How to make a Personal Information Request
To make a request pursuant to the Privacy Act (the Act) for information held by the RCMP External Review Committee (ERC), you may complete the Personal Information Request Form or send a letter identifying the Act and describing the information you are seeking to the ERC's Access to Information and Privacy (ATIP) Office. Please include any relevant details to assist in locating the information.
There is no application fee for requesting information under this Act.
In addition, if you are requesting personal information that does not concern you, you must include a consent document indicating the name of the person giving his or her consent and to who consent is being given. The consent document must be dated and signed by the person giving the consent.
Please send your completed Personal Information request and any consent documents to the following address:
Access to Information and Privacy Coordinator
RCMP External Review Committee
P. O. Box 1159, Station B
Ottawa, ON K1P 5R2
For requests for information held by other government institutions, please refer to the list of departmental ATIP coordinators.
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