The Public Service Commission’s Twitter Terms of Use

The Public Service Commission (PSC) uses Twitter, a free micro-blogging platform, as a tool to communicate clearly, quickly and in an interesting manner. Please note that Twitter is not a Government of Canada Web site.

We would like to remind you that by using Twitter you are bound by the Twitter Terms of Service and its related policies and rules, which govern your access to and use of the site. We strongly encourage you to read the terms of service on the Twitter Web site at:

The following PSC Twitter Terms of Use do not modify your agreement with Twitter itself. The purpose of the PSC Terms of Use is to inform Twitter users of how the PSC will interact with them on our official corporate Twitter account. Twitter users can post comments and we encourage discussion. While we cannot respond to all comments, we will respond to some comments and provide additional information or links whenever possible.

The PSC currently holds four official corporate Twitter accounts:

@jobs_gc (English) / @emplois_gc (French)

@PSCofCanada (English) / @CFPduCanada (French)

Content of tweets

We use our social media account as an alternative method of sharing the content posted on our Web site and interacting with our stakeholders. By following our social media account, you can expect to see information about the programs and services we provide.

If you follow @PSCofCanada, you can expect regular tweets covering some or all of the following:


We understand that the Web is a 24/7 medium, and your comments are welcome at any time. You should expect to see new content posted Monday to Friday from 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. EST/EDT. Comments submitted after hours or on weekends will be read and responded to as soon as possible.

Because the servers of social media platforms are managed by a third party, our social media accounts are subject to downtime that may be out of our control. As such, we accept no responsibility for platforms becoming unresponsive or unavailable.


Our decision to “follow,” “favourite” or “subscribe” to another social media account does not imply an endorsement of that account, channel, page or site, and neither does sharing (re-tweeting, reposting or linking to) content from another user.

Comments and interaction

We will read comments and participate in discussions when appropriate. We ask that your comments be relevant and respectful. We reserve the right to delete comments that violate this notice, and the user may be blocked and reported to prevent further inappropriate comments.

We cannot answer questions that break the rules of this notice.

We reserve the right to edit or remove comments that:

In short, please be respectful and make sure that your comments are relevant to where they are posted. The views of users commenting on our social media accounts do not necessarily represent the views of the Public Service Commission of Canada.


Information that we post is subject to the Copyright Act.


The PSC is committed to making its tweets accessible to its followers. If you have any problems accessing our tweets, another version of Twitter is available via Easy Chirp.

Please note that the majority of our tweets refer to existing content on the PSC Web site at You can always visit the PSC Web site for fully accessible content.


Information shared with PSC Twitter accounts is subject to the Access to Information Act and the Privacy Act.

You participate in PSC Twitter accounts at your own risk, taking personal responsibility for your tweets, your username and any other information you provide. We strongly advise users to avoid posting personal information such as home addresses and telephone numbers, photographs containing images of identifiable individuals and any other personal information, as defined in Section 3 of the Privacy Act

Please note that the PSC does not intend to collect any personal information that is submitted via Twitter. However, in the event that personal information is collected, it is protected under the provisions of the Privacy Act and will be stored in standard Personal Information Bank 914 (Public Communications) for a period of six months. After six months the personal information will be destroyed. Should you have any questions about your privacy rights as explained in this notice, please contact the PSC's Access to Information and Privacy Coordinator.

The nature of the Internet is such that Web servers automatically collect certain information about a visit to a Web site, including the visitor's Internet Protocol (IP) address. An IP address is a unique number assigned by the Internet Service Provider (ISP) to all devices used to access the Internet. Web servers automatically log the IP addresses of visitors to their sites. The IP address, on its own, does not identify an individual. However, in certain circumstances, such as with the co-operation of an ISP, the IP address could be used to identify an individual using the site.

For this reason, the Government of Canada considers the IP address to be personal information, particularly when combined with other data automatically collected when a visitor requests a Web page, such as the page or pages visited, and the date and time of the visit.

Official languages

The PSC respects the Official Languages Act and is committed to ensuring that information products are available in equal quality, in both French and English. The PSC's tweets will be posted in both official languages — in English on the @PSCofCanada account and in French on the @CFPduCanada account. Replies via @Replies that require a response will be answered in the official language of origin. Summaries of extensive conversations taking place on one account will be provided to the other official language account page. is available in multiple languages, including English and French. To change your Twitter settings, select either "English" or "French" from the language selection menu.

Public Service Commission staff tweeting

Some PSC staff tweet under their own names or pseudonyms. Despite their professional affiliation with the PSC, these tweets do not represent the official position of the Commission and should be considered the product of each individual as a private citizen.

Additional information

For information about the PSC, please consult our Web site at

The method of contacting the PSC for official correspondence is detailed in the Contact Us section of our Web site.

Media requests should be directed to: or 819-420-6645.

Page details

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