Overview of the PSC Data Management Strategy (DMS): The Right Data, The Right Way, In The Right Hands, At The Right Time

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Overview of the PSC Data Management Strategy (DMS): The Right Data, The Right Way, In The Right Hands, At The Right Time

Desired Outcomes:

  • Governance: exists at the right level to ensure that data is managed holistically as a strategic asset
  • Data as an Asset:  the PSC has the data it needs, which is fit for use and available
  • People and Culture: the PSC employees have access to the data they need and the talent and capacity to use, manage, interpret and understand data to maximize its value
  • Infrastructure: the PSC has the infrastructure and tools to facilitate data management and analytics

Implementation Plan:

PSC DMS First Pillar: Data Management

Establish the Foundation

Clarify data responsibilities

  • Formalize Committees and TORs / Define and communicate Chief Data Officer function (CDO)
  • Clarify roles and responsibilities related to data (CDO, Stewards/curators, Data custodians) and list of authoritative sources for PSC data elements
  • Establish protocols for data sharing within and outside the PSC

Define Success

  • Develop Results Measurement Framework for DMS Data management strategy
  • Develop Change Management/Communication Strategy

Promote Ethical Use of Data

  • Create corporate list of PSC protocols and data sharing agreements
  • Create templates and guidelines for data sharing within and outside the PSC
  • Implement mechanisms to mitigate duplication of data holdings
  • Review privacy notice statements

Assess current data situation

  • Assess PSC data risks
  • Conduct PSC data management maturity assessment
  • Develop action plan/mitigation strategies to address data risks and maturity findings

Build Momentum

Manage our data

  • Develop PSC Policy on Data Quality
  • Coordinate data acquisition

Remain vigilant with security and privacy

  • Develop PSC Policy on Data Security and Privacy
  • Review, strengthen and formalize established Access Management practices


  • Implement Change Management/ Communication Strategy
  • Assess progress against DMS using the Results Measurement Framework

Address data risks and maturity findings

Prioritize and start implementing action plan/mitigation strategies

Assess and Adjust

Assess outcomes of Data Management Strategy

  • Measure the impact at the employee and organisational levels

Assess PSC data literacy progress

  • Administer second survey and analyze results
  • Adjust learning, change management and communication strategies

Align PSC Data Strategy with GC direction

  • Update PSC Data Management Strategy and align with GC direction and PSC needs

Address risks and maturity findings (cont)

  • Assess progress
  • Reassess/validate risks
  • Continue/adjust action plan/mitigation strategies activities

PSC DMS Second Pillar: Data Users

Establish the foundation

Assess state of data literacy

  • Administer Baseline Survey and conduct analysis
  • Develop PSC Data Literacy Plan
  • Start developing data literacy material (one module at a time)
  • Plan for delivery of learning modules

Release data of value

  • Engage to provide value-added data
  • Update existing open datasets
  • Assess new data holdings for eligibility and release new open datasets
  • Update PSC Data Inventory

Strengthen analytical capacity

  • Develop and implement a competency-based framework for data analysts/scientists
  • Establish PSC Data Lab to support advanced research and simulations
  • Establish sandbox to test and procure advanced analytical and visualization tools

Build momentum

Respond to data users’ needs

  • Deliver PSC Data Literacy Plan (one module at a time)
  • Deliver a series of learning modules to increase awareness and knowledge of data
  • Offer refresher courses on information management

Enhance access to data

  • Establish a PSC-wide data catalogue
  • Create new open datasets based on engagement findings
  • Promote self-service
  • Develop Data Access and Dissemination Plan
  • Communicate and provide information on new data products

Assess and Adjust

Bring data knowledge to a new level

  • Conduct learning activities on how to interpret and apply staffing data, including methodologies, limitations, standards
  • Deliver new products to support emerging data needs

PSC DMS Third Pillar: Data Infrastructure

Establish the foundation

Plan future infrastructure

  • Initiate feasibility assessment for Data Lake – start with PIMS as a pilot project
  • Establish project Steering Committee for Data Lake
  • Conduct departmental consultations

Know the data we hold

  • Initiate PSC Corporate Data Asset Inventory (‘the untouchables’) – start with PIMS
  • Document data life cycle - start with PIMS

Built Momentum

Implement Data Lake environment

  • Build on pilot project to create new environment

Make the new environment work

  • Establish Master Data Management Plan
  • Implement PSC data dictionary solution
  • Connect with Next Gen HR data requirements to ensure operability
  • Explore new solutions for data visualization through the renewal of Impromptu
  • Grow PSC Corporate Data Asset Inventory to other data holdings including Departmental Results Framework indicators

Assess and Adjust

Leverage Data Lake

  • Onboard new data holdings in Data Lake

Expand data management practices

  • Establish organizational norms regarding the capture and use of metadata
  • Implement and standardize Reference Tables for Classifications, Regions and Departments

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