Gender-based analysis plus (GBA+)
Institutional GBA+ Capacity |
In May 2019, the Public Service Commission of Canada (PSC) adopted a Gender-Based Analysis plus (GBA+) Action Plan 2019-21, which outlines key goals and planned initiatives to meaningfully integrate GBA+ into its activities and decision-making processes. The ultimate intended outcome is for all key PSC programs, policies and services to be informed by an evidence-based assessment of their direct and indirect benefits and disadvantages for diverse groups of Canadians. Each of these assessments should include consideration of the intersections of multiple demographic and identity factors. A GBA+ Responsibility Centre, located within the PSC’s Results and Delivery Division, drove and monitored the timely and meaningful implementation of each GBA+ Action Plan activity. This role included:
In parallel, the GBA+ Responsibility Center continued to build staff awareness of the PSC’s GBA+ commitments, including through an organization-wide event featuring internal examples of GBA+ integration and an external speaker. A key measure in building the PSC’s institutional GBA+ capacity in 2019–20 was the implementation of a mandatory Gender and Diversity Considerations section in PSC briefing note templates. The new section prompts all PSC staff, when communicating with senior management for information or decisions on an issue or initiative, to systematically assess:
Executive management, including a GBA+ Champion at the vice-president level, was involved in developing the approach to GBA+ integration, and remained informed on progress against set objectives. In July 2019, the PSC also reported externally on its activities by participating in the Interdepartmental GBA+ Implementation Survey led by Women and Gender Equality Canada. |
Highlights of GBA+ results by program |
Policy Direction and Support |
One of the immediate intended outcomes for this program in 2019–20 was to remove or mitigate barriers to staffing across the federal public service. This outcome supports broader strategic outcomes, including fostering confidence in the staffing system and a diverse public service. The PSC had identified several departmental and program indicators that supported the identification and mitigation of potential barriers for diverse groups of federal public servants and the general public. These indicators include:
Disaggregated data for these indicators was collected, analyzed and leveraged into decision-making whenever possible and appropriate. In 2019–20, activities under this program to address potential gender and diversity-related gaps and barriers included:
For the first full year of implementing GBA+, the PSC worked on integrating GBA+ into key initiatives for this program. For example, some new PSC guidance tools, such as a video recruitment series, were adjusted to better reflect gender and diversity considerations. Given the nature and scope of most of these key initiatives, gender and diversity-related results are expected in the medium term, and will be monitored closely against baselines and expected outcomes to ensure meaningful integration. Whenever possible and appropriate, disaggregated data will be extracted, analyzed and reported on. |
Recruitment and Assessment Services |
One of the immediate intended outcomes for this program in 2019–20 was to reduce barriers for PSC staffing and assessments products, including for job applicants requiring accommodation measures. This outcome supported broader strategic outcomes, including reduced barriers to public service jobs for Canadians, as well as achievement of the strategic recruitment priorities of the federal government (including public service renewal). The PSC had identified several departmental and program indicators related to reducing barriers for diverse groups of Canadians (for example, based on their age or disability status). These indicators include:
Disaggregated data for these indicators was collected, analyzed and leveraged into decision-making whenever possible and appropriate. In 2019–20, activities under this program to address gender and diversity-related gaps and barriers included:
For this first year, the PSC worked on integrating GBA+ into key initiatives. For example, additional expectations were incorporated in the proof of concept and the project requirements for transforming the Government of Canada’s recruitment platform. The goals and activities of the PSC’s new Inclusive Recruitment Centre of Expertise were also refined through an equity-based lens. Given the nature and scope of most of these key initiatives, gender and diversity-related results are expected in the medium term, and will be monitored closely against baselines and expected outcomes to ensure meaningful integration. Whenever possible and appropriate, disaggregated data will be extracted, analyzed and reported on. |
Oversight and Monitoring |
One of the immediate intended outcomes for this program in 2019–20 was for the PSC to be accountable to Parliament on the integrity of the staffing system. This outcome supported broader strategic outcomes, including efficient and effective organizational oversight of staffing and the availability of useful and accessible data to Canadians. Both of these outcomes may support evidence-based decision-making building on GBA+ considerations. In 2019–20, activities under this program to address gender and diversity-related gaps and barriers included:
For the first full year of implementing GBA+, the PSC worked on integrating GBA+ into key initiatives. For example, key PSC evaluation and study reports integrated a GBA+ approach in the analysis and presentation of findings, which in some cases allowed it to highlight potential barriers for specific population groups. |
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