Public Service Hiring and Staffing Activities under the Public Service Employment Act: Supporting Documentation
Date |
Dataset |
Note |
31/03/2017 |
Revision of datasets. |
31/03/2017 |
Addition of datasets. |
11/10/2019 |
Individual datasets not updated. |
11/10/2019 |
Revision of datasets. |
23/01/2020 |
Addition of datasets. |
Background information
Hiring activities refers to indeterminate and term appointments to the public service, the hiring of casuals as per subsection 50(1) of the Public Service Employment Act (PSEA) and the hiring of students under the Student Employment Programs Participants Exclusion Approval Order. Indeterminate and term appointments to the public service include appointments from the general public, including former casuals, students and employees of government organizations that are not subject to the PSEA.
Staffing activities to and within the public service include appointments to the public service as well as promotions, lateral and downward movements and acting appointments of indeterminate and term employees. Deployments of employees within or between organizations that are subject to the PSEA are counted in lateral and downward movements.
Hiring and staffing activities data are derived from information received from the Treasury Board Secretariat Incumbent File. This file is extracted from the Public Services and Procurement Canada pay system. The Public Service Commission (PSC) has developed a series of algorithms that are used to produce the PSC’s official record of hiring and staffing activities across the federal public service, based on pay records submitted by organizations. Recruitment data for the Recruitment of Policy Leaders Initiative and the Post-Secondary Recruitment Program are based on individuals who have applied to these programs through the PSC’s Public Service Resourcing System and where a match was found in the PSC hiring and staffing activities file covering the current fiscal year.
Dataset documentation
*Regarding “Notes,” for each entry the content in brackets refers to a variable within the dataset.
Hiring activities under the Public Service Employment Act, by tenure and fiscal year (CFPPSC_AR1A)
- Source: Public Service Commission hiring and staffing activities files.
Hiring activities and population under the Public Service Employment Act, by geographic area (CFPPSC_AR1B)
- Source: Public Service Commission hiring and staffing activities files and population files.
- Note (Unknown): Records missing a regional indicator are labelled as unknown.
- Note: Hiring activities to the public service and population include indeterminate and term employees as well as casual workers and students.
Indeterminate staffing activities to the public service under the Public Service Employment Act, contributing to movement of indeterminate employees, by fiscal year (CFPPSC_AR1C)
- Source: Public Service Commission hiring and staffing activities.
- Note: Inflow includes movements from non-Public Service Employment Act organizations such as the Canada Revenue Agency.
Indeterminate staffing activities within the public service under the Public Service Employment Act, contributing to movement of indeterminate employees, by fiscal year (CFPPSC_AR1D)
- Source: Public Service Commission hiring and staffing activities.
- Note: As of fiscal year 2018-19, this dataset will no longer be updated as its content can be calculated using the Public Service Hiring and Staffing Activities under the Public Service Employment Act (CFFPSC_AR1G) dataset.
- Note: Promotions, lateral and downward movements within the public service include appointments of persons with a priority entitlement to indeterminate positions where the previous tenure was also indeterminate.
- Note: Lateral and downward movements include deployments and appointments of persons with a reinstatement priority entitlement that does not end the priority entitlement. Acting appointments of less than four months are excluded.
Indeterminate separations under the Public Service Employment Act, contributing to movement of indeterminate employees, by fiscal year (CFPPSC_AR1E)
- Source: Public Service Commission separations files.
- Note: Due to a change in data capture methods, the information used to populate this table is no longer available. This table will not be updated past 2017-2018 but will remain available for historical purposes only.
- Note: Outflow does not include inter-organizational movements within the Public Service Employment Act (PSEA), but does include movements to organizations outside the PSEA. Individuals who left the public service as part of Spending Review 2012 are reported under other separations.
Appointments under the Public Service Employment Act of new indeterminate employees, by fiscal year (CFPPSC_AR1F)
- Source: Public Service Commission hiring and staffing activities files.
Internal staffing activities of indeterminate employees under the Public Service Employment Act, by type and fiscal year (CFPPSC_AR1G)
- Source: Public Service Commission hiring and staffing activities files.
- Note: Promotions and lateral and downward movements within the public service include appointments of persons with a priority entitlement to indeterminate positions where the previous tenure was also indeterminate.
- Note: Lateral and downward movements include deployments. Acting appointments of less than four months are excluded. Figures also include appointments of persons with a priority entitlement.
Staffing activities of new indeterminate executive employees under the Public Service Employment Act, by source and fiscal year (CFPPSC_AR1H)
- Source: Public Service Commission hiring and staffing activities files.
Estimates of percentage of appointments under the Public Service Employment Act to and within the public service, by appointment type, process and fiscal year (CFPPSC_AR1I)
- Source: Public Service Commission (PSC) hiring and staffing activities files matched to their administrative data sources.
- Note (appointment type): Includes indeterminate and term appointments. Excludes lateral and downward movements, deployments and acting appointments of less than four months.
- Note: Due to timing and data quality issues, the PSC was able to match approximately 71% of appointments to the public service, 93% of promotions and 63% of acting appointments with PSC administrative data sources in 2022-2023. The averages for 2014-2015 to 2022-2023 result in a match rate of approximately 74% of appointments to the public service, 90% of promotions and 52% of acting appointments with PSC administrative data sources.
Indeterminate appointments and staffing activities to all bilingual positions (including the Executive Group) under the Public Service Employment Act, by language requirements of position and fiscal year (CFPPSC_AR1J)
- Source: Public Service Commission hiring and staffing activities files.
- Note: Due to a change in data capture methods, the information used to populate this table is no longer available. This table will not be updated past 2016-2017 but will remain available for historical purposes only.
- Note: Includes appointments to the public service, promotions and lateral and downward movements, but excludes acting appointments
Student employment program activities, by fiscal year (CFPPSC_AR1K)
- Source: Public Service Resourcing System and Public Service Commission hiring and staffing activities files.
- Note: As of fiscal year 2018-19, this dataset will no longer be updated as its content can be calculated using the Public Service Hiring and Staffing Activities under the Public Service Employment Act (CFFPSC_AR1FF) dataset.
- Note (Federal Student Work Experience Program (FSWEP) / Student hires): These figures include initial hires and extensions of employment with a break in service.
- Note (Research Affiliate Program (RAP) / Student Applications): These figures exclude cancelled advertisements.
- Note (RAP / Student Hires): These figures include initial hires and extensions of employment with a break in service, as well as hires occurring prior to an advertisement being cancelled.
- Note (Post-Secondary Co-op and Internship Program (COOP) / Student Hires): These figures include initial hires and extensions of employment with a break in service, as well as hires occurring prior to an advertisement being cancelled.
- Note (FSWEP / Student Applications): The redesigned FSWEP application process came into effect on January 31, 2017. Applicants were required to register in the new system even if they had already applied to the previous campaign. Due to the change in methodology, year-over-year comparisons of the number of applications are not possible for FSWEP.
- Note (FSWEP / Student Applications): The figures previously reported in the Open Government Portal for the number of FSWEP applications have been revised for the years prior to 2016-2017.
Post-Secondary Recruitment program highlights, by fiscal year (CFPPSC_AR1L)
- Source: Public Service Resourcing System and Public Service Commission hiring and staffing activities files.
- Note: Data in this table includes only advertisements where the Public Service Commission administered the advertisement on behalf of an organization and as such may not align with other published data on Post-Secondary Recruitment.
Estimates of percentage of indeterminate appointments under the Public Service Employment Act to the public service, by recruitment mechanism, by fiscal year (CFPPSC_AR1M)
- Source: Public Service Commission (PSC) hiring and staffing activities files matched to other administrative data sources.
- Note: As of fiscal year 2018-19, this dataset will no longer be updated as its content can be calculated using the Public Service Hiring and Staffing Activities under the Public Service Employment Act (CFFPSC_AR1HH) dataset.
- Note: Figures are based on the percentage of indeterminate appointments from the PSC hiring and staffing activities files matched to the PSC administrative data sources (approximately 90%).
- Note: Recruitment mechanisms are mutually exclusive.
- Note: Hiring of former students is not a recruitment mechanism.
- Note: General recruitment refers to appointments to the public service that were not achieved through recruitment programs.
Note: Recruitment of former students refers to the appointment of an individual to a term or indeterminate appointment who had experience in one of the student employment programs in the 10 years prior to their appointment. It is a subset of General Recruitment rather than a recruitment program.
Overall hiring and staffing activities to and within the public service, by type and tenure (CFPPSC_AR1N)
- Source: Public Service Commission (PSC) hiring and staffing activities files.
- Note: As of fiscal year 2018-19, this dataset will no longer be updated as its content can be calculated using the Public Service Hiring and Staffing Activities under the Public Service Employment Act (PSEA) (CFFPSC_AR1Z) dataset.
- Note (Acting appointments): Excludes acting appointments of less than four months.
- Note: Lateral and downward movements include deployments. As the appointment process is not captured by the Public Services and Procurement Canada pay system, it is not possible to differentiate between lateral and downward appointments and deployments.
- Note: The Student Employment Programs Participants Exclusion Approval Order and Student Employment Programs Participants Regulations apply to participants in the Federal Student Work Experience Program, the Research Affiliate Program, the Post-Secondary Co-op/Internship Program or any other student employment program established by Treasury Board Secretariat, after consultation with the PSC, who are hired by organizations whose appointments are subject to the PSEA.
Overall hiring and staffing activities to and within the public service, by tenure and previous employment status (CFPPSC_AR1O)
- Source: Public Service Commission (PSC) hiring and staffing activities files.
- Note: As of fiscal year 2018-19, this dataset will no longer be updated as its content can be calculated using the Public Service Hiring and Staffing Activities under the Public Service Employment Act (PSEA) (CFFPSC_AR1AA) dataset.
- Note: Appointments to casual and student positions are not considered to have a previous employment status and are reported under "General public."
- Note: The Student Employment Programs Participants Exclusion Approval Order and Student Employment Programs Participants Regulations apply to participants in the Federal Student Work Experience Program, the Research Affiliate Program, the Post-Secondary Co-op/Internship Program or any other student employment program established by Treasury Board Secretariat, after consultation with the PSC, who are hired by organizations whose appointments are subject to the PSEA.
Staffing activities by type and occupational group (CFPPSC_AR1P)
- Source: Public Service Commission hiring and staffing activities files.
- Note: As of fiscal year 2018-19, this dataset will no longer be updated as its content can be calculated using the Public Service Hiring and Staffing Activities under the Public Service Employment Act (CFFPSC_AR1BB) dataset.
- Note (Acting appointments): Excludes acting appointments of less than four months.
- Note: Lateral and downward movements include deployments. As the appointment process is not captured by the Public Services and Procurement Canada pay system, it is not possible to differentiate between lateral and downward appointments and deployments.
- Note: Includes indeterminate and term staffing activities but excludes casual and student hires.
Staffing activities by type and geographic area (CFPPSC_AR1Q)
- Source: Public Service Commission hiring and staffing activities files.
- Note (Acting appointments): Excludes acting appointments of less than four months.
- Note (Unknown): Records missing a regional indicator are labelled as unknown.
- Note: Lateral and downward movements include deployments. As the appointment process is not captured by the Public Services and Procurement Canada pay system, it is not possible to differentiate between lateral and downward appointments and deployments.
- Note: Includes indeterminate and term staffing activities but excludes casual and student hires.
Staffing activities by type and first official language group (CFPPSC_AR1R)
- Source: Public Service Commission hiring and staffing activities files
- Note: As of fiscal year 2018-19, this dataset will no longer be updated as its content can be calculated using the Public Service Hiring and Staffing Activities under the Public Service Employment Act (CFFPSC_AR1DD) dataset.
- Note (Acting appointments): Excludes acting appointments of less than four months.
- Note: Lateral and downward movements include deployments. As the appointment process is not captured by the Public Services and Procurement Canada pay system, it is not possible to differentiate between lateral and downward appointments and deployments.
- Note: Includes indeterminate and term staffing activities but excludes casual and student hires.
Staffing activities by type, first official language group and language requirements of position (CFPPSC_AR1S)
- Source: Public Service Commission hiring and staffing activities files.
- Note: Due to a change in data capture methods, the information used to populate this table is no longer available. This table will not be updated past 2016-2017 but will remain available for historical purposes only.
- Note (Bilingual non-imperative met): The person appointed met the language requirements of the position at the time of appointment.
- Note (Bilingual non-imperative must meet): The person appointed must attain, through language training, the language requirements of the position within two years of the date of the appointment, unless this period is extended for one or more additional periods, of not more than two years, in the circumstances prescribed in the Public Service Official Languages Appointment Regulations.
- Note (Bilingual non-imperative not required to meet): The person appointed is exempt from meeting the language requirements of the position for the duration of the appointment on medical grounds or as a result of their eligibility for an immediate annuity, as specified in the Public Service Official Languages Exclusion Approval Order.
- Note (Staffing activities within the public service): Lateral and downward movements include deployments. As the appointment process is not captured by the Public Services and Procurement Canada pay system, it is not possible to differentiate between lateral and downward appointments and deployments. Excludes acting appointments of less than four months.
- Note: Includes indeterminate and term staffing activities but excludes casual and student hires.
- Note (Appointments to the public service / Unknown): Due to the implementation of the Phoenix pay system, the linguistic position requirements of 32% of hires (5 541) were “unknown” for 2016-2017, compared with 2.7% (374) in 2015-2016.
Student hiring activities and appointments to the public service, by recruitment program and geographic area (CFPPSC_AR1T)
- Source: Public Service Commission (PSC) hiring and staffing activities files and Public Service Resourcing System.
- Note: As of fiscal year 2018-19, this dataset will no longer be updated as its content can be calculated using the Public Service Hiring and Staffing Activities under the Public Service Employment Act (PSEA) (CFFPSC_AR1FF and CFPPSC_AR1HH) dataset.
- Note: Due to a change in reporting methodology, data for appointments under the Recruitment of Policy Leaders (RPL) program are no longer comparable to figures published prior to 2017-2018. Updated figures are in the Public Service Hiring and Staffing Activities under the Public Service Employment Act (PSEA) (CFFPSC_AR1II) dataset.
- Note (General recruitment / Appointment): Includes recruitment of former students.
- Note (Unknown): Records missing a regional indicator are labelled as unknown.
- Note: The Student Employment Programs Participants Exclusion Approval Order and Student Employment Programs Participants Regulations apply to participants in Federal Student Work Experience Program, the Research Affiliate Program, the Post-Secondary Co-op/Internship Program or any other student employment program established by Treasury Board Secretariat, after consultation with the PSC, who are hired by organizations whose appointments are subject to the PSEA.
- Note: The figures under the Post-Secondary Recruitment Program include external term and indeterminate appointments of applicants from the current and previous years' campaigns, as not all appointments are completed within the same fiscal year. They include appointments under the Advanced Policy Analyst Program but exclude appointments of post-secondary graduates made directly by organizations outside of the program.
- Legend:
- FSWEP: Federal Student Work Experience Program
- RAP: Research Affiliate Program
- CO-OP: Post-Secondary Co-op/Internship Program
- PSR: Post-Secondary Recruitment Program
- RPL: Recruitment of Policy Leaders Initiative
Staffing activities by type and organization (CFPPSC_AR1U)
- Source: Public Service Commission (PSC) hiring and staffing activities files.
- Note: As of fiscal year 2018-19, this dataset will no longer be updated as its content can be calculated using the Public Service Hiring and Staffing Activities under the Public Service Employment Act (CFFPSC_AR1GG) dataset.
- Note (Acting appointments): Excludes acting appointments of less than four months.
- Note: Lateral and downward movements include deployments. As the appointment process is not captured by the Public Services and Procurement Canada (PSPC) pay system, it is not possible to differentiate between lateral and downward appointments and deployments.
- Note: The difference between the number of active organizations identified in this table and the number of organizations who were under an Appointment Delegation and Accountability Instrument at the end of 2017-2018 is related to organizations that do not show as separate entities in the PSPC pay system. For these organizations, the PSC cannot show hiring and staffing activities.
- Note: In 2015-2016, Statistics Canada hired a large number of specified term employees to work on Census and National Household Survey operations under the Statistics Canada Census and Survey Related Term Employment Exclusion Approval Order, inflating specified term hires in the National Capital Region and in the Clerical and Regulatory group in particular.
Executive indeterminate and term staffing activities under the Public Service Employment Act, by language requirements of position and fiscal year (CFPPSC_AR1V)
- Source: Public Service Commission hiring and staffing activities files.
- Note: Due to a change in data capture methods, the information used to populate this table is no longer available. This table will not be updated past 2016-2017 but will remain available for historical purposes only.
- Note: Includes appointments to the public service, promotions, lateral and downward movements and acting appointments of at least four months.
Indeterminate appointments and staffing activities to Executive bilingual positions under the Public Service Employment Act, by language requirements of position and fiscal year (CFPPSC_AR1W)
- Source: Public Service Commission hiring and staffing activities files.
- Note: Due to a change in data capture methods, the information used to populate this table is no longer available. This table will not be updated past 2016-2017 but will remain available for historical purposes only.
- Note: Includes appointments to the public service, promotions and lateral and downward movements, but excludes acting appointments.
Indeterminate and term staffing activities under the Public Service Employment Act, by language requirements of position, type of appointment and fiscal year (CFPPSC_AR1X)
- Source: Public Service Commission hiring and staffing activities files.
- Note: Due to a change in data capture methods, the information used to populate this table is no longer available. This table will not be updated past 2016-2017 but will remain available for historical purposes only.
- Note: Includes appointments to the public service, promotions, lateral and downward movements and acting appointments of at least four months. Most employees appointed on a non-imperative basis met the linguistic requirements of the position.
Indeterminate and term appointments to the public service under the Public Service Employment Act, by first official language group and fiscal year within and outside the National Capital Region (CFPPSC_AR1Y)
- Source: Public Service Commission hiring and staffing activities files.
Overall hiring and staffing activities to and within the public service, by type, tenure and geographic area (CFPPSC_AR1Z)
- Source: Public Service Commission (PSC) hiring and staffing activities files
- Note (Acting appointments): Excludes acting appointments of less than four months.
- Note (Unknown): Records missing a regional indicator are labelled as unknown.
- Note: Lateral and downward movements include deployments. As the appointment process is not captured by the Public Services and Procurement Canada pay system, it is not possible to differentiate between lateral and downward appointments and deployments.
- Note: The Student Employment Programs Participants Exclusion Approval Order and Student Employment Programs Participants Regulations apply to participants in the Federal Student Work Experience Program, the Research Affiliate Program, the Post-Secondary Co-op/Internship Program or any other student employment program established by the Treasury Board Secretariat, after consultation with the PSC, who are hired by organizations whose appointments are subject to the Public Service Employment Act.
Overall hiring and staffing activities to and within the public service, by tenure, previous employment status and geographic area (CFPPSC_AR1AA)
- Source: Public Service Commission (PSC) hiring and staffing activities files
- Note (Unknown): Records missing a regional indicator are labelled as unknown.
- Note: Appointments to casual and student positions are not considered to have a previous employment status and are reported under "General public."
- Note: The Student Employment Programs Participants Exclusion Approval Order and Student Employment Programs Participants Regulations apply to participants in the Federal Student Work Experience Program, the Research Affiliate Program, the Post-Secondary Co-op/Internship Program or any other student employment program established by the Treasury Board Secretariat, after consultation with the PSC, who are hired by organizations whose appointments are subject to the Public Service Employment Act.
Staffing activities by type, occupational group and geographic area (CFPPSC_AR1BB)
- Source: Public Service Commission hiring and staffing activities files
- Note (Acting appointments): Excludes acting appointments of less than four months.
- Note (Unknown): Records missing a regional indicator are labelled as unknown.
- Note: Lateral and downward movements include deployments. As the appointment process is not captured by Public Services and Procurement Canada pay system, it is not possible to differentiate between lateral and downward appointments and deployments.
- Note: Includes indeterminate and term staffing activities but excludes casual and student hires.
- Note: EX – Executive category includes appointments to both the EX and GX occupational groups.
Staffing activities by type, geographic area and organization (CFPPSC_AR1CC)
- Source: Public Service Commission hiring and staffing activities files
- Note: As of fiscal year 2018-19, this dataset will no longer be updated as its content can be calculated using the Public Service Hiring and Staffing Activities under the Public Service Employment Act (CFFPSC_AR1GG) dataset.
- Note (Acting appointments): Excludes acting appointments of less than four months.
- Note (Unknown): Records missing a regional indicator are labelled as unknown.
- Note: Lateral and downward movements include deployments. As the appointment process is not captured by the Public Services and Procurement Canada pay system, it is not possible to differentiate between lateral and downward appointments and deployments.
- Note: Includes indeterminate and term staffing activities but excludes casual and student hires.
Staffing activities by type, first official language group and geographic area (CFPPSC_AR1DD)
- Source: Public Service Commission hiring and staffing activities files
- Note (Acting appointments): Excludes acting appointments of less than four months.
- Note (Unknown): Records missing a regional indicator are labelled as unknown.
- Note: Lateral and downward movements include deployments. As the appointment process is not captured by the Public Services and Procurement Canada pay system, it is not possible to differentiate between lateral and downward appointments and deployments.
- Note: Includes indeterminate and term staffing activities but excludes casual and student hires.
Staffing activities by type, first official language group, language requirements of position and geographic area (CFPPSC_AR1EE)
- Source: Public Service Commission hiring and staffing activities files
- Note: Due to a change in data capture methods, the information used to populate this table is no longer available. This table will not be updated past 2016-2017 but will remain available for historical purposes only.
- Note (Bilingual non-imperative met): The person appointed met the language requirements of the position at the time of appointment.
- Note (Bilingual non-imperative must meet): The person appointed must attain, through language training, the language requirements of the position within two years of the date of the appointment, unless this period is extended for one or more additional periods – of not more than two years – in the circumstances prescribed in the Public Service Official Languages Appointment Regulations.
- Note (Bilingual non-imperative not required to meet): The person appointed is exempt from meeting the language requirements of the position for the duration of the appointment on medical grounds or as a result of their eligibility for an immediate annuity, as specified in the Public Service Official Languages Exclusion Approval Order.
- Note (Staffing activities within the public service): Lateral and downward movements include deployments. As the appointment process is not captured by the Public Services and Procurement Canada pay system, it is not possible to differentiate between lateral and downward appointments and deployments. Excludes acting appointments of less than four months.
- Note (Unknown): Records missing a regional indicator are labelled as unknown.
- Note (Appointments to the public service / Unknown): Due to the implementation of the Phoenix pay system, the linguistic position requirements of 32% of hires (5 541) were “unknown” for 2016-2017, compared with 2.7% (374) in 2015-2016.
- Note: Includes indeterminate and term staffing activities but excludes casual and student hires.
Student hiring activities to the public service, by program and geographic area (CFPPSC_AR1FF)
- Source: Public Service Commission (PSC) hiring and staffing activities files and the Public Service Resourcing System
- Note (Unknown): Records missing a regional indicator are labelled as unknown.
- Note: The Student Employment Programs Participants Exclusion Approval Order and Student Employment Programs Participants Regulations apply to participants in the Federal Student Work Experience Program, the Research Affiliate Program, the Post-Secondary Co-op/Internship Program or any other student employment program established by the Treasury Board Secretariat, after consultation with the PSC, who are hired by organizations whose appointments are subject to the Public Service Employment Act.
- FSWEP: Federal Student Work Experience Program
- RAP: Research Affiliate Program
- CO-OP: Post-Secondary Co-operative/Internship Program
Staffing activities by type, organization and geographic area (CFPPSC_AR1GG)
- Source: Public Service Commission (PSC) hiring and staffing activities files
- Note (Acting appointments): Excludes acting appointments of less than four months.
- Note (Unknown): Records missing a regional indicator are labelled as unknown.
- Note: Lateral and downward movements include deployments. As the appointment process is not captured by the Public Services and Procurement Canada (PSPC) pay system, it is not possible to differentiate between lateral and downward appointments and deployments.
- Note: The difference between the number of active organizations identified in this table and the number of organizations who were under an Appointment Delegation and Accountability Instrument at the end of 2020-2021 is related to organizations that do not show as separate entities in the PSPC pay system. For these organizations, the PSC cannot show hiring and staffing activities.
- Note: In 2015-2016, Statistics Canada hired a large number of specified term employees to work on Census and National Household Survey operations under the Statistics Canada Census and Survey Related Term Employment Exclusion Approval Order, inflating specified term hires in the National Capital Region and in the Clerical and Regulatory group in particular.
- Note: Includes indeterminate and term staffing activities but excludes casual and student hires.
Appointments to the public service, Post-secondary Recruitment Program, by geographic area (CFPPSC_AR1HH)
- Source: Public Service Commission hiring and staffing activities files and the Public Service Resourcing System
- Note (Unknown): Records missing a regional indicator are labelled as unknown.
- Note: The figures under the Post-Secondary Recruitment Program include external term and indeterminate appointments of applicants from the current and previous years' campaigns, as not all appointments are completed within the same fiscal year. They include appointments under the Advanced Policy Analyst Program, but exclude appointments of post-secondary graduates made directly by organizations.
- Legend:
- PSR: Post-secondary Recruitment Program
Hiring and staffing activities, Recruitment of Policy Leaders (CFPPSC_AR1II)
- Source: Public Service Commission hiring and staffing activities files and the Public Service Resourcing System
- Note: The number of Recruitment of Policy Leaders (RPL) appointments for 2017-2018 has been revised from the figures previously reported. There were 21 term and indeterminate RPL appointments in 2017-2018.
- Note: Figures presented only show hiring and staffing activities made in organizations under the Public Service Employment Act (PSEA). Additionally, there was one activity which took place in a Non-PSEA organization in 2017-2018 as well as one in 2019-2020.
- Note: Due to a change in reporting methodology, data for appointments under the Recruitment of Policy Leaders (RPL) program are no longer comparable to figures published prior to 2017-2018.
- Legend:
- RPL: Recruitment of Policy Leaders Initiative
Attribute Name |
Defined Attribute Name |
appointment_type_e |
Type of appointment (English) |
appointment_type_f |
Type of appointment (French) |
description_e |
Description of count/percentage (English) |
description_f |
Description of count/percentage (French) |
first_official_language_e |
First official language (English) |
first_official_language_f |
First official language (French) |
fiscal_year |
Fiscal year |
geo_region_e |
Geographic region of work location (English) |
geo_region_f |
Geographic region of work location (French) |
language_requirement_e |
Language requirement of position (English) |
language_requirement_f |
Language requirement of position (French) |
month_year_e |
Month and year (English) |
month_year_f |
Month and year (French) |
n |
Count/Percentage |
occ_group_e |
Occupational group (English) |
occ_group_f |
Occupational group (French) |
organization_e |
Federal government organizations (English) |
organization_f |
Federal government organizations (French) |
position_requirement_e |
Language requirement of position (English) |
position_requirement_f |
Language requirement of position (French) |
process_type_e |
Type of process (English) |
process_type_f |
Type of process (French) |
program_e |
Recruitment program (English) |
program_f |
Recruitment program (French) |
region_e |
Region (English) |
region_f |
Region (French) |
separation_e |
Separation type (English) |
separation_f |
Separation type (French) |
staffing_act_appt_type_e |
Staffing activity/appointment type (English) |
staffing_act_appt_type_f |
Staffing activity/appointment type (French) |
staffing_activity_e |
Type of staffing activity (English) |
staffing_activity_f |
Type of staffing activity (French) |
staffing_type_e |
Source of type of staffing activity (English) |
staffing_type_f |
Source of type of staffing activity (French) |
student_program_e |
Student program (English) |
student_program_f |
Student program (French) |
tenure_after_staffing_e |
Tenure after staffing activity (English) |
tenure_after_staffing_f |
Tenure after staffing activity (French) |
tenure_before_staffing_e |
Tenure before staffing activity (English) |
tenure_before_staffing_f |
Tenure before staffing activity (French) |
tenure_e |
Employee tenure (English) |
tenure_f |
Employee tenure (French) |
Page details
- Date modified: