What to include in your tip
Learn what type of information and details to include in your tip. It is up to you what information you include. The more information you are able to provide, the more likely we will be able to identify and understand the incident so we can take appropriate preventative, investigative or corrective action.
On this page
About providing tips
All tips are valuable. It’s ok if you don’t have all the suggested information on this page. Provide only what you have. You can do so anonymously.
Take action
Have you seen something suspicious or unfair in a Government of Canada (GC) contract?
Details to include
Include details about those involved and the contract, such as:
- full name of the person(s) involved
- name of business(es) involved
- name of GC department(s) or agency(ies) involved
- address(es) of person(s) or business(es)
- contract number
- contract name
- specific information about the good or service involved
Description of the situation
Provide as much detail as possible, including but not limited to:
- what you observed that led you to believe that cheating may have occurred in a GC contract(s)
- how you believe the potential cheating occurred
- who you believe might be involved in the incident and how
- who you believe may have witnessed or may have information regarding the incident
- red flags you have observed, for example:
- expensive gifts
- extravagant spending not in line with income
- strange interactions with GC officials or competitors
- high success rate in obtaining contracts from the GC
Timeframe of incident
Tell us when the incident occurred and include specific dates, periods, or timeframes. It’s ok if you are reporting something that has happened in the past or something that is ongoing. We can still take action.
Supporting documents
Providing supporting documents can really help us take action. These kinds of documents are useful:
- emails that help:
- identify the suspected person or business
- describe the scam/arrangement
- invoices
- shipping/receiving documentation
- inventory tracking
- purchase orders
- contracts
- leases
- bid documents
- visual representation of suspicious activity
Examples: Complete and partial tips
We are more likely to be able to take action with a complete tip as it includes identifying information, a description of the suspected incident and documents that help support the allegation.
Explore the following 2 examples of tips: 1 with complete information and 1 with partial and incomplete information.
Example: Complete tip
My neighbour, John Smith, who lives at 555 Main Street in City, Province, works for the GC at the Department of Procurement. I know this because I have a business card from him. He has recently started taking expensive trips numerous time a year. On June 1st of this year, when I mentioned that he was lucky to travel so often, John mentioned to me that he took 5 trips with representatives of Company A over the last 2 years. When I said that I thought he worked for the GC, John explained to me that one of his responsibilities at Department of Procurement is to purchase large quantities of widgets. He told me he loves Company A widgets. Company A is so appreciative that it includes John in their “recognition” program and rewards him with trips to various locations. He then told me that if I was ever in the market for widgets, he could get me a good deal through Company A. He sent me the attached email telling me about the widgets and listed a few of his contacts at the company. He provided a link to the company website and to the resort that he just got back from.
A complete tip is more likely to be actionable
This tip has enough identifying information (name, address, business name, department, type of goods involved) to identify the person and company who are alleged to be cheating on a GC contract.
It also gives a detailed description about the problematic situation. The tip includes a timeframe with dates of conversations, trips and the length of time the suspicious behaviour occurred. It also provides supporting documentation, an email with more details on the widgets and the business involved.
Example: Partial tip
My neighbour travels often with her husband, and I’m sure she can’t afford it. She works for the GC but I think she is doing something illegal to pay for her trips. Her name is Ms. Doe. We live in City, Province, on Park Street.
A partial tip is valuable but may not be actionable
Though this tip has partial identifying information which could be used to help identify a person, it is missing a description of a suspected cheating incident. As a result, we will most likely not be able to take action on this tip.
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