GC InfoBase: Budget Estimates Alignment - Transcript
Budget Estimates Alignment
On , the Minister of Finance tabled Budget 2018 in Parliament. The Budget plan included a cash table of the new spending measures, totalling $7.04 billion for the 2018-19 fiscal year.
On , The President of the Treasury Board tabled the Main Estimates in Parliament, listing the resources required by departments and agencies for the 2018-19 fiscal year. While the Main Estimates are under review, partial supply is provided for departments and agencies to conduct their business over the first three months of the fiscal year.
In these Estimates, the Government introduced a new Treasury Board managed central vote, Vote 40, for the $7.04 Billion in the new initiatives set out in Budget 2018. Thereby establishing a clear link between the Budget Plan and the Main Estimates
After Parliament grants full supply of Main Estimates in June, funds from Vote 40 are then available to be transferred to departments.
In order for funds to be dispersed from Vote 40, departments must also get approval from the Treasury Board cabinet committee. Approval can take place throughout the fiscal year.
Once Treasury Board provides approval, funds from Vote 40 get transferred to departments to deliver the new Budget initiatives.
The GC InfoBase presents, to date, how much of Vote 40 has been distributed to departments and which programs the funds have been allocated towards.
The GC InfoBase will be continuously updated throughout the fiscal year as more funds are approved from Vote 40.
Check out the tracker on the GC InfoBase for progress on allocated Budget funding.