Engagement on the Way Forward to End Human Trafficking in Canada
From: Public Safety Canada
Current Status: Closed
This process supports the Government of Canada's effort to address the public safety of women and girls and to end human trafficking of all persons.
Women and girls account for the vast majority of human trafficking victims. The Government of Canada is committed to countering this terrible crime, which occurs in every region of the world and preys on human vulnerability.
The Government of Canada ratified the United Nations Convention against Transnational Organized Crime and its supplementary Protocol to Prevent, Suppress and Punish Trafficking in Persons, Especially Women and Children (Trafficking Protocol) in May 2002. Canada pursues actions to address human trafficking following the internationally recognized '4-Ps' approach – prevention, protection, prosecution and partnerships. Between 2012 and 2016, the Government of Canada's actions were consolidated under the National Action Plan to Combat Human Trafficking.
The evaluation of the National Action Plan concluded that an ongoing need for a national strategy endured given the prevalence and severity of these crimes. Public Safety Canada is undertaking consultations to inform the development of a new national strategy to counter human trafficking. In September 2018, regional sessions (Vancouver, Winnipeg, and Montreal) will be held to promote open discussion between the Government of Canada, law enforcement, provinces and territories, and private sector and civil society stakeholders involved in anti-human trafficking efforts in Canada. These sessions will provide an opportunity to identify gaps, emerging issues and trends to be addressed through a new national strategy. They will culminate in a national summit to be held in Toronto. Stakeholders, including those unable to attend in-person sessions, will also be emailed a questionnaire seeking additional input.
This engagement process provides an opportunity for key stakeholders and partners including law enforcement, criminal justice practitioners, victim services, Indigenous partners, as well as representatives from provincial and territorial governments, non-governmental organizations, the private sector, and subject matter experts, to share their knowledge, perspectives and insights.
The results of this consultation will help inform the Government of Canada's efforts toward a new national strategy to counter human trafficking.
Reporting to Canadians
A full report on the consultation as well as a detailed report on the questionnaire will be provided to participants and posted online.
Date |
Activity |
Participate |
September 6, 2018 |
In-person consultation meeting (Vancouver) |
By invitation |
September 10, 2018 |
In-person consultation meeting (Winnipeg) |
By invitation |
September 13, 2018 |
In-person consultation meeting (Montreal) |
By invitation |
September 27 and 28, 2018 |
In-person consultation meeting (Toronto) |
By invitation |
September 2018 |
Questionnaire for targeted stakeholders, including those unable to attend the in-person sessions, to obtain further feedback on key issues related to human trafficking |
Known stakeholders will be invited to complete the questionnaire. If you are interested in providing your feedback, please e-mail ps.humantraffickingtaskforce-groupedetravailsurlatraitedeperson.sp@canada.ca requesting the “2018 Human Trafficking Consultation Questionnaire.” |
Related information
National Action Plan to Combat Human Trafficking (2012–2016)
2016-2017 Horizontal Evaluation of the National Action Plan to Combat Human Trafficking (NAP-HT)
The Way Forward to End Human Trafficking: A Discussion Paper
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