Transcript: At your service for document security
Start of video
[Music plays]
(Text on screen: The Translation Bureau at your service for Document Security)
[Close up of two women having a conversation in an office]
[Wider shot of same two women. Woman 1 hands woman 2 a document folder]
So we have this document with sensitive information that needs to be brought to translation, and the information is not to be disclosed.
[Woman 2 turns head to the left and holds earpiece to her ear]
Okay. You can come in.
[A man in a black suit looking like a secret agent is walking down an office hallway, carrying a briefcase]
[Close up of the man walking, wearing sunglasses and an earpiece]
[Man enters office]
[Close up of folder labeled “Secret” being placed in a briefcase]
[Close up of briefcase being handcuffed to the man]
[Close up of man’s face]
I've got this.
[Close up fades to white as a spokesperson enters from the left]
[Animated graphic appears on upper right of the screen]
(Text on screen: Document Security)
Security shouldn't mean complexity. Trust the translation bureau’s secure systems for safe and easy transmission and handling of your sensitive documents.
(Text on screen: The Translation Bureau. Language Professionals, After-Hours Emergencies, 101+ Languages, Document Security, High Quality)
(Text on screen: Check us out:,,,
[Music stops]
(Text on screen: ISBN 978-0-660-69622-5, Catalogue S53-58/5-2024E-MP4)
(Public Services and Procurement Canada signature)
(Canada Wordmark)
End of video