Greening procurement
Reduce our environmental footprint and create new markets for innovative, clean technology products and services.
Public Services and Procurement Canada (PSPC) is introducing environmental considerations when we plan, buy, use and dispose of all goods and services, including construction. For example, as part of the Energy Services Acquisition Program, bidders were asked to demonstrate that their technologies can reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions beyond targets set by Canada. The government’s support for green goods and services contributes to fighting climate change while promoting innovation and accelerating the research and development of clean technologies. Bidders who include clean technologies in their proposals may be rewarded.
Ongoing. Since May 2018, environmental considerations have been incorporated into standing offers and supply arrangements for more than 30 categories of goods and services. PSPC is also prioritizing commodities that will have the greatest overall impact in reducing GHG emissions and plastic waste, and ensuring that where plastics are procured, they are recyclable or manufactured from recycled content.
As of May 1, 2019, new features have been added to the Standing Offers and Supply Arrangements Application (SOSA App) to effectively capture and track all procurement instruments that have incorporated environmental considerations.
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