Civic street number (ACO.d6)

General information

This page will display your street name, city, province or territory, and postal code. You must enter your street number to complete your new address. Select the "Next" button to proceed.

Definitions and explanations

Apartment number (if applicable)

This is the number of the apartment that you live in. This could also be referred to as unit, suite, or building unit number. Provide this information if Canada Post needs it to deliver your mail.

If you enter characters that are not numbers or letters, or you enter a hyphen in the first or last position, a message will appear on your page. You must select the "Previous" button and remove these invalid characters.

Apartment number suffix (if applicable)

This is the suffix attached to your apartment number (such as ¼, ½, ¾ or A, B, C, etc.). Select the down arrow beside the apartment number suffix box and choose from the list provided.

Street number

This is the number of your new street (such as 36 Maple Avenue). Select the down arrow beside the "Street number" box and choose from the list provided. You must provide this information to proceed with your mailing address change.

Street number suffix (if applicable)

This is the suffix attached to your street number (such as ¼, ½, ¾ or A, B, C, etc.). Select the down arrow beside the street number suffix box and choose from the list provided.

For a "care of" address (c/o)

If your mail is delivered to the address of another person or organization -- that is, if it's being delivered to you "care of" someone else, type in the name of that person or organization.

New mailing address will be effective on

This is the date that you want to start receiving mail at your new mailing address. Select the down arrow beside each box (Year, Month, Day), and choose from the list provided.


This button will take you to the previous page.


This button will take you to the page that will display your new mailing address.

Log out

This will take you out of the secure "Change my address" site.

Page details

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