 6.89 3142 13.11 233 12.02
20 2024-05-18 25259 8.17 2828 8.52 7113 6.16 5798 8.81 6306 7.90 2982 12.17 232 5.17
21 2024-05-25 23789 7.88 2731 7.73 6510 6.25 5434 7.97 5985 8.32 2910 10.89 219 3.65
22 2024-06-01 22885 8.50 2577 7.37 6016 8.18 5371 7.08 5860 9.51 2843 11.15 218 4.13
23 2024-06-08 22518 9.72 2565 10.37 5925 8.68 5387 6.96 5518 10.58 2901 14.82 222 8.56

Positive influenza (Flu) tests

Figure 4: Positive influenza (Flu) tests (%) in Canada by region by surveillance week
Figure 4
Figure 4: Positive influenza (Flu) tests (%) in Canada by region by surveillance week
Week Week end Can Tests Can A% Can B% Atl Tests Atl A% Atl B% QC Tests QC A% QC B% ON Tests ON A% ON B% Pr Tests Pr A% Pr B% BC Tests BC A% BC B% Terr Tests Terr A% Terr B%
35 2023-09-02 14543 0.69 0.06 984 0.00 0.00 3339 0.24 0.15 4324 0.39 0.09 3654 0.57 0.00 2158 2.46 0.00 84 2.38 0.00
36 2023-09-09 15430 0.43 0.06 1047 0.00 0.00 3649 0.19 0.03 4455 0.31 0.09 4069 0.37 0.05 2117 1.46 0.09 93 0.00 0.00
37 2023-09-16 18035 0.48 0.03 1216 0.08 0.00 4174 0.41 0.07 5145 0.29 0.00 4705 0.40 0.04 2703 1.29 0.04 92 0.00 0.00
38 2023-09-23 20121 0.51 0.02 1388 0.07 0.00 4734 0.30 0.00 5652 0.21 0.05 5325 0.62 0.02 2928 1.47 0.00 94 0.00 0.00
39 2023-09-30 21530 0.51 0.09 1403 0.14 0.07 4847 0.21 0.08 6186 0.37 0.11 5371 0.48 0.11 3598 1.36 0.06 125 0.00 0.00
40 2023-10-07 23658 0.64 0.05 1775 0.34 0.00 5628 0.37 0.04 6456 0.31 0.00 5803 0.74 0.16 3878 1.60 0.05 118 0.00 0.00
41 2023-10-14 23208 0.49 0.03 1938 0.57 0.00 4978 0.22 0.06 6283 0.30 0.00 6067 0.73 0.05 3828 0.73 0.03 114 0.00 0.00
42 2023-10-21 24067 0.73 0.08 2029 0.69 0.05 5110 0.37 0.02 6834 0.47 0.07 6370 1.13 0.13 3599 1.06 0.11 125 0.00 0.00
43 2023-10-28 23268 1.16 0.10 1979 0.96 0.00 5450 0.64 0.11 6814 0.50 0.06 5872 2.33 0.17 3039 1.45 0.10 114 0.88 0.00
44 2023-11-04 25317 2.63 0.10 1914 1.25 0.05 5705 0.63 0.07 6996 0.51 0.06 6996 6.80 0.17 3562 2.58 0.11 144 2.08 0.00
45 2023-11-11 26520 4.93 0.14 2069 2.03 0.14 5970 0.84 0.07 7240 1.22 0.07 7656 12.87 0.26 3460 3.96 0.14 125 4.00 0.00
46 2023-11-18 28583 7.24 0.16 2219 3.11 0.09 6454 1.36 0.09 7797 2.68 0.15 8734 18.14 0.26 3258 3.59 0.12 121 2.48 0.00
47 2023-11-25 29879 8.81 0.12 2521 4.60 0.04 6561 2.04 0.06 8070 2.69 0.02 9078 21.15 0.28 3517 6.43 0.09 132 15.15 0.00
48 2023-12-02 32859 11.62 0.26 2743 4.89 0.11 7199 3.78 0.15 8447 4.45 0.17 10485 24.44 0.47 3836 10.79 0.21 149 38.93 0.00
49 2023-12-09 34573 14.74 0.29 2817 9.66 0.11 8141 7.14 0.12 8466 7.08 0.21 11298 26.93 0.57 3590 13.12 0.11 261 49.81 0.00
50 2023-12-16 38612 15.32 0.36 3363 12.73 0.09 10087 11.63 0.12 9265 8.47 0.41 11116 24.56 0.71 4496 14.23 0.16 285 56.49 0.00
51 2023-12-23 40839 16.78 0.45 3820 19.08 0.31 12090 15.38 0.12 9246 11.39 0.51 10656 21.67 0.91 4747 16.64 0.29 280 40.36 0.00
52 2023-12-30 42482 18.18 0.52 3874 20.99 0.36 13501 19.37 0.07 9830 15.02 0.63 9720 17.61 1.26 5352 18.89 0.24 205 46.34 0.00
1 2024-01-06 43260 14.49 0.60 4132 17.91 0.36 13858 17.30 0.22 9869 11.67 0.54 9519 11.29 1.45 5634 14.55 0.39 248 33.47 0.00
2 2024-01-13 40233 11.16 0.56 3864 15.79 0.31 12702 15.32 0.19 9980 9.08 0.59 8491 5.94 1.33 4963 9.83 0.32 233 15.88 0.43
3 2024-01-20 35213 10.27 0.79 3422 14.23 0.94 11099 14.72 0.36 8812 8.65 0.45 7343 4.09 2.07 4397 9.71 0.34 140 5.71 0.00
4 2024-01-27 35174 11.10 1.08 3461 14.59 1.36 11277 17.65 0.28 8274 8.87 0.59 7261 2.31 2.91 4722 10.67 0.87 179 2.79 0.00
5 2024-02-03 35522 11.28 1.48 3608 14.61 2.02 12036 19.09 0.61 7738 8.30 1.02 7380 1.91 3.20 4626 8.58 1.25 134 2.24 2.99
6 2024-02-10 33997 10.37 1.74 3230 12.38 1.98 11857 18.01 1.05 7402 7.23 1.50 7230 1.77 3.28 4119 7.99 1.24 159 0.00 3.14
7 2024-02-17 33917 9.43 2.18 2882 8.78 2.74 11966 16.61 1.53 7689 7.40 1.87 7229 1.58 3.62 4006 6.81 1.40 145 1.38 11.03
8 2024-02-24 33294 8.01 3.17 2914 7.41 2.88 11748 14.22 2.63 7189 6.37 2.35 7030 1.07 5.65 4225 5.80 1.82 188 0.53 9.57
9 2024-03-02 32543 6.72 4.03 2834 7.13 4.13 11373 10.92 4.28 7133 5.72 2.90 6806 1.59 5.80 4231 5.25 1.96 166 2.41 13.25
10 2024-03-09 31700 5.55 5.12 2826 7.01 6.37 10775 8.84 5.27 6873 4.89 4.09 6835 1.29 6.63 4160 4.33 2.81 231 2.16 9.96
11 2024-03-16 30555 4.36 5.42 3170 6.03 4.95 9835 6.05 5.63 6948 3.94 3.80 6297 1.46 8.15 4077 4.42 3.63 228 0.44 8.77
12 2024-03-23 30633 3.30 5.82 3097 4.91 5.97 9578 3.82 5.54 6960 3.30 3.39 6918 1.45 9.35 3820 4.08 3.46 260 3.08 19.62
13 2024-03-30 29850 2.71 6.60 2909 3.82 7.25 9561 3.50 6.66 6384 2.44 3.29 7087 1.30 10.50 3681 3.07 3.15 228 0.88 23.25
14 2024-04-06 30169 2.28 6.76 2945 2.51 7.13 9682 2.55 8.14 6699 2.70 3.43 7167 1.48 9.24 3455 2.26 3.01 221 0.45 20.81
15 2024-04-13 29480 1.80 6.02 3049 2.76 5.02 9725 1.96 7.98 6251 1.70 3.47 7115 1.14 7.45 3106 2.03 2.29 234 2.56 11.97
16 2024-04-20 27265 1.35 4.97 2878 2.50 4.66 8648 1.06 6.97 5976 1.59 2.34 6266 0.64 6.11 3306 2.06 2.48 191 0.00 7.33
17 2024-04-27 26772 1.15 4.71 2668 1.99 3.37 8474 0.78 6.50 5585 1.04 1.88 6698 0.58 6.32 3146 2.96 2.61 201 0.00 4.48
18 2024-05-04 27146 1.14 4.18 2733 1.72 3.07 8454 0.72 5.88 5723 1.10 1.76 6644 0.84 5.30 3399 2.44 2.68 193 0.00 5.18
19 2024-05-11 26311 0.92 3.28 2561 1.72 2.69 8466 0.65 4.56 5593 0.54 1.09 6103 0.64 4.01 3375 2.16 2.61 213 0.47 6.10
20 2024-05-18 24202 0.66 2.40 2666 0.75 2.44 7668 0.34 3.59 5264 0.40 0.76 5193 0.67 2.72 3217 1.77 1.40 194 0.52 7.22
21 2024-05-25 22042 0.50 1.46 2548 0.39 1.41 6659 0.36 1.88 4779 0.42 0.33 4894 0.39 1.96 2978 1.24 1.24 184 0.54 5.98
22 2024-06-01 20520 1.13 0.90 2366 0.21 0.93 5784 0.26 1.07 4749 0.46 0.25 4509 0.78 1.26 2923 5.27 1.03 189 0.53 0.53
23 2024-06-08 17867 0.58 0.55 2175 0.41 0.51 5596 0.38 0.52 4503 0.36 0.20 2719 0.66 1.14 2698 1.45 0.48 176 0.00 3.41

Positive respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) tests

Figure 5: Positive respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) tests (%) in Canada by region by surveillance week
Figure 5
Figure 5: Positive respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) tests (%) in Canada by region by surveillance week
Week Week end Can Tests RSV% Atl Tests RSV% QC Tests RSV% ON Tests RSV% Pr Tests RSV% BC Tests RSV% Terr Tests RSV%
35 2023-09-02 13610 0.58 969 0.00 2540 1.14 4324 0.81 3535 0.20 2158 0.32 84 1.19
36 2023-09-09 14361 0.71 1047 0.57 2750 1.64 4455 0.88 3915 0.18 2101 0.24 93 0.00
37 2023-09-16 16808 0.82 1201 0.25 3181 1.67 5138 1.01 4494 0.38 2702 0.41 92 1.09
38 2023-09-23 18782 1.15 1381 1.30 3652 2.27 5652 1.43 5075 0.37 2928 0.51 94 0.00
39 2023-09-30 20217 1.14 1392 0.79 3788 2.38 6186 1.42 5128 0.43 3598 0.56 125 0.00
40 2023-10-07 22042 1.35 1761 0.28 4333 2.75 6456 1.95 5496 0.36 3878 0.72 118 0.00
41 2023-10-14 21748 1.80 1927 0.83 3897 3.70 6281 2.48 5701 0.63 3828 1.04 114 0.00
42 2023-10-21 22479 2.38 2015 0.69 3889 4.78 6834 3.72 6017 0.58 3599 1.25 125 0.00
43 2023-10-28 21745 3.25 1970 1.78 4234 6.24 6814 4.21 5574 1.22 3039 1.74 114 0.00
44 2023-11-04 23657 4.07 1904 2.15 4506 6.88 6997 5.80 6544 1.79 3562 2.36 144 2.78
45 2023-11-11 24764 5.12 2058 2.77 4680 7.97 7241 7.62 7201 2.14 3459 3.58 125 6.40
46 2023-11-18 26517 5.85 2195 2.41 4910 10.14 7796 7.91 8237 2.87 3258 4.27 121 7.44
47 2023-11-25 27491 6.81 2363 4.70 4975 11.82 8068 8.66 8508 3.24 3445 5.28 132 11.36
48 2023-12-02 30258 6.99 2549 5.88 5533 11.46 8447 8.49 9797 3.57 3783 6.66 149 8.72
49 2023-12-09 31232 7.38 2665 7.69 5930 11.11 8465 7.40 10436 4.53 3475 9.35 261 6.90
50 2023-12-16 34607 7.26 3004 8.46 7537 9.73 9261 5.99 10173 5.17 4347 9.50 285 10.53
51 2023-12-23 35988 7.29 3258 9.45 8774 9.14 9244 4.64 9820 6.47 4615 9.36 277 6.14
52 2023-12-30 37639 7.41 3431 8.57 9849 7.53 9829 4.62 9130 8.48 5196 9.49 204 15.69
1 2024-01-06 37934 7.10 3630 9.12 9953 7.31 9871 4.03 8828 7.56 5404 9.88 248 13.71
2 2024-01-13 35286 6.26 3383 9.16 9029 6.14 9975 3.27 7930 7.65 4737 7.81 232 17.67
3 2024-01-20 30827 6.13 2936 9.91 7837 5.82 8808 2.99 6892 8.21 4214 6.76 140 20.00
4 2024-01-27 30616 5.85 3067 10.01 7786 5.48 8260 2.62 6810 6.83 4514 7.35 179 24.02
5 2024-02-03 30446 5.91 3235 9.52 7985 5.07 7736 2.12 6932 8.18 4426 7.32 132 24.24
6 2024-02-10 29075 5.21 2949 10.07 7832 4.60 7404 1.62 6794 6.74 3937 6.27 159 20.75
7 2024-02-17 29028 4.49 2610 8.12 7969 4.56 7689 1.16 6769 6.04 3846 4.91 145 27.59
8 2024-02-24 28917 4.78 2715 7.18 8169 4.55 7189 1.14 6600 6.83 4057 5.57 187 29.41
9 2024-03-02 28626 3.79 2712 6.42 8150 3.99 7134 1.23 6368 4.35 4096 4.32 166 26.51
10 2024-03-09 27634 3.64 2700 6.52 7381 4.09 6873 0.89 6407 3.59 4043 3.96 230 33.91
11 2024-03-16 26585 3.18 3019 5.13 6559 3.58 6948 0.88 5896 3.43 3935 3.66 228 21.05
12 2024-03-23 26748 2.49 2944 3.53 6480 3.33 6961 0.49 6396 2.94 3707 2.81 260 7.69
13 2024-03-30 26067 2.32 2642 3.14 6609 3.78 6384 0.58 6649 2.20 3555 1.83 228 10.96
14 2024-04-06 26397 2.08 2685 2.76 6714 3.07 6704 0.69 6709 2.04 3364 2.02 221 8.60
15 2024-04-13 25526 1.79 2716 2.06 6642 2.57 6232 0.64 6679 1.99 3023 1.26 234 7.69
16 2024-04-20 23872 1.68 2470 1.74 6130 2.51 5976 0.67 5881 1.56 3224 1.67 191 8.90
17 2024-04-27 23420 1.47 2486 1.13 5837 2.60 5585 0.64 6282 1.26 3029 1.02 201 8.96
18 2024-05-04 24050 1.27 2631 1.33 5969 2.66 5718 0.40 6234 0.80 3305 0.82 193 5.70
19 2024-05-11 23182 1.07 2364 1.02 6002 2.23 5592 0.34 5709 0.75 3302 0.55 213 5.16
20 2024-05-18 21771 0.99 2531 1.38 5699 1.79 5264 0.27 4872 0.66 3211 0.50 194 8.25
21 2024-05-25 20107 0.82 2391 0.84 5180 1.97 4752 0.11 4622 0.54 2978 0.24 184 3.26
22 2024-06-01 18888 0.65 2278 1.05 4531 1.35 4725 0.17 4243 0.35 2922 0.31 189 2.65
23 2024-06-08 16269 0.42 2027 0.25 4424 0.93 4484 0.22 2460 0.37 2698 0.11 176 0.00

Positive human parainfluenza virus (HPIV) tests

Figure 6: Positive human parainfluenza virus (HPIV) tests (%) in Canada by region by surveillance week
Figure 6
Figure 6: Positive human parainfluenza virus (HPIV) tests (%) in Canada by region by surveillance week
Week Week End Can Tests HPIV% Atl Tests HPIV% QC Tests HPIV% ON Tests HPIV% Pr Tests HPIV% BC Tests HPIV%
35 2023-09-02 6234 1.99 362 1.38 847 3.90 3406 1.85 984 1.02 635 2.05
36 2023-09-09 6321 1.49 355 1.69 868 2.19 3420 1.43 1133 0.97 545 1.65
37 2023-09-16 7419 1.60 401 2.49 1053 2.18 3886 1.34 1326 1.06 753 2.66
38 2023-09-23 8139 1.77 430 2.79 1122 2.85 4366 1.74 1445 0.90 776 1.42
39 2023-09-30 8627 1.32 401 1.25 1117 1.88 4948 1.33 1415 1.06 746 0.94
40 2023-10-07 8791 1.34 467 3.43 1178 2.04 4850 1.20 1541 0.39 755 1.85
41 2023-10-14 8879 1.28 491 1.63 1094 1.37 4898 1.16 1638 1.04 758 2.24
42 2023-10-21 9281 1.59 498 2.21 1050 1.52 5293 1.51 1707 1.46 733 2.18
43 2023-10-28 9085 1.21 474 1.48 1063 1.98 5223 0.96 1656 0.85 669 2.69
44 2023-11-04 9496 1.44 492 2.24 1067 2.06 5215 1.00 1938 1.24 784 3.57
45 2023-11-11 9826 1.65 467 2.78 1257 1.83 5242 1.11 2076 1.35 784 5.10
46 2023-11-18 10441 1.39 500 2.20 1426 1.33 5505 1.24 2191 0.87 819 3.42
47 2023-11-25 10872 1.55 620 1.77 1442 1.04 5708 1.47 2195 1.18 907 3.53
48 2023-12-02 11676 1.51 676 2.37 1587 1.32 5967 1.39 2463 1.10 983 2.95
49 2023-12-09 11621 1.39 668 1.65 1630 1.10 6040 1.44 2537 1.14 746 2.14
50 2023-12-16 12631 1.46 730 1.92 1664 0.72 6696 1.36 2459 1.46 1082 2.96
51 2023-12-23 12648 1.35 768 1.56 1857 0.54 6421 1.46 2408 0.79 1194 3.02
52 2023-12-30 12871 1.35 709 1.55 2004 0.85 6809 1.29 2168 0.97 1181 3.13
1 2024-01-06 13434 1.48 812 1.72 2046 0.59 7059 1.60 2288 1.18 1229 2.69
2 2024-01-13 13182 1.17 924 1.73 1882 0.53 7137 1.16 2111 1.09 1128 1.95
3 2024-01-20 11423 1.08 704 1.28 1843 0.49 6099 1.18 1774 1.13 1003 1.30
4 2024-01-27 11007 1.16 834 0.72 1793 0.28 5677 1.41 1707 1.41 996 1.31
5 2024-02-03 11179 1.45 794 1.26 1833 0.55 5534 1.66 1933 1.86 1085 1.29
6 2024-02-10 10714 1.56 782 0.77 1832 0.49 5194 1.73 1937 1.55 969 3.30
7 2024-02-17 10731 1.54 619 1.29 1863 0.54 5369 1.42 1898 2.32 982 2.75
8 2024-02-24 10455 1.84 632 0.47 1825 1.59 5114 1.82 1905 2.20 979 2.55
9 2024-03-02 10419 2.40 587 1.02 1800 1.11 5157 2.83 1793 2.90 1082 2.40
10 2024-03-09 9897 2.74 483 2.69 1681 1.84 4982 2.65 1749 3.66 1002 3.09
11 2024-03-16 9750 3.43 626 1.92 1433 1.88 5071 3.45 1624 4.99 996 3.92
12 2024-03-23 9990 4.10 592 3.21 1588 2.33 5076 4.10 1810 4.92 924 6.17
13 2024-03-30 9394 4.52 581 3.96 1540 3.70 4578 4.59 1768 4.69 927 5.61
14 2024-04-06 9666 4.52 597 4.69 1640 3.48 4695 4.35 1854 5.50 880 5.23
15 2024-04-13 9502 5.96 626 7.35 1621 4.32 4485 5.11 1927 8.46 843 6.88
16 2024-04-20 9022 5.48 568 7.75 1604 3.12 4271 5.64 1699 5.77 880 6.93
17 2024-04-27 8865 6.63 658 9.42 1588 5.10 4004 5.72 1817 7.87 798 9.15
18 2024-05-04 9298 6.55 711 10.13 1558 5.58 4219 5.93 1902 7.26 908 6.83
19 2024-05-11 8820 7.00 686 10.79 1654 5.26 4051 6.47 1566 7.54 863 8.81
20 2024-05-18 8563 7.04 889 11.36 1540 4.81 3898 5.90 1418 8.25 818 9.90
21 2024-05-25 8378 7.07 812 9.61 1553 5.15 3806 6.46 1376 7.63 831 9.99
22 2024-06-01 8080 6.36 780 8.85 1439 4.38 3628 5.13 1395 8.10 838 9.90
23 2024-06-08 7521 5.92 729 8.64 1369 5.19 3458 4.86 1282 5.69 683 10.25

Positive adenovirus (ADV) tests

Figure 7: Positive adenovirus (ADV) tests (%) in Canada by region by surveillance week
Figure 7
Figure 7: Positive adenovirus (ADV) tests (%) in Canada by region by surveillance week
Week Week End Can Tests ADV% Atl Tests ADV% QC Tests ADV% ON Tests ADV% Pr Tests ADV% BC Tests ADV%
35 2023-09-02 6238 1.62 362 1.93 851 2.70 3406 0.91 984 2.44 635 2.52
36 2023-09-09 6332 1.52 355 1.97 879 2.28 3420 0.82 1133 2.03 545 3.30
37 2023-09-16 7438 1.47 401 2.00 1071 2.43 3887 0.90 1326 1.96 753 1.86
38 2023-09-23 8149 0.93 429 1.17 1134 1.06 4365 0.62 1445 1.59 776 1.16
39 2023-09-30 8614 1.15 401 1.00 1129 2.04 4923 0.69 1415 1.63 746 2.01
40 2023-10-07 8809 1.41 467 2.36 1195 2.85 4851 0.66 1541 1.69 755 2.78
41 2023-10-14 8913 1.38 491 1.63 1111 3.42 4915 0.75 1638 1.47 758 2.11
42 2023-10-21 9286 1.43 498 1.20 1058 3.59 5292 0.76 1705 1.47 733 3.27
43 2023-10-28 9099 1.48 474 2.74 1077 3.62 5223 0.69 1656 1.63 669 2.99
44 2023-11-04 9514 1.76 492 2.03 1085 3.87 5215 1.04 1938 2.12 784 2.55
45 2023-11-11 9843 1.45 467 2.57 1274 2.98 5242 0.92 2076 1.64 784 1.40
46 2023-11-18 10452 2.03 500 4.60 1437 4.31 5505 0.94 2191 1.92 819 4.03
47 2023-11-25 10920 1.90 620 2.74 1461 3.97 5712 1.07 2194 1.50 911 3.84
48 2023-12-02 11737 2.15 676 3.25 1613 3.84 5967 1.36 2462 2.03 983 3.05
49 2023-12-09 11699 1.83 668 2.84 1652 3.75 6041 1.18 2537 1.26 746 3.62
50 2023-12-16 12719 2.00 730 2.19 1681 3.09 6696 1.78 2459 1.67 1082 2.40
51 2023-12-23 12035 1.55 768 1.82 1875 2.61 5726 0.89 2408 1.45 1194 3.02
52 2023-12-30 10983 1.76 709 2.12 2010 2.49 4852 0.80 2167 1.43 1181 4.74
1 2024-01-06 11675 1.48 812 1.11 2050 2.20 5219 0.75 2288 1.14 1229 4.15
2 2024-01-13 12078 1.25 924 1.52 1901 2.31 5943 0.59 2111 1.33 1126 2.49
3 2024-01-20 11461 1.11 704 1.56 1851 1.19 6091 0.64 1774 1.35 1003 2.89
4 2024-01-27 11062 1.56 834 2.88 1807 2.32 5675 0.78 1706 1.64 996 3.41
5 2024-02-03 11223 1.62 794 2.90 1841 2.55 5534 0.74 1933 1.55 1085 3.59
6 2024-02-10 10761 1.84 782 3.45 1852 2.59 5192 0.67 1935 1.45 969 5.88
7 2024-02-17 10779 1.22 619 1.29 1875 1.97 5369 0.60 1898 1.16 982 2.95
8 2024-02-24 10525 1.30 632 2.06 1837 2.01 5114 0.80 1905 0.89 979 2.96
9 2024-03-02 10484 1.65 587 4.26 1822 2.25 5157 1.01 1793 1.06 1082 2.87
10 2024-03-09 9989 1.31 483 1.86 1708 1.70 4982 0.78 1748 1.54 1002 2.30
11 2024-03-16 9808 1.29 626 1.44 1458 1.99 5072 0.79 1623 1.48 996 2.41
12 2024-03-23 10056 1.42 592 1.35 1614 1.49 5076 1.18 1809 1.00 924 3.46
13 2024-03-30 9442 1.63 581 2.07 1565 3.07 4578 0.87 1768 0.96 927 3.99
14 2024-04-06 9717 1.58 597 2.01 1657 3.02 4695 0.75 1853 1.03 880 4.20
15 2024-04-13 9547 1.39 626 2.08 1637 2.14 4485 1.11 1927 0.67 843 2.61
16 2024-04-20 9069 1.53 568 2.46 1623 2.28 4271 0.98 1699 1.12 880 2.95
17 2024-04-27 8904 1.35 658 2.28 1602 2.68 4004 0.75 1817 0.99 798 1.75
18 2024-05-04 9341 1.46 711 2.39 1583 2.59 4219 0.90 1902 0.89 908 2.53
19 2024-05-11 8842 1.28 686 2.48 1666 2.28 4051 0.74 1566 0.83 863 1.74
20 2024-05-18 8608 1.56 889 1.91 1562 2.82 3899 0.92 1418 1.27 818 2.32
21 2024-05-25 8406 1.55 812 2.22 1564 2.43 3806 1.00 1376 1.02 831 2.53
22 2024-06-01 8112 1.10 780 1.28 1451 2.07 3628 0.69 1394 0.50 838 2.03
23 2024-06-08 7541 1.41 729 1.10 1373 2.84 3458 0.75 1282 1.40 683 2.20

Positive human metapneumovirus (HMPV) tests

Figure 8: Positive human metapneumovirus (HMPV) tests (%) in Canada by region by surveillance week
Figure 8
Figure 8: Positive human metapneumovirus (HMPV) tests (%) in Canada by region by surveillance week
Week Week End Can Tests HMPV% Atl Tests HMPV% QC Tests HMPV% ON Tests HMPV% Pr Tests HMPV% BC Tests HMPV%
35 2023-09-02 6260 0.34 362 0.00 848 1.42 3407 0.21 1008 0.10 635 0.16
36 2023-09-09 6354 0.39 355 0.28 867 1.38 3423 0.20 1164 0.26 545 0.37
37 2023-09-16 7455 0.39 401 0.50 1053 0.76 3886 0.36 1362 0.07 753 0.53
38 2023-09-23 8194 0.38 429 0.00 1124 1.07 4365 0.14 1500 0.13 776 1.42
39 2023-09-30 8680 0.51 401 0.25 1118 0.89 4948 0.36 1467 0.34 746 1.34
40 2023-10-07 8828 0.32 457 0.44 1180 0.76 4853 0.14 1583 0.32 755 0.66
41 2023-10-14 8911 0.37 484 0.00 1096 1.00 4915 0.20 1658 0.12 758 1.32
42 2023-10-21 9321 0.46 498 0.20 1050 1.33 5298 0.32 1742 0.17 733 1.09
43 2023-10-28 9083 0.46 474 0.63 1066 1.41 5200 0.31 1674 0.18 669 0.75
44 2023-11-04 9519 0.55 492 0.20 1070 1.96 5218 0.17 1955 0.61 784 1.15
45 2023-11-11 9825 0.60 467 0.21 1256 2.15 5244 0.21 2074 0.63 784 0.89
46 2023-11-18 10315 0.79 500 0.40 1426 2.38 5505 0.36 2180 0.37 704 2.56
47 2023-11-25 10920 1.00 620 0.97 1442 2.57 5715 0.44 2210 0.59 911 2.96
48 2023-12-02 11703 0.91 676 0.89 1585 2.33 5965 0.47 2458 0.49 983 2.34
49 2023-12-09 11654 1.20 668 1.20 1635 2.39 6037 0.61 2513 1.95 746 0.94
50 2023-12-16 12683 1.31 730 1.78 1669 2.52 6707 0.63 2424 1.61 1082 2.77
51 2023-12-23 12659 1.59 768 1.56 1857 2.48 6415 0.78 2361 2.50 1194 2.85
52 2023-12-30 12881 1.76 709 2.26 2006 2.14 6809 0.98 2112 2.27 1181 4.49
1 2024-01-06 13431 2.20 812 1.85 2048 2.15 7012 1.07 2253 3.99 1229 5.78
2 2024-01-13 13207 1.64 924 1.41 1887 1.59 7144 0.62 2053 3.85 1126 4.26
3 2024-01-20 11426 2.20 704 1.56 1837 2.34 6103 1.23 1741 4.19 1003 4.79
4 2024-01-27 11026 2.11 834 1.92 1793 1.78 5678 1.13 1681 4.34 996 4.82
5 2024-02-03 11160 2.27 794 2.39 1831 2.46 5534 1.36 1880 2.87 1085 5.44
6 2024-02-10 10709 2.54 782 2.94 1828 2.63 5191 1.58 1908 2.62 969 7.12
7 2024-02-17 10757 2.82 619 2.91 1864 3.70 5376 2.14 1880 1.91 982 6.62
8 2024-02-24 10425 3.15 632 3.96 1825 2.79 5113 2.62 1818 2.31 979 7.76
9 2024-03-02 10398 3.92 587 3.75 1802 4.99 5157 3.37 1727 2.49 1082 7.30
10 2024-03-09 9915 4.57 483 5.38 1677 5.66 4991 4.49 1696 1.83 1002 7.58
11 2024-03-16 9742 4.88 626 7.67 1433 5.65 5084 4.76 1570 2.04 996 7.13
12 2024-03-23 9948 4.63 592 5.57 1589 5.48 5085 4.90 1717 1.75 924 6.71
13 2024-03-30 9329 5.02 581 7.40 1536 6.90 4589 4.73 1673 1.61 927 8.09
14 2024-04-06 9626 5.14 597 7.54 1639 7.02 4699 5.60 1776 1.35 880 5.34
15 2024-04-13 9417 4.64 626 5.43 1615 5.76 4489 5.57 1815 0.94 843 5.10
16 2024-04-20 8934 5.17 568 6.16 1605 7.60 4271 5.85 1582 1.14 880 4.20
17 2024-04-27 8775 4.22 658 5.17 1588 6.17 4004 4.37 1702 1.41 798 4.76
18 2024-05-04 9155 3.94 711 4.64 1554 5.34 4219 4.60 1745 0.69 908 4.30
19 2024-05-11 8748 3.91 686 4.52 1652 5.39 4053 4.29 1484 0.94 863 3.94
20 2024-05-18 8514 3.55 889 4.95 1539 4.09 3899 3.80 1347 0.74 818 4.52
21 2024-05-25 8336 2.40 812 2.96 1553 2.90 3808 2.57 1315 0.23 831 3.49
22 2024-06-01 8021 2.51 780 2.69 1440 4.44 3631 2.31 1311 0.76 838 2.63
23 2024-06-08 7482 1.96 729 1.65 1365 3.52 3457 1.97 1232 0.41 683 2.05

Positive enterovirus/rhinovirus (EV/RV) tests

Figure 9: Positive enterovirus/rhinovirus (EV/RV) tests (%) in Canada by region by surveillance week
Figure 9
Figure 9: Positive enterovirus/rhinovirus (EV/RV) tests (%) in Canada by region by surveillance week
Week Week End Can Tests EV/RV% Atl Tests EV/RV% QC Tests EV/RV% ON Tests EV/RV% Pr Tests EV/RV% BC Tests EV/RV%
35 2023-09-02 5345 12.50 362 20.72 - - 3409 10.44 966 14.60 608 15.79
36 2023-09-09 5414 14.85 355 25.35 - - 3423 12.80 1119 16.80 516 17.05
37 2023-09-16 6331 18.29 401 23.69 - - 3887 16.08 1314 22.37 722 19.81
38 2023-09-23 6991 20.25 429 27.51 - - 4365 17.11 1428 25.14 747 24.63
39 2023-09-30 7479 18.52 401 26.43 - - 4948 15.74 1398 22.17 715 25.31
40 2023-10-07 7559 17.45 467 23.55 - - 4853 14.77 1515 20.99 706 23.80
41 2023-10-14 7762 15.74 491 23.01 - - 4915 13.77 1612 16.00 717 23.15
42 2023-10-21 8204 13.12 498 22.09 - - 5298 10.82 1681 13.50 695 22.16
43 2023-10-28 7977 12.52 474 16.03 - - 5227 9.95 1624 15.58 637 23.23
44 2023-11-04 8385 10.83 492 17.07 - - 5218 8.39 1916 12.21 736 20.52
45 2023-11-11 8530 10.70 467 16.70 - - 5244 8.68 2051 10.48 743 21.53
46 2023-11-18 8958 8.64 500 14.20 - - 5506 6.79 2161 8.42 779 18.87
47 2023-11-25 9427 7.62 620 11.94 - - 5716 5.86 2186 7.55 883 15.63
48 2023-12-02 10068 6.79 676 9.76 - - 5970 5.19 2427 6.47 959 15.43
49 2023-12-09 9980 6.00 668 6.74 - - 6046 4.50 2516 6.20 695 17.70
50 2023-12-16 11005 5.90 730 7.81 - - 6708 4.62 2437 4.97 1059 14.45
51 2023-12-23 10800 5.56 768 6.51 - - 6434 3.73 2380 5.88 1154 14.47
52 2023-12-30 10881 4.71 709 5.50 - - 6808 3.30 2155 4.83 1145 12.31
1 2024-01-06 11366 4.80 812 4.43 - - 7012 3.76 2268 5.51 1197 9.69
2 2024-01-13 11322 4.43 924 4.22 - - 7146 3.20 2090 5.07 1089 11.48
3 2024-01-20 9564 4.59 704 4.26 - - 6103 3.16 1751 6.40 968 10.02
4 2024-01-27 9212 4.37 834 4.68 - - 5678 3.12 1695 6.02 961 8.43
5 2024-02-03 9317 5.02 794 5.54 - - 5534 3.27 1918 7.66 1035 9.08
6 2024-02-10 8831 6.26 782 8.82 - - 5191 4.26 1909 7.54 918 12.42
7 2024-02-17 8854 6.18 619 6.30 - - 5376 4.35 1882 8.29 941 12.01
8 2024-02-24 8644 6.21 632 5.85 - - 5113 4.99 1896 7.23 945 10.69
9 2024-03-02 8601 6.48 587 6.30 - - 5157 4.65 1773 7.61 1041 13.74
10 2024-03-09 8230 6.52 483 9.11 - - 4991 4.81 1734 7.55 956 12.45
11 2024-03-16 8300 6.67 626 6.55 - - 5084 5.39 1593 7.34 964 12.03
12 2024-03-23 8413 6.63 592 7.26 - - 5085 5.45 1795 7.30 900 11.56
13 2024-03-30 7851 7.36 581 8.61 - - 4589 5.14 1747 9.90 911 12.84
14 2024-04-06 8012 7.54 598 10.54 - - 4699 6.11 1828 8.97 852 9.98
15 2024-04-13 7830 8.51 626 11.98 - - 4462 6.99 1904 9.93 809 10.63
16 2024-04-20 7409 9.50 568 11.62 - - 4273 7.79 1676 9.43 864 16.32
17 2024-04-27 7263 11.52 658 15.81 - - 4006 9.89 1800 11.11 774 17.31
18 2024-05-04 7717 10.39 711 13.50 - - 4220 8.08 1884 11.09 884 17.19
19 2024-05-11 7153 10.29 686 15.31 - - 4053 7.97 1557 10.66 847 16.65
20 2024-05-18 6999 10.74 889 15.86 - - 3899 7.72 1398 12.66 791 16.18
21 2024-05-25 6808 11.46 812 19.95 - - 3808 8.17 1361 13.45 810 14.81
22 2024-06-01 6616 11.38 780 15.64 - - 3631 8.98 1377 13.58 806 14.02
23 2024-06-08 6133 11.80 729 15.50 - - 3457 9.20 1269 13.32 662 17.52

Positive human coronavirus (HCoV) tests

Figure 10: Positive human coronavirus (HCoV) tests (%) in Canada by region by surveillance week
Figure 10
Figure 10: Positive human coronavirus (HCoV) tests (%) in Canada by region by surveillance week
Week Week End Can Tests HCoV% Atl Tests HCoV% QC Tests HCoV% ON Tests HCoV% Pr Tests HCoV% BC Tests HCoV%
35 2023-09-02 5054 0.28 362 0.00 847 0.47 2230 0.13 1007 0.60 608 0.16
36 2023-09-09 5195 0.42 355 0.56 868 0.81 2285 0.09 1171 0.77 516 0.39
37 2023-09-16 6174 0.23 401 0.50 1053 0.47 2636 0.23 1362 0.00 722 0.14
38 2023-09-23 6796 0.46 429 0.00 1122 0.80 2995 0.40 1503 0.40 747 0.54
39 2023-09-30 7026 0.28 401 0.00 1117 0.45 3325 0.21 1468 0.48 715 0.14
40 2023-10-07 7305 0.26 467 0.21 1178 0.08 3390 0.18 1587 0.25 683 1.02
41 2023-10-14 7435 0.32 491 0.20 1094 0.73 3461 0.12 1672 0.60 717 0.14
42 2023-10-21 7697 0.17 498 0.20 1050 0.48 3707 0.05 1747 0.23 695 0.14
43 2023-10-28 7576 0.38 473 0.42 1065 0.38 3707 0.30 1694 0.53 637 0.47
44 2023-11-04 7754 0.37 476 0.21 1067 0.28 3508 0.43 1967 0.20 736 0.82
45 2023-11-11 8119 0.42 467 0.86 1187 0.51 3607 0.28 2115 0.38 743 0.81
46 2023-11-18 8674 0.65 500 0.20 1324 0.98 3838 0.42 2233 0.99 779 0.51
47 2023-11-25 9069 0.65 620 0.65 1357 0.96 3977 0.55 2232 0.54 883 0.91
48 2023-12-02 9880 0.76 676 0.74 1518 1.05 4241 0.42 2486 0.72 959 1.88
49 2023-12-09 9440 1.12 668 1.20 1523 1.64 4007 0.57 2547 1.33 695 2.30
50 2023-12-16 10458 1.47 730 0.41 1583 1.58 4616 1.47 2470 1.58 1059 1.79
51 2023-12-23 10483 1.77 768 1.30 1765 2.10 4389 1.66 2407 1.58 1154 2.43
52 2023-12-30 10328 2.48 709 1.55 1885 2.97 4422 2.49 2167 2.08 1145 2.97
1 2024-01-06 10903 3.06 812 2.96 1861 2.10 4722 3.37 2311 2.81 1197 3.93
2 2024-01-13 10891 3.19 924 3.03 1719 2.50 5030 3.14 2129 3.85 1089 3.31
3 2024-01-20 9527 3.89 704 5.11 1698 4.18 4360 3.78 1797 3.78 968 3.20
4 2024-01-27 9111 5.19 834 5.28 1640 5.49 3941 5.76 1735 4.27 961 3.95
5 2024-02-03 9137 5.10 794 4.79 1647 5.10 3717 6.27 1944 3.34 1035 4.44
6 2024-02-10 8766 6.80 782 5.37 1653 9.50 3456 7.00 1957 5.01 918 6.21
7 2024-02-17 8846 7.73 619 6.30 1700 8.12 3661 8.96 1925 6.39 941 5.95
8 2024-02-24 8546 8.28 632 7.28 1644 10.28 3416 8.17 1909 7.02 945 8.47
9 2024-03-02 8590 7.09 587 6.47 1643 7.49 3511 8.32 1808 5.53 1041 5.38
10 2024-03-09 8072 6.84 483 4.97 1522 6.96 3342 8.02 1769 5.48 956 5.96
11 2024-03-16 8007 7.18 626 4.95 1287 7.30 3476 8.20 1654 6.83 964 5.39
12 2024-03-23 8202 6.79 592 6.08 1455 6.19 3452 7.42 1803 6.60 900 6.22
13 2024-03-30 7797 6.02 581 6.54 1418 5.92 3111 6.49 1776 5.01 911 6.15
14 2024-04-06 7932 6.77 598 7.19 1495 6.29 3134 6.83 1853 7.12 852 6.34
15 2024-04-13 7843 5.46 626 4.31 1508 5.57 2974 6.22 1926 4.67 809 5.19
16 2024-04-20 7391 4.92 568 6.34 1452 4.41 2807 5.20 1700 5.18 864 3.47
17 2024-04-27 7302 4.78 658 5.17 1450 4.83 2603 4.61 1817 5.83 774 2.45
18 2024-05-04 7706 4.43 711 5.63 1466 2.86 2747 5.28 1898 4.58 884 3.05
19 2024-05-11 7344 3.39 686 3.64 1530 3.14 2693 3.12 1588 4.60 847 2.24
20 2024-05-18 7061 2.63 889 3.37 1437 2.37 2517 2.50 1427 2.66 791 2.65
21 2024-05-25 6960 2.00 812 2.22 1442 1.94 2511 2.19 1385 2.38 810 0.62
22 2024-06-01 6696 1.79 780 1.79 1326 1.43 2389 1.26 1395 2.80 806 2.23
23 2024-06-08 6103 1.43 729 1.23 1261 1.51 2152 1.30 1299 1.69 662 1.36

Page details

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