Mentorship Plus

Mentorship Plus is a new initiative that has been co‑developed by members of employment equity (EE) and equity‑seeking groups to better support leadership development, with specific emphasis on supporting members of underrepresented groups who aspire to leadership and executive positions. The initiative seeks to pair federal public service employees with executive mentors/sponsors to:

Sponsorship Mentorship

Mentorship Plus implementation for departments

Mentorship Plus comprises both mentorship and sponsorship components that can be launched separately or concurrently. The initiative is highly adaptable to ensure alignment with departmental context, existing programs and diversity objectives.

Each participating department or agency will identify a departmental resource to lead the implementation of one or both components.

To support this process, we have prepared two toolkits that can be tailored and adapted by departments to meet their respective capacity and readiness needs. The tools are available on GCconnex.

A co‑developed initiative

Co‑development is a method for developing a policy, program, directive, or other initiative with members of a particular group that the workplace improvement is intended to serve. In the case of Mentorship Plus, co‑development occurred with members of EE and equity‑seeking groups to design the program. More specifically, a survey and focus groups were conducted to understand the needs, hopes and aspirations of equity‑seeking members and to design the program’s framework.

If you are interested in learning more about how we used co‑development for Mentorship Plus, contact us at

If you have questions, contact your departmental lead for the Sponsorship or Mentorship Plus Program.

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