Roles and responsibilities with respect to data at the public service commission

Table of Contents


In the fall of 2018, the Government of Canada (GC) published A Data Strategy Roadmap for the Federal Public Service. This Roadmap provides 21 recommendations that are structured around four themes: Governance; People and Culture; Environment and Digital Infrastructure; and Data as an Asset.

The Roadmap also specifies two departmental requirements by September 2019:

The Public Service Commission (PSC) has taken the lead in adhering to the recommendations of the GC Data Strategy Roadmap. On April 1st, 2018, it created the Chief Data Officer (CDO) function and in June 2018, the Executive Management Committee (EMC) approved the PSC Data Management Strategy, including a data governance that brings both the operational and technical perspectives together. The core components of the Data Management Strategy - Data Management, Data Infrastructure and Data Users – have been established to support the achievement of the PSC data vision of having “the right data, the right way, in the right hands at the right time”.

This document aims to provide greater clarity on the roles and responsibilities of various data actors at the PSC and how they contribute to supporting the PSC’s core functions:

Data actors work together to support the President who, as the PSC’s Data Leader, is responsible for: driving the data agenda toward data optimization; enabling the organization with accurate and reliable data in an ethical manner that respects privacy, confidentiality and security; driving the cultural shift to embrace and leverage data; improving management and use of data through governance, technology and the implementation of best practices.

At the PSC, data actors include the CDO, the Chief Information Officer/Information Management Senior Officer (CIO/IMSO), data stewards, data users, the Communications and Parliamentary Affairs Directorate (COMMS), the Open Government Secretariat (OGS), the Access to Information and Privacy Office (ATIP), and Legal Services.

Chief Data Officer (CDO) Profile

The CDO is responsible for the PSC Data Management Strategy and for driving the cultural change needed to manage data as a corporate asset.

The CDO’s main goal is to ensure consistency in data quality, methodology and interpretation with respect to the integrity of the overall public service staffing system. The CDO is accountable to the President and works closely with Data Stewards, the CIO/IMSO, ATIP Office, Legal Services and subject matter experts (SMEs). The CDO function is at the enterprise level and is located outside of the Information Technology Services Directorate (ITSD).

The responsibilities of the CDO include:


Collaboration and Change Management

Enabling the PSC to Speak with One Voice

Chief Information Officer (CIO) & Information Management Senior Officer (IMSO) Profile

The CIO/IMSO is responsible for the development and maintenance of the PSC’s technical infrastructure that supports the different business lines, ensures that data and information assets are created, stored, retained and disposed of in accordance with established IM guidelines and policies set by Treasury Board Secretariat (TBS).

The CIO/IMSO is accountable to the Vice-President of the Corporate Affairs sector and works closely with data stewards and the CDO. The CIO function is at the enterprise-level and located within the Information Technology Services Directorate (ITSD).

The responsibilities of the CIO and IMSO include:



Policy/Directive Compliance

Secure PSC IM Standards:

Support the Implementation of the Open Government at the PSC:

Data Stewards Profile

Data stewards (i.e., business owners) are identified as the VPs of each sector. They are responsible, from a business perspective, for the data requirements and specifications, and quality that will support their business.

Data stewards provide direction to their teams with respect to data and embrace the role as a change agent in building a data culture and supporting the direction of the PSC Data Management Strategy. Data stewards ensure the accountability of data being produced at the PSC by assessing the quality, privacy, security and effective use of data.

The responsibilities of data stewards include:

Data Quality Management

Policy Compliance


Consultation and Collaboration


Openness and Transparency

Data User’s Profile

Data users are anyone in the PSC who makes use of data. Each have a direct responsibility for ensuring proper data input and usage as part of their daily activities. When appropriate, they are also responsible to follow the Data Dissemination and Approval Protocol.

Data users have a business level responsibility for the maintenance, security and confidentiality of their sector’s data assets and to manage data variables to answer inquiries made by stakeholders or clients. They understand the data collection methodology, data analysis, reporting methods and standards, as well as retention and disposition periods and related processes.

The responsibilities of data users include:

Privacy, Security, Confidentiality and Management of Datasets

Accountability to Stakeholders

Personal Development:

Communications and Parliamentary Affairs Directorate (COMMS) Profile

The COMMS is responsible for facilitating the dissemination of data/information and for delivering related communications/media relations advice and services.

The responsibilities of the COMMS include:


Data/Information Dissemination:

Open Government

Open Government Secretariat (OGS) Profile

The OGS is responsible for creating, consulting, and seeking approval for the publication of the Open Government Implementation Plan (OGIP) and supporting the IMSO and the Open Government Champion. In addition to publishing the OGIP, the OGS consults with business areas to coordinate the work involved in completing the Open Government activities related to open data, open information and engagement.

With respect to data, the OGS’ responsibilities include:

Access to Information and Privacy (ATIP) Office Profile

The ATIP Office is responsible for administering the requirements of the Privacy Act and the Access to Information Act on behalf of the PSC and for the implementation of the PSC's Privacy Management Framework.

The responsibilities of the ATIP Office with respect to data also include:

The ATIP Office also plays a critical role in Open Data:

Legal Services Officials Profile

The PSC’s Legal Services Unit is responsible for the provision of legal advice to all sectors concerning legal matters referred to it.

With respect to data, PSC’s Legal Services Unit’s responsibilities include:

Annex A: Acronyms

Acronym Definition
ATIP Access to Information and Privacy
CDO Chief Data Officer
CIO Chief Information Officer
COMMS Communications
CSV Comma Separated Value
EMC Executive Management Committee
GC Government of Canada
IM Information Management
IMSO Information Management Senior Official
IT Information Technology
ITSD Information Technology Services Directorate
OGIP Open Government Implementation Pan
OGS Open Government Secretariat
PSC Public Service Commission
SMEs Subject Matter Experts
TBS Treasury Board Secretariat

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