Renewable energy

Renewable energy

Solar, wind, other renewable energy sources. Renewable energy programs in Canada.

Services and information

Services and information

About renewable energy

Energy from naturally replenished or renewed sources, such as wind, sunlight and moving water.

Wind energy

Wind turbines convert energy to electricity.  Modelling software, wind maps, partnerships/research.

Small hydropower

Small-scale projects for generating electricity from water. Government programs supporting hydro industry.

Solar thermal

Solar energy to heat buildings. Solar thermal technology, research and development facts.

Solar photovoltaic energy

Technology that converts sunlight into electrical energy. Smart grids, low-energy solar homes.

Marine energy

Energy in Canada’s waters can be converted into electricity. Marine systems. Partnership opportunities.

Bioenergy systems

Energy products research (such as biofuels and biogas) from living organisms or their byproducts.

Renewable energy technology deployment

International Energy Agency's implementing agreements help develop renewable energy sector technologies.

ecoENERGY for Aboriginal and Northern Communities

EcoENERGY for Aboriginal Northern Communities Program (EANCP) provides renewable energy projects funding

First Nation Infrastructure Fund

First Nation Infrastructure Fund improves quality of life, develops sustainable energy systems.

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