Heritage Structure | Section 5 – Canadian Forces Ensign
ChAll of Chapter 7 should be considered as being a change.
Table of contents
- Section 5 – Calls (7-5)
- A call is a musical composition normally played on a trumpet, bugle or bagpipe that:
- may be a regimental call that musically identifies a specific regiment, or other organization; or
- may be a routine call that musically announces or orders specific timings or actions (e.g., Reveille, Alert, General Salute, Last Post);
- in general, when a regimental call is sounded, it is normally followed by the appropriate routine call.
- Regimental calls are unique to one unit or organization on the Canadian order of battle. Where a branch/corps call is authorized, it applies to all functional units of that branch/corps.
- Authorized calls shall be adhered to without addition or alteration, either in sounding or application. Authorized calls are published with user guidance in A-PD-202-001/FP-000, CF Band Instructions (soon to be replaced by A-DH-202-001/FP-000, Canadian Armed Forces Music Instructions, Volume 2, Marches, Calls and Protocols).
Page details
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