Dress instructions | Annex E Authorized optional items

Item Description Occasions Worn
1. Boat cloak a. Navy: cape of black barathea cloth of approved shade and weave. Collar 8.9 cm deep. Lined with white, to button four. Lion head fastenings and chain at neck. Two pockets inside. Cape of a length to reach to a point 5.1 cm above the knee. (1) May be worn with Nos. 2 and 2A orders of mess dress by Captains (N) and above.
2. Bow tie, black a. Navy: hand tied, approximately 12 cm in length, 4 cm at squared ends and 2 cm wide at knot, or optional black crossed tab tie. (1) Shall be worn with all mess dress except No. 2C mess shipboard.
b. Army and Air Force: as above or permanently tied with squared ends.

(1) Shall be worn with all mess dress except No. 2C mess shipboard.

3. Cuff links a. Plain gold, or approved branch/corps/regimental pattern. (1) Shall be worn with all mess dress except No. 2B and No. 2C.
4. Cummerbunds a. Colours and patterns in accordance with Annex B, Appendix 2. (1) Cummerbunds shall be worn with all mess dress orders, less No. 2B, except when a waistcoat forms part of the ensemble.
5. Gloves, white a. Unlined, wrist length, with or without a single fastener. White kid may be worn if in accordance with branch/corps direction.

(1) Navy: ceremonial and mess orders of dress in accordance with branch/corps direction.

(2) Navy: may be worn with boat cloak.

(3) Army and Air Force– ceremonial and mess dress in accordance with branch/corps/regimental direction.

6. Jacket, High Collar, white a. Navy: polyester/cotton or polyester material, stand collar, unlined, 5 button single breast design, with two non- functional breast pockets and shoulder loops for shoulder boards. (1) May be worn as summer dress and in hot climates for ceremonial occasions.
7. Low rubbers, black a. Army and Air Force: plain design. (1) Shall not be worn with ceremonial orders of dress, or when on parade.
8. Parka (DEU) a. Environmentally coloured with detachable hood.

(1) Shall not be worn by personnel working in vicinity of aircraft.

(2) Not to be worn with Ceremonial No.1 orders of dress.

9. Earrings a. Single white pearl, diamond or gold earring worn in the centre of each earlobe; shall be spherical in shape and shall not exceed 0.6 cm in diameter. (1) may be worn with all dress orders.
10. Pumps, black or (Navy) white a. Civilian plain pattern, leather or patent leather, oval vamp, closed toe, flat and heel, displaying no decorative features and with a standard (not spiked or wedged) heel approximately 5 cm in height. No ballerina slipper styles.

(1) May be worn, as appropriate, with ceremonial, mess and service orders of dress.

(2) Shall not be worn on parade.

11. Purse, shoulder bag

a. Black leather/patent leather, discreet with no excessive adornments. Adjustable shoulder strap, flap over envelope style and/or zipper and/or clasp closure. Maximum dimensions 34 cm by 24 cm.

(1) May be carried with service orders of dress.
b. Navy: white leather/patent leather, discreet with no excessive adornments. Adjustable shoulder strap, flap over envelope style and/or zipper and/or clasp closure. Maximum dimensions 34 cm by 24 cm.

(1) May be carried with Nos. 1D and 3B (summer white) orders of dress.

(2) Purse may not be carried with operational orders of dress.

12. Purse (clutch evening bag) a. Black leather/patent leather or suede, civilian style. (1) May be carried with mess dress orders.
b. Navy: white leather/patent leather/suede, civilian style. (1) May be carried with No. 2A order of mess dress.
13. Shirt white a. Plain, long-sleeved, standard cuff design, with turned down collar.

(1) Shall be worn with No. 2B order of mess dress.

(2) Army – may have French cuffs.

b. Pleated front, long-sleeved, French cuffs, with turned down collar. (1) May be worn with Nos. 2 and 2A orders of mess dress. See also items c and d, that follow.
c. Wing collar and French cuffs. (1) May be worn with No. 2 and No. 2A orders of mess dress (for Army only, choice in accordance with branch/corps/regimental policy).
d. Navy: piqué turned down collar. (1) May be worn with No. 2 and No. 2A orders of mess dress.
e. Plain, long-sleeved, with French cuffs. (1) Navy: May be worn by all orders of No. 1 and No. 3 dress. Only approved RCN Ensign cuff-links are to be worn.
14. Shirt (blouse), white a. Shirt, plain, long-sleeved standard cuff design, with turned down collar. (1) May be worn with all mess dress, except No. 2C mess shipboard.
b. Shirt, long-sleeved, cuffed, plain or pleated front with wing collar.

(1) Navy: shall be worn with all mess dress, except No. 2C mess shipboard.

(2) Army and air force: may be worn with all mess dress, except Nos. 2B and 2C.

c. Army and Air Force: blouse, long-sleeved, cuffed, gold- buttoned front closure, high- buttoned convertible collar, polyester fluffy crepe material (Elite blouse style 2517.) (1) May be worn with all mess dress, except No. 2C mess shipboard.
15. Shirt studs a. Plain gold or approved branch/corps/regimental pattern. (1) Shall be worn with all mess dress except Nos. 2B and 2C.
16. Spurs, box a. Army: stainless steel (brass for foot guard regiments), with round rowels and flat-sided swan necks, 2.5 cm to 3 cm long. (1) May be worn with full dress, patrol (undress), and mess dress orders that include overalls and wellington boots in accordance with branch/corps/regimental policy.
17. Tie, crossed tabs a. Black crossed tabs tie. (1) May be worn with Mess Dress as per Branch, Corps, Regimental direction.
18. Tie tacks/clasps a. Conservative pattern. (1) May be worn whenever a tie is worn.
19. Umbrella a. Plain pattern, black, with gold or silver metal trim, collapsible handle design, with plain black carrying case and handle.

(1) May be carried during periods of wet weather with ceremonial, mess and service orders of dress.

(2) Shall not be carried on parade.

20. Wellington boots, black a. Quarter or half high pattern, with plain toe and spur boxes if branch/corps/regimental policy authorizes. (1) Worn with dress orders that include overalls.
21. Windbreaker, (authorized patterns) a. Standard DEU patterns.

(1) May be worn with service dress orders, except No. 3 order of dress. Only slip- ons and rank insignia shall be worn on the jacket.

(2) Army: NCM rank badges worn on collar points.

(3) If worn over sweater, it shall cover sweater entirely. Worn over all shirt collars. Zippers not worn open lower than 15 cm from the fully closed or “up” position.

22. RCAF Leather jacket a. Standard brown pattern.

(1) May be worn by Air Force personnel with service dress orders, except No. 3 order of dress. Metal, pinned rank shall be worn on the shoulders. A single nametag with the abbreviate rank, last name and flying or specialist skill badge shall be worn on the left breast. Command teams down to unit level only may include their position on their nametag.

(2) If worn over sweater, it shall cover sweater entirely. Worn over all shirt collars. Zippers not worn open lower than 15 cm from the fully closed or “up” position.

23. First Special Service Force Boot a. Pants to be bloused. (1) May be worn only by badged operators within CANSOFCOM wearing army DEU No 1 or No 3 orders of dress.
24. Boot, cold wet weather (optional item). a. Black, plain classic pattern leather or synthetic leather, lined, with smooth vamp and upper, displaying no decorative features. Height approximately 30 to 41 cm from floor to centre back of boot, with standard heel no higher than 4.5 cm. (For men, the height is not critical since the pant leg will cover the boots.) Either a slide fastener (non-decorative pull) on the inseam portion of the boot or a plain elastic gore is acceptable.

(1) Members who purchase optional winter boots may wear them in winter weather conditions. New purchases shall conform to regulations.

(2) Winter boots shall not be worn with ceremonial orders of dress, when on parade or when ordered not to be worn while attending a CAF training establishment.

25. Mitts, leather black (plain) a. Plain, civilian style. (1) Worn with topcoats (gabardines) and parkas during winter dress periods.
26. Hat, winter black, Yukon – pattern a. Logistik Unicorp (1) Worn with service dress (No. 3 orders) with windbreakers, topcoats (gabardines) and parkas during winter dress periods.
27. Cap/Hat, service dress, Army, general officer. a. CAF pattern. (1) Army: General officers and CWOs in senior appointments who serve alongside a General or Flag officer may wear the service dress cap as an alternative wear/optional dress item with No. 1 and No. 1A order of dress.
28. Backpack, civilian pattern a. Any solid colour.
29. Patent leather oxford shoes. a. Military pattern (1) Patented leather shoes are optional on daily routine, parades or ceremonies according to environment, branch, corps or regimental direction.
30. Nylon a. No pattern skin-toned (1) Optional
31. Nursing T-shirts a. Environmental colours (1) Optional

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