Unsupervised Internet Test of Cognitive Ability – Level 1 (UIT CA1 208) - Candidate information
- As part of the on-line process, you will be asked whether you require test accommodation. If you are an applicant who meets all other requirements (e.g., education) and you indicate that you require assessment accommodation due to a disability or a medical condition, you will be contacted by the hiring manager about alternate testing arrangements.
Assessment accommodation will be handled on a case-by-case basis. You will be asked to provide information on your condition, disability or circumstance (e.g., cultural or religious reasons) to enable appropriate assessment.
Read more about accommodation
- Set aside sufficient time to complete the test within the time limits;
- Take the test(s) in a quiet, comfortable location;
- Have scrap paper and a calculator handy;
- Manage your time well. In general, it is a good idea to solve easy questions first and difficult questions later. Questions are presented in random order rather than in order of difficulty. If you are stuck on a difficult question, mark that question for review and return to it once you have completed the other test questions;
- Answer all questions. If you are not sure of the correct answer, guess. There is no penalty for wrong answers;
- Read the whole question;
- Eliminate answers that you know are wrong. By reducing the number of choices, you increase your chance of selecting correct answers;
- Can you study for the test? Review the sample questions on the Sample Questions page;
- If you encounter technical difficulties, we can help;
- Copying or sharing the on-line test questions
All test content is copyrighted material of the Public Service Commission of Canada (PSC) and is designated Protected. It may not be copied, reproduced, translated, distributed or disseminated, in whole or in part, in any form or by any means for commercial or non-commercial purposes. Any unauthorized reproduction, recording and/or disclosure of test content is in contravention of the Government Security Policy and the use of such improperly obtained or transmitted information could be found to contravene the provisions of the Public Service Employment Act (PSEA).
Parties involved in the disclosure or improper use of Protected test content may be investigated under the PSEA, where a finding of fraud may be punishable on summary conviction, or may be referred to the Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP).
The PSC monitors the Web for inappropriate and/or fraudulent duplication, in whole or in part, of its assessment tools; - Cheating on an Unsupervised Internet Test
If you take an Unsupervised Internet Test (UIT), it is essential that you complete it honestly, by yourself, without assistance from other people or other resources (e.g., books, notes, etc.). In the interest of fairness to all applicants, it is also essential that you respect the confidentiality of the testing material and agree not to share or copy any of it.
To ensure that applicants have completed the test based on their own abilities, test results are verified by administering similar tests in a supervised setting. If the PSC has reason to doubt the validity of an applicant's test result, that individual may be required to retake the test prior to any appointment being made on the basis of the test result. Any suspected cheating will be referred to the responsible manager and the PSC's Personnel Psychology Centre (PPC) for action.
Suspected cheating may result in the invalidation of test results and may be the subject of an investigation under the PSEA. A finding of fraud may be punishable on summary conviction or the case may be referred to the RCMP.
Contact the Personnel Psychology Centre at cfp.cpp-ppc.psc@canada.ca if you think you have seen PSC test questions posted or shared on-line (e.g., on a website or a private chat room) or shared in another manner (e.g., practice test).
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