Public Services and Procurement Canada
List of briefing notes provided to the Minister or the Deputy Minister in May 2019

Briefing notes for May 2019
Document number Subject
159084 Memo to Deputy Minister: Evaluation of Equity Monitoring for the Quantum Encryption and Science Satellite Project
159199 Memo to Minister: Fairness Monitor Final Reports to be posted on the Public Services And Procurement Canada website
159203 Memo to Minister: Fairness Monitor Report to be posted on the Public Services And Procurement Canada website
159320 Memo to Deputy Minister: Fairness Monitoring Assessment for the 875 Heron Road Ottawa Taxation Centre Complex Renovation
159387 Memo to Deputy Minister: Fairness monitoring assessment for the construction of a new building in Shawinigan – Selection of a construction manager
159388 Memo to Deputy Minister: Fairness monitoring assessment for the domestic and arctic mobility enhancement project
159419 Memo to Deputy Minister: Fairness Monitoring Assessment for the Construction of a New Building in Shawinigan – Selection of Architectural and Engineering Consultants
159432 Memo to Deputy Minister: Fairness monitoring assessment for project management support services for parliamentary precinct branch senate accommodation
159492 Memo to Deputy Minister: 2018 to 2019 Statutory Reporting Requirement under the Public Servants Disclosure Protection Act
159118 Memo to Minister: Public Services and Procurement Canada departmental IT plan 2019 to 2022
159236 Memo to Deputy Minister: Rehabilitation of West Memorial Building
159371 Memo to Minister: Contracting authorities
158976 Memo to Deputy Minister and Letter: Submission of the 2018 to 2019 Annual Report to the Public Service Commission
158977 Memo to Deputy Minister and letter: Response to a preliminary report on the follow-up to the recommendations of the Commissioner of Official Languages
159160 Memo to Deputy Minister: Audit of Public Services And Procurement Canada selected programs` management of personal information
159074 Memo to Deputy Minister: Follow-up to the appearance at the February 25, 2019 Senate Standing Committee on Official Languages on disposal of surplus lands
159156 Memo to Minister and Letter: 2018 to 2019 performance assessment for Mr. James Paul, President and Chief Executive Officer of Defence Construction Canada
159224 Memo to Minister: Reappointment Of Panel Members to the Payments In Lieu Of Taxes Dispute Advisory Panel
159250 Memo to Minister and letter: Appointment of the President and Chief Executive Officer of Defence Construction Canada
159296 Memo to Minister and letters: Tabling of the Defence Construction Canada 2019-2020 to 2023-2024 Corporate Plan Summary
159297 Memo to Minister and Letter: 2018 to 2019 performance assessment for Mr. John McBain, President and Chief Executive Officer of Canada Lands Company Limited
159332 Memo to Minister and letter: Appointment of Chairperson and Director to the Board of Directors for Canada Lands Company Limited
159399 Memo to Minister and letters: Tabling of the Canada Lands Company Limited 2019-2020 to 2023-2024 Corporate Plan Summary
159515 Memo to Minister and letter: 2019 to 2020 performance agreement for the President and Chief Executive Officer for Canada Lands Company Limited
159341 Memo to Deputy Minister: Approval to extend the period to meet second language proficiency requirements
159416 Memo to Minister: Path Forward for a Modern Fair Wages Policy
159519 Memo to Minister: Contract award for reconstruction of sections 93, 94 and part of 95 of the Queen's Wharf in the city of Québec
159322 Memo to Minister and letter: Offer to support the review of the Treasury Board policy titled Workplace Day Care Centres
159159 Memo to Deputy Minister: 2019 Public Accounts of Canada
159175 Memo to Deputy Minister and Letters: 2019 Public Accounts of Canada
159240 Memo to Minister and letter: Sharing of seized property proceeds
159402 Memo to Deputy and letter: Audit of the public services pension plan financial statements for year end March 31,2019

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