Technical Services occupational group
Technical Services (TC)
Technical Services (TC) Group Definition
Pursuant to paragraph 11.1(1)(b) of the Financial Administration Act, the Treasury Board of Canada hereby provides notice that the Technical Services group definition effective is revised as follows upon the effective date of the Information Technology group on .
The Technical Services Group comprises positions that are primarily involved in the performance, inspection and leadership of skilled technical activities.
Notwithstanding the generality of the foregoing, for greater certainty, it includes positions that have, as their primary purpose, responsibility for one or more of the following activities:
- the planning, design and making of maps, charts, drawings, illustrations and art work;
- the design of three-dimensional exhibits or displays within a predetermined budget and pre-selected theme;
- the conduct of analytical, experimental or investigative activities in the natural, physical and applied sciences; the preparation, inspection, measurement and analysis of biological, chemical and physical substances and materials; the design, construction, modification and assessment of technical systems and equipment or the calibration, maintenance and operation of instruments and apparatus used for these purposes; and the observation, calculation, recording and the interpretation, presentation and reporting of results of tests or analyses, including:
- the performance of activities involving the application of the principles, methods, and techniques of engineering technology and a practical knowledge of the construction, application, properties, operation and limitations of engineering or surveying systems, processes, structures, buildings or materials, and machines or devices;
- the planning of approaches, the development or selection and application of methods and techniques, including computer software, to conduct analytical, experimental or investigative activities; the evaluation and interpretation of results; and the preparation of technical reports;
- the observation and recording of events and the analysis of information relating to such fields as meteorology, hydrography, or oceanography and the presentation of the results of such studies; and the provision of data and information relating to meteorology;
- the monitoring and investigating of environmental hazards or the provision of advice on those issues impacting upon compliance with public health legislation; and
- the design, development or application of tests, procedures and techniques in support of the diagnosis, treatment and prevention of human and animal diseases and physical conditions;
- the application of statutes, regulations and standards affecting agricultural, fishery and forestry products;
- the capture and development of images involving the operation and use of cameras, accessories and photographic processing and reproduction equipment;
- the operation of television cameras and video recording systems and equipment;
- the inspection and evaluation of quality assurance systems, processes, equipment, products, materials and associated components including electronic equipment used in trade measurement; the development, recommendation or enforcement of statutes, regulations, standards, specifications or quality assurance policies, procedures and techniques; and the investigation of accidents, defects and/or disputes;
- the construction and repair of prostheses and orthoses;
- the writing of standards, specifications, procedures or manuals related to the above activities;
- the performance of other technical functions not included above; and
- the planning, development and conduct of training in, or the leadership of, any of the above activities.
Positions excluded from the Technical Services Group are those whose primary purpose is included in the definition of any other group or those in which one or more of the following activities is of primary importance:
- the planning, conduct or evaluation of control, mapping or charting surveys, and the planning or conduct of legal surveys of real property;
- the planning, design, construction or maintenance of physical or chemical processes, systems, structures or equipment; and the development or application of engineering standards or procedures;
- the performance of manual tasks such as cleaning laboratory equipment, assisting in morgue and autopsy tasks, and the care and feeding of laboratory animals;
- the performance of administrative activities such as program, human resources or financial management and planning that do not require the application of principles outlined in the inclusions; and the administrative management of buildings, grounds and associated facilities;
- the conduct of experimental, investigative or research and development work in the field of electronics;
- the leadership of activities related to maintenance and repair functions not requiring knowledge identified in the inclusions;
- the operation of duplicating or reproduction machines, motion picture projection machines and accessories and process cameras in support of an offset printing or duplicating process;
- the application of comprehensive computer systems knowledge to the development, implementation and/or maintenance of IT systems and infrastructure; and
- the application of electronics technology to the design, construction, installation, inspection, maintenance and repair of electronic and associated equipment, systems and facilities and the development and enforcement of regulations and standards governing the use of such equipment.
Also excluded are positions in which experience as an aircraft pilot and a valid pilot’s licence are mandatory.
Job Evaluation Standard
Job Evaluation Standard
There is no job evaluation standard for the TC group. Please refer to the job evaluation standards for the following technical services work:
- Drafting and Illustration (DD)
- Engineering and Scientific Support (EG)
- General Technical (GT)
- Primary Products Inspection (PI)
- Photography (PY)
- Technical Inspection (TI)
Qualification Standard
Qualification Standard
There is no qualification standard for the TC group. Please refer to the qualification standards for the following technical services work:
- Drafting and Illustration (DD)
- Engineering and Scientific Support (EG)
- General Technical (GT)
- Primary Products Inspection (PI)
- Photography (PY)
- Technical Inspection (TI)
Drafting and Illustration (DD)
Drafting and Illustration (DD) Definition Excerpt of full TC Definition
The Technical Services Group comprises positions that are primarily involved in the performance, inspection and leadership of skilled technical activities.
Notwithstanding the generality of the foregoing, for greater certainty, it includes positions that have, as their primary purpose, responsibility for one or more of the following activities:
- the planning, design and making of maps, charts, drawings, illustrations and art work; and
- the planning, development and conduct of training in, or the leadership of, any of the above activities.
Positions excluded from the Technical Services Group are those whose primary purpose is included in the definition of any other group or those in which one or more of the following activities is of primary importance:
- the planning, conduct or evaluation of control, mapping or charting surveys, and the planning or conduct of legal surveys of real property
Job Evaluation Standard
Drafting and Illustration (DD) Job Evaluation Standard
You can obtain a copy of the DD Job Evaluation Standard through the job evaluation standards on GCintranet (only available on the Government of Canada network) or by contacting TBS Public Enquiries.
Engineering and Scientific Support (EG)
Engineering and Scientific Support (EG) Definition Excerpt of full TC Definition
The Technical Services Group comprises positions that are primarily involved in the performance, inspection and leadership of skilled technical activities.
Notwithstanding the generality of the foregoing, for greater certainty, it includes positions that have, as their primary purpose, responsibility for one or more of the following activities:
- the conduct of analytical, experimental or investigative activities in the natural, physical and applied sciences; the preparation, inspection, measurement and analysis of biological, chemical and physical substances and materials; the design, construction, modification and assessment of technical systems and equipment or the calibration, maintenance and operation of instruments and apparatus used for these purposes; and the observation, calculation, recording and the interpretation, presentation and reporting of results of tests or analyses, including:
- the performance of activities involving the application of the principles, methods, and techniques of engineering technology and a practical knowledge of the construction, application, properties, operation and limitations of engineering or surveying systems, processes, structures, buildings or materials, and machines or devices;
- the planning of approaches, the development or selection and application of methods and techniques, including computer software, to conduct analytical, experimental or investigative activities; the evaluation and interpretation of results; and the preparation of technical reports;
- the observation and recording of events and the analysis of information relating to such fields as meteorology, hydrography, or oceanography and the presentation of the results of such studies; and the provision of data and information relating to meteorology;
- the monitoring and investigating of environmental hazards or the provision of advice on those issues impacting upon compliance with public health legislation; and
- the design, development or application of tests, procedures and techniques in support of the diagnosis, treatment and prevention of human and animal diseases and physical conditions;
- the planning, development and conduct of training in, or the leadership of, any of the above activities.
Positions excluded from the Technical Services Group are those whose primary purpose is included in the definition of any other group or those in which one or more of the following activities is of primary importance:
- the planning, design, construction or maintenance of physical or chemical processes, systems, structures or equipment; and the development or application of engineering standards or procedures;
- the performance of manual tasks such as cleaning laboratory equipment, assisting in morgue and autopsy tasks, and the care and feeding of laboratory animals;
- the performance of administrative activities such as program, human resources or financial management and planning that do not require the application of principles outlined in the inclusions; and the administrative management of buildings, grounds and associated facilities;
- the conduct of experimental, investigative or research and development work in the field of electronics;
- the leadership of activities related to maintenance and repair functions not requiring knowledge identified in the inclusions;
- the planning, development, installation and maintenance of information technology and processing systems to manage, administer or support government programs and activities; and
- the application of electronics technology to the design, construction, installation, inspection, maintenance and repair of electronic and associated equipment, systems and facilities and the development and enforcement of regulations and standards governing the use of such equipment.
Job Evaluation Standard
Engineering and Scientific Support (EG) Job Evaluation Standard
You can obtain a copy of the EG Job Evaluation Standard through the job evaluation standards on GCintranet (only available on the Government of Canada network) or by contacting TBS Public Enquiries.
General Technical (GT)
General Technical (GT) Definition Excerpt of full TC Definition
The Technical Services Group comprises positions that are primarily involved in the performance, inspection and leadership of skilled technical activities.
Notwithstanding the generality of the foregoing, for greater certainty, it includes positions that have, as their primary purpose, responsibility for one or more of the following activities:
- the design of three-dimensional exhibits or displays within a predetermined budget and pre-selected theme;
- the operation of television cameras and video recording systems and equipment;
- the construction and repair of prostheses and orthoses;
- the performance of other technical functions not included above; and
- the planning, development and conduct of training in, or the leadership of, any of the above activities.
Positions excluded from the Technical Services Group are those whose primary purpose is included in the definition of any other group.
Job Evaluation Standard
General Technical (GT) Job Evaluation Standard
You can obtain a copy of the GT Job Evaluation Standard through the job evaluation standards on GCintranet (only available on the Government of Canada network) or by contacting TBS Public Enquiries.
Primary Products Inspection (PI)
Primary Products Inspection (PI) Definition Excerpt of full TC Definition
The Technical Services Group comprises positions that are primarily involved in the performance, inspection and leadership of skilled technical activities.
Notwithstanding the generality of the foregoing, for greater certainty, it includes positions that have, as their primary purpose, responsibility for one or more of the following activities:
- the application of statutes, regulations and standards affecting agricultural, fishery and forestry products; and
- the planning, development and conduct of training in, or the leadership of, any of the above activities.
Positions excluded from the Technical Services Group are those whose primary purpose is included in the definition of any other group.
Primary Products Inspection – Grain Inspection (PI-CGC) Sub-group Definition
Included in this sub-group are those positions in the Primary Products Inspection Group for which the primary responsibility under the Canada Grain Act and Canada Grain Regulations is:
- the official inspection and grading of cereal grains, oilseeds and pulses and their by-products; and
- the inspection of the condition and sanitation of the storage, treatment and transportation facilities for those products, and the identification and eradication of grain pests.
Also included are related supervisory, trainee and trainer positions.
Positions that do not require the performance of inspection duties under the Canada Grain Act and Canada Grain Regulations are excluded from this sub-group. Also excluded are management positions in the Canadian Grain Commission.
Job Evaluation Standard
Primary Products Inspection (PI) Job Evaluation Standard
You can obtain a copy of the PI Job Evaluation Standard through the job evaluation standards on GCintranet (only available on the Government of Canada network) or by contacting TBS Public Enquiries.
Photography (PY)
Photography (PY) Definition Excerpt of full TC Definition
The Technical Services Group comprises positions that are primarily involved in the performance, inspection and leadership of skilled technical activities.
Notwithstanding the generality of the foregoing, for greater certainty, it includes positions that have, as their primary purpose, responsibility for one or more of the following activities:
- the capture and development of images involving the operation and use of cameras, accessories and photographic processing and reproduction equipment; and
- the planning, development and conduct of training in, or the leadership of, any of the above activities.
Positions excluded from the Technical Services Group are those whose primary purpose is included in the definition of any other group or those in which one or more of the following activities is of primary importance:
- the operation of duplicating or reproduction machines, motion picture projection machines and accessories and process cameras in support of an offset printing or duplicating process;
Job Evaluation Standard
Photography (PY) Job Evaluation Standard
You can obtain a copy of the PY Job Evaluation Standard through the job evaluation standards on GCintranet (only available on the Government of Canada network) or by contacting TBS Public Enquiries.
Technical Inspection (TI)
Technical Inspection (TI) Definition Excerpt of full TC Definition
The Technical Services Group comprises positions that are primarily involved in the performance, inspection and leadership of skilled technical activities.
Notwithstanding the generality of the foregoing, for greater certainty, it includes positions that have, as their primary purpose, responsibility for one or more of the following activities:
- the inspection and evaluation of quality assurance systems, processes, equipment, products, materials and associated components including electronic equipment used in trade measurement; the development, recommendation or enforcement of statutes, regulations, standards, specifications or quality assurance policies, procedures and techniques; and the investigation of accidents, defects and/or disputes;
- the writing of standards, specifications, procedures or manuals related to the above activities;
- the planning, development and conduct of training in, or the leadership of, any of the above activities.
Positions excluded from the Technical Services Group are those whose primary purpose is included in the definition of any other group.
Also excluded are positions in which experience as an aircraft pilot and a valid pilot’s licence are mandatory.
Job Evaluation Standard
Technical Inspection (TI) Job Evaluation Standard
You can obtain a copy of the TI Job Evaluation Standard through the job evaluation standards on GCintranet (only available on the Government of Canada network) or by contacting TBS Public Enquiries.
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