Benefits of hiring through recruitment programs

  • Innovative ideas: Students bring high energy levels; current, innovative ideas; knowledge of new technologies and different schools of thought to your organization.
  • Employment equity: You can increase your workforce representation by considering students who belong to one or more of the designated employment equity groups.
  • Retention: You may re-employ a student for as long as he or she remains eligible under the program or other specialized recruitment program.
  • Workforce renewal: You can make the most of your investment in training a student by bridging the student into a term or indeterminate position.
  • Flexible hiring: Most of the specialized recruitment programs have year-round inventories that allow you to hire students at any time of the year.
  • Large pools of applicants: Specialized recruitment programs attract thousands of applicants that can meet your organizational needs.
  • Many assessment tools available: We have many electronic screening instruments and numerous assessment tools in place to help you find student referrals that meet your staffing requirements.

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