Changes to the Leave Reporting System - New Leave Code
To: Directors/Chiefs of Labour Relations and Compensation Public, Service Pay Centre, Miramichi
The purpose of this notice is to inform you that a new leave code has been created in the Leave Reporting System.
This new leave code has been created to keep track of the use of leave without pay for union activities.
Leave without pay
Code 940 – Leave without pay, Employer reimbursed by union
This code will apply to employees of the following groups:
- Correctional Services (CX): refer to Article 14 and clause 8.06 of the collective agreement, and
- Electronics (EL): refer to Article 15 of the collective agreement and also under Memorandum of Understanding - Subject: Leave for Union Business.
In the past, leave usage of “leave without pay for union activities” was not reported to the Treasury Board of Canada Secretariat (TBS) by organizations. Further, organizations were left to update their own Leave Reporting System which led to some inconsistencies across organizations. With the implementation and automation of MyGCHR, keeping track of this type of leave has now become a requirement.
Organizations remain responsible to coordinate, with their financial services, the particular details involved in the invoicing of the employees’ gross salary paid (plus benefits) by the employer and subject to reimbursement by the bargaining agent.
Please note that accumulation of monthly leave credits will be affected if the employee does not receive pay for at least the minimum number of hours required, as specified in the relevant collective agreement.
Departments must ensure that their Leave Reporting System is amended accordingly. The effective date for reporting these leave transactions to TBS will be .
Questions regarding this bulletin should be directed to your departmental Corporate Compensation or Labour Relations Officials.
Original signed by
Pay Administration and Policy
Core Public Administration
Compensation and Labour Relations
Office of the Chief Human Resources Officer
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