Canada Dental Benefit promotional toolkit:  Overview

The Canada Dental Benefit is available for children under 12 in families who have an adjusted family net income of less than $90,000 and who do not have access to private dental insurance. It allows eligible families to receive upfront, direct payments up to $650 per child, per benefit period, for oral health services.

Applications for the second benefit period are now being accepted to help pay for out of pocket expenses for dental care service costs incurred between July 1, 2023, and June 30, 2024. With this benefit, families can get the financial support to start addressing some of the basic dental care that their young children need, while work is being done to implement the Canadian Dental Care Plan.

We have prepared some helpful tools and resources to answer questions about the Canada Dental Benefit to better equip you to help patients, clients and members understand and access the benefit.

How to use the resources

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