Gender-based analysis plus

Each organization is responsible for conducting their own Gender-based Analysis Plus (GBA Plus). The Shared Services Canada (SSC) has established a GBA Plus Guidance Unit, a group dedicated to strengthening GBA+ capacity at SSC and work horizontally with relevant programs to support incorporation of a GBA Plus lens into the departmental operations and initiatives. The Unit has validated a tool-kit of departmental GBA Plus resources and continues to prepare GBA Plus content for cabinet documents that support the advancement of ongoing and new services and programs (for example, through Budget proposals and Treasury Board of Canada Secretariat submissions).

General information: Institutional GBA Plus capacity


In fiscal year 2024-25, SSC will continue to support robust implementation of GBA Plus through the GBA Plus focal point and responsibility centre (that is, the GBA Plus Guidance Unit). The Unit will continue to play a vital role in the institutionalization of GBA Plus. The Unit will continue to integrate GBA Plus considerations into the planning and decision-making processes of the Department.

The findings of the comprehensive review will be brought through governance in order to raise awareness of the GBA Plus tool-kit and the human impacts of SSC’s operations and initiatives. Additional details on the comprehensive review can be found in the main report of the 2024-25 Departmental Plan. This review of SSC’s programs will also act as an organizational needs-assessment to inform future workplans.

Institutional GBA Plus Capacity

In 2024-25, SSC plans to increase its institutional capacity regarding GBA Plus through:


SSC will continue implementing its first Accessibility Plan 2022 to 2025 published on December 16, 2022. The Plan identifies the actions SSC will take to identify, remove, and prevent barriers to accessibility in SSC and as a service provider, in accordance with the Accessible Canada Act.

In 2024-25, SSC will undertake consultations on accessibility and disability inclusion, and publish the next iteration of the Accessibility Plan for 2025 to 28.

Human Resources and Workplace (HRW)

In 2024-25, SSC will ensure fair and equitable human resources (HR) practices, and will promote accessibility and delivery of the internal-facing Departmental Employment Equity, Diversity and Inclusion (EEDI) Action Plan. From an HR perspective, initiatives include:

SSC will continue to support the advancement of marginalized groups in the following ways:

Highlights of GBA Plus results reporting by program

In 2024-25, the GBA Plus Guidance Unit will continue to:

Some program information profiles include considerations of identity factors in terms of accessibility, diversity of geographic location of service recipients, and Indigenous reconciliation. These programs include:

SSC will continue to support the capacity of programs and projects to incorporate a GBA Plus lens through reviews of completed GBA Plus assessments, and guidance into ongoing reporting cycles.

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