Evaluation engagements planned for fiscal year 2023-2024 to fiscal year 2027-2028

The 2023-24 Integrated Audit and Evaluation Plan for the Treasury Board Secretariat was approved by the Secretary of the Treasury Board in July 2023.

Evaluation engagements planned for fiscal year 2023-2024 to fiscal year 2027-2028
Name of engagement Type of engagement Fiscal year
to be started
Fiscal year to be completed
Centre for Diversity and Inclusion Evaluation Carried over from
Q1 2023-2024
Office of Public Service Accessibility Evaluation Carried over from 2022-2023 Q1 2023-2024
Centre for Regulatory Innovation and Capacity Fund Evaluation Carried over from 2022-2023 Q1 2023-2024
Federal Contaminated Sites Action Plan Evaluation Carried over from
Q4 2023-2024
Centre of Real Property Expertise Evaluation Q1 2023-2024 Q1 2024-2025
Research for TBS’s Ombudstable 1 note * Evaluation Q3 2023-2024 Q3 2024-2025
Access to Information and Privacy Office Processestable 1 note * Evaluation Q3 2023-2024 Q3 2024-2025
Advanced Policy Analyst Programtable 1 note * Evaluation Q4 2023-2024 Q4 2024-2025
Classification Program Evaluation Q4 2023-2024 Q4 2024-2025
Greening Government Fund Evaluation Q2 2024-2025 Q2 2025-2026
Action Plan for Black Employees in the Public Service Evaluation Q1 2025-2026 Q1 2026-2027
Office of the Future of Work Evaluation Q1 2025-2026 Q1 2026-2027
Treasury Board Secretariat’s Activities related to the Government of Canada’s Cyber Security Evolution Evaluation Q1 2026-2027 Q1 2027-2028

Table 1 Notes

Table 1 Note 1

As January 2024, the following updates were made to the Integrated Audit and Evaluation Plan:

  • The Research for TBS’s Ombuds is deferred, timing is to be confirmed.
  • The Evaluation of Access to Information and Privacy Office Processes is deferred, timing is to be confirmed.
  • An evaluation of the Advanced Policy Analyst Program was added, starting in Q4 of 2023-2024.

Return to table 1 note * referrer

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