Computer Systems (CS) Group - Carryover and/or Liquidation of One-time Vacation Leave Entitlement - January 2008
DATE: January 14, 2008
TO: Compensation Managers Directors /Chiefs Labour Relations
The purpose of this bulletin is to advise departments of the process for cash-out/carryover of excess vacation leave for CS employees who are entitled to the one-time vacation leave provision.
Clause 15.19 of the present CS collective agreement (expiry date: December 21, 2007) allows some CS employees a one-time vacation entitlement of 37.5 hours. This entitlement is exempt from the 262.5 hour vacation carryover provision for the vacation year during which the employee becomes entitled to it. On March 31 of the following vacation year, the credits remaining in the one-time vacation entitlement bank are to be added to any remaining credits in the vacation leave bank solely for the purpose of calculating maximum carryover. The total of these two balances is not to exceed 262.5 hours. Any excess resulting from the addition of these two types of leave banks is to be cashed out of the vacation leave bank leaving the one-time vacation balance unchanged.
For example:
A CS-01 employee is credited with the one-time vacation leave amount of 37.5 hours on July 24, 2006. At the end of the current vacation year (April 1, 2006 until March 31, 2007), the employee has 262.5 hours of vacation leave credits and 37.5 hours of the one-time vacation leave credits. On March 31, 2007, there is no cash out of leave credits. However, at the end of the following vacation year (April 1, 2007-March 31, 2008), the employee once again has a balance of 262.5 hours of vacation leave credits and 30 hours of the one-time vacation leave credits. On March 31, 2008, the cash-out will be 30 hours. However, this 30 hours is to be cashed out from the vacation leave credits and not the one-time vacation leave.
Departmental Compensation and Labour Relations Managers should direct any questions that they may have to the appropriate departmental corporate official who, if need be, can contact the appropriate officers at the Treasury Board Secretariat.
Original signed by
Carl Trottier
Senior Director
Collective Bargaining
Labour Relations and Compensation Operations
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