Dress instructions | Annex C Service dress – No. 3
- This annex and Figures 5C-1 to 5C-6 describe environmentally coloured service dress. Navy service dress also includes some alternative white items for wear with No. 3B short-sleeve order during the summer only (Figure 5C-4, Note 5). These white items, less shirts, are also worn with optional high collar white jackets for Navy No. 1C and 1D orders of dress.
- Undress ribbons, flying and specialist skill badges, and occupation badges shall be worn where authorized.
- Jackets, service dress, may be removed in buildings at the discretion of the commanding officer.
- Where alternative dress items are authorized, such as slacks/skirts or boots/shoes, the choice shall be as ordered or as appropriate. Jackets and trousers/slacks or skirts of different cloth weights shall not be mixed.
- Skirts and pumps shall not be worn on parade. Ankle boots or oxford shoes or patented leather shoes are optional on daily routine, parades or ceremonies according to environment, branch, corps or regimental direction.
- Sweaters.
- Nothing shall be sewn on the sweater; the Remembrance Day poppy may be pinned to the sweater and in the case of the Army v-neck sweater the plastic name tag will be worn at the position indicated. Neckties are mandatory for Naval Officers, otherwise optional.
- The only exception to paragraph 6.a. is that chaplains in all elements shall wear their metal faith identifier on their sweater. Navy and Air Force chaplains shall wear their metal faith group identifier approximately 9 cm below the right shoulder seam. Army chaplains shall wear their metal faith identifier centered above their name tag.
- Outerwear. The following items of outerwear shall be worn when ordered or may be worn as appropriate:
- headdress – shall be worn outdoors. Toques and Yukon caps may only be worn during winter dress period with the topcoat (gabardine), and DEU Parkas;
- topcoat (gabardine) – normally worn during the winter dress period, but can be worn during unseasonably cold summer weather;
- raincoat, light weight – normally worn during summer dress period, but may be worn during unseasonably warm days during the winter period;
- DEU parka (optional);
- Authorized windbreakers (optional) - in accordance with Annex E;
- RCAF leather jacket (optional); for RCAF personnel only - in accordance with Annex E;
- gloves, leather black, lined or unlined shall be worn with No. 3 order, when ordered and may be worn as required during any period of cold weather;
- mitts, leather black (optional) – may be worn with the topcoat (gabardine) DEU parkas;
- scarf – may be worn with the coats, parka and windbreakers;
- overshoes high and low/toe rubbers black (male), black boots cold weather – shall not be worn on parade; and
- umbrella (optional) – shall not be carried on parade.
Figure 5C-1 Service Orders of Dress
Figure 5C-2 No. 3 Service Dress – Duty
Figure 5C-3 Service Dress – Long-sleeved Shirt
Figure 5C-4 No. 3B Service Dress – Short Sleeved Shirt
Figure 5C-5 No. 3B Service Dress – Sweater
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