Share your thoughts: Targeted engagement on advancing a pan-Canadian civilian response capacity

Current status: Closed

The consultation closed on March 31, 2024.

Consultation Description

Communities across Canada are experiencing more extreme weather events and natural disasters than ever before. These large-scale emergencies can quickly overwhelm resources across the country and greater collaboration is needed to ensure a long-term, sustainable approach to disaster response. The Government of Canada is engaging key emergency management partners across the country to better understand current capacities, gaps and limitations within the emergency response system and gather insights and views on ways to more efficiently leverage these capacities through a future, all-hazards pan-Canadian civilian response capacity. A civilian response model can provide a predictable, whole-of-society workforce across emergency management partners, capable of providing surge support for a range of emergency events and provide relief to Canadians in times of need.

Consultation Details

Public Safety Canada is seeking input from emergency management subject matter experts within Canada, and from First Nations, Métis and Inuit representatives, from organizations such as:

Information gathered through the consultations will be summarized in a report which will be made available in Fall 2024. The information in the report will be used to inform policy development and advice on potential next steps as we collectively move forward on this initiative.

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For more information about the initiative, please reach out to Public Safety at:

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