ERRATUM - Rates of Pay for Excluded and Unrepresented Positions of Certain Occupational Groups for 2018 – 2022: changes made to the rates of pay for the Law Management (LC) group


To: Heads of Human Resources, Directors/Chiefs of Labour Relations and Compensation, Public Service Pay Centre, Miramichi

On , we announced and shared revised rates of pay for various excluded and unrepresented positions, as approved by the Treasury Board of Canada, including the Law Management (LC) group.

You will find attached revised rates of pay for the LC group. These will be available shortly on the TBS Web site.

While employees in this group have been paid the correct rates of pay, the pay tables attached to the information bulletin sent in , included inaccurate pay rates.

Rest assured that this error was purely administrative and had no negative impact on employees’ salaries, as Public Services and Procurement Canada used the correct salary ranges in the Phoenix pay system to determine employees’ salaries.

All questions should be directed to your Departmental Corporate Labour Relations or Corporate Compensation Official who, if required will direct their questions to the Compensation and Labour Relations group at the following email address:

Original signed by

Zia Proulx
Senior Director
Compensation and Collective Bargaining Management
Employment Conditions and Labour Relations
Office of the Chief Human Resources Officer

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