View return – Initial assessment or reassessment
General information
This page lets you see all assessed data for the selected return. The version of the return shown is the version selected from the “Return status” screen.
Current status
Describes the status of the return:
- Assessed
Means that that the return has been processed by our computer system for the first time and a notice of assessment has been issued (mailed or sent electronically). - Reassessed
Means that that the return has been changed, and a notice of reassessment has been issued (mailed or sent electronically).
Status date
This is the date the notice of assessment or reassessment was issued.
T2 return and schedule
This page lets you see all assessed data for the selected return and the schedules sent with it. The schedules that you can view are listed here.
Expand all
Clicking on “Expand all” will let you see the data for all assessed schedules. Clicking on the arrow beside a schedule will let you see the data for that schedule.
Collapse all
Clicking on “Collapse all” will close all expanded data. You will then see the list of schedules only.
When there is more than one of the same schedule assessed, a sequence number will be shown to identify each schedule.
This is the line number of a data item on a schedule or return.
A row number will be shown when there is more than one data item for the line being viewed. The number separates one row of data from the next.
This is the description of a data item on a schedule or return.
This is the assessed value on the line of a schedule or a return.
Page details
- Date modified: