Distribution of public service of Canada employees by designated sub-group and age range - Members of visible minorities

On this page

Representation data for Indigenous Peoples, persons with disabilities and members of visible minorities is based on voluntary self-identification. Public servants can choose whether or not to self-identify; it is not mandatory. This means that the data may not provide an accurate reflection of the total number of public servants in each Employment Equity group.

About the data

When reading the tables below, the following information applies:

  • Source: Pay System as of March 31st of each year and Employment Equity Data Bank (EEDB).
  • Internal representation for Indigenous Peoples, persons with disabilities and members of visible minorities is based on those who have voluntarily chosen to self-identify in one of the respective employment equity groups, while sex information is taken from the pay system.
  • The data in these tables cover employees identified for the purpose of employment equity in the Regulations to the Employment Equity Act.
  • The information includes indeterminates, terms of three months or more, and seasonal employees of organizations captured under the Financial Administration Act, Schedules I and IV (core public administration).
  • Classification is based on the effective classification which includes acting assignments.
  • Excluded from this information are:
    • employees on leave without pay,
    • terms less than three months,
    • students and casual workers,
    • Governor in Council appointees,
    • Ministers’ exempt staff,
    • federal judges and
    • deputy ministers.
  • The workforce availability estimates are based on information from the Census of Canada and the Canadian Survey on Disability. Workforce availability estimates have been updated and since March 2022 include Canadian citizens and permanent residents in those occupations in the Canadian workforce that correspond to occupations in the core public administration.

Distribution of public service of Canada employees by designated sub-group and age range - Members of visible minorities (as of March 31, 2023)

Workforce Availability for Members of Visible Minorities Population (2016 Census and 2017 Canadian Survey on Disability - based on
Canadian citizens and permanent residents): 17.3%
Age range All employees Black Non-White Latin American Person of Mixed Origin Chinese Japanese Korean Filipino South Asian/ East Indian Non-White West Asian, North African or Arab Southeast Asian Other Visible Minority Group Members of visible minorities
Number Number % Number % Number % Number % Number % Number % Number % Number % Number % Number % Number % Number %
Under 20 150 Footnote * Footnote * 0 0.0 Footnote * Footnote * 0 0.0 0 0.0 0 0.0 Footnote * Footnote * Footnote * Footnote * 0 0.0 0 0.0 Footnote * Footnote * 10 6.7
20 to 24 6,782 333 4.9 51 0.8 211 3.1 227 3.3 Footnote * Footnote * Footnote * Footnote * 85 1.3 342 5.0 230 3.4 56 0.8 134 2.0 1,699 25.1
25 to 29 26,400 1,403 5.3 251 1.0 771 2.9 1,189 4.5 29 0.1 150 0.6 360 1.4 1,602 6.1 1,000 3.8 378 1.4 625 2.4 7,758 29.4
30 to 34 29,974 1,546 5.2 303 1.0 698 2.3 1,065 3.6 23 0.1 153 0.5 238 0.8 1,563 5.2 875 2.9 362 1.2 815 2.7 7,641 25.5
35 to 39 33,529 1,761 5.3 411 1.2 654 2.0 1,037 3.1 19 0.1 132 0.4 280 0.8 1,466 4.4 1,006 3.0 353 1.1 772 2.3 7,891 23.5
40 to 44 38,762 1,940 5.0 513 1.3 653 1.7 1,160 3.0 42 0.1 139 0.4 353 0.9 1,476 3.8 1,038 2.7 365 0.9 834 2.2 8,513 22.0
45 to 49 38,183 1,769 4.6 411 1.1 600 1.6 1,143 3.0 63 0.2 99 0.3 325 0.9 1,395 3.7 847 2.2 319 0.8 743 1.9 7,714 20.2
50 to 54 33,765 1,318 3.9 308 0.9 418 1.2 1,124 3.3 54 0.2 87 0.3 224 0.7 944 2.8 713 2.1 263 0.8 624 1.8 6,077 18.0
55 to 59 26,190 931 3.6 169 0.6 256 1.0 891 3.4 37 0.1 39 0.1 176 0.7 693 2.6 467 1.8 158 0.6 477 1.8 4,294 16.4
60 to 64 13,955 505 3.6 106 0.8 106 0.8 476 3.4 18 0.1 17 0.1 97 0.7 390 2.8 259 1.9 76 0.5 261 1.9 2,311 16.6
65 to 69 4,480 208 4.6 Footnote * Footnote * 36 0.8 158 3.5 Footnote * Footnote * Footnote * Footnote * 28 0.6 175 3.9 92 2.1 40 0.9 88 2.0 872 19.5
70+ 1,241 Footnote * Footnote * Footnote * Footnote * Footnote * Footnote * 35 2.8 Footnote * Footnote * Footnote * Footnote * Footnote * Footnote * Footnote * Footnote * 28 2.3 11 0.9 Footnote * Footnote * 254 20.5
Total 253,411 11,771 4.6 2,567 1.0 4,409 1.7 8,505 3.4 296 0.1 847 0.3 2,176 0.9 10,125 4.0 6,555 2.6 2,381 0.9 5,402 2.1 55,034 21.7

Distribution of public service of Canada employees by designated sub-group and age range - Members of visible minorities (as of )

Workforce Availability for Members of Visible Minorities Population (2016 Census and the 2017 Canadian Survey on Disability - based on
Canadian citizens and permanent residents): 17.2%
Age range All employees Black Non-White Latin American Person of Mixed Origin Chinese Japanese Korean Filipino South Asian/ East Indian Non-White West Asian, North African  or Arab Southeast Asian Other Visible Minority Group Members of visible minorities
Number Number % Number % Number % Number % Number % Number % Number % Number % Number % Number % Number % Number %
Under 20 104 Table 1 Footnote * Table 1 Footnote * 0 0.0 Table 1 Footnote * Table 1 Footnote * Table 1 Footnote * Table 1 Footnote * 0 0.0 0 0.0 0 0.0 Table 1 Footnote * Table 1 Footnote * Table 1 Footnote * Table 1 Footnote * 0 0.0 Table 1 Footnote * Table 1 Footnote * 9 8.7
20 to 24 6,356 285 4.5 43 0.7 209 3.3 203 3.2 Table 1 Footnote * Table 1 Footnote * Table 1 Footnote * Table 1 Footnote * 62 1.0 312 4.9 195 3.1 65 1.0 148 2.3 1,553 24.4
25 to 29 23,726 1,109 4.7 217 0.9 633 2.7 1,042 4.4 24 0.1 120 0.5 285 1.2 1,302 5.5 839 3.5 328 1.4 615 2.6 6,514 27.5
30 to 34 25,934 1,147 4.4 231 0.9 574 2.2 889 3.4 22 0.1 134 0.5 192 0.7 1,220 4.7 672 2.6 295 1.1 727 2.8 6,103 23.5
35 to 39 31,457 1,421 4.5 336 1.1 592 1.9 983 3.1 24 0.1 108 0.3 270 0.9 1,221 3.9 849 2.7 308 1.0 695 2.2 6,807 21.6
40 to 44 36,503 1,664 4.6 457 1.3 622 1.7 1,055 2.9 44 0.1 112 0.3 298 0.8 1,336 3.7 815 2.2 315 0.9 771 2.1 7,489 20.5
45 to 49 35,547 1,520 4.3 334 0.9 508 1.4 1,107 3.1 53 0.1 93 0.3 272 0.8 1,227 3.5 756 2.1 296 0.8 678 1.9 6,844 19.3
50 to 54 31,914 1,158 3.6 247 0.8 369 1.2 1,054 3.3 49 0.2 68 0.2 198 0.6 859 2.7 601 1.9 225 0.7 601 1.9 5,429 17.0
55 to 59 26,261 835 3.2 156 0.6 226 0.9 897 3.4 39 0.1 33 0.1 155 0.6 610 2.3 414 1.6 145 0.6 458 1.7 3,968 15.1
60 to 64 13,049 445 3.4 87 0.7 87 0.7 407 3.1 13 0.1 15 0.1 86 0.7 363 2.8 217 1.7 68 0.5 234 1.8 2,022 15.5
65 to 69 4,171 179 4.3 34 0.8 26 0.6 120 2.9 Table 1 Footnote * Table 1 Footnote * Table 1 Footnote * Table 1 Footnote * 30 0.7 171 4.1 72 1.7 32 0.8 83 2.0 754 18.1
70+ 1,111 Table 1 Footnote * Table 1 Footnote * 6 0.5 Table 1 Footnote * Table 1 Footnote * Table 1 Footnote * Table 1 Footnote * Table 1 Footnote * Table 1 Footnote * Table 1 Footnote * Table 1 Footnote * 7 0.6 Table 1 Footnote * Table 1 Footnote * Table 1 Footnote * Table 1 Footnote * 10 0.9 Table 1 Footnote * Table 1 Footnote * 236 21.2
Total 236,133 9,809 4.2 2,148 0.9 3,851 1.6 7,785 3.3 277 0.1 717 0.3 1,855 0.8 8,699 3.7 5,459 2.3 2,087 0.9 5,041 2.1 47,728 20.2

Table 1 Notes

Table 1 Note 1

Information for small numbers has been supressed (counts of 1 to 5). Additionally, to avoid residual disclosure, other data points, may also be supressed.

Return to table 1 note * referrer

Distribution of public service of Canada employees by designated sub-group and age range - Members of visible minorities (as of )

Workforce Availability for Members of Visible Minorities Population (2016 Census and the 2017 Canadian Survey on Disability - based on
Canadian citizens only): 15.3%
Age range All employees Black Non-White Latin American Person of Mixed Origin Chinese Japanese Korean Filipino South Asian/ East Indian Non-White West Asian, North African  or Arab Southeast Asian Other Visible Minority Group Members of visible minorities
Number Number % Number % Number % Number % Number % Number % Number % Number % Number % Number % Number % Number %
Under 20 95 Table 1 Footnote * Table 1 Footnote * Table 1 Footnote * Table 1 Footnote * Table 1 Footnote * Table 1 Footnote * Table 1 Footnote * Table 1 Footnote * Table 1 Footnote * Table 1 Footnote * Table 1 Footnote * Table 1 Footnote * Table 1 Footnote * Table 1 Footnote * Table 1 Footnote * Table 1 Footnote * Table 1 Footnote * Table 1 Footnote * Table 1 Footnote * Table 1 Footnote * Table 1 Footnote * Table 1 Footnote * Table 1 Footnote * Table 1 Footnote *
20 to 24 6,167 269 4.4 27 0.4 197 3.2 219 3.6 8 0.1 21 0.3 58 0.9 268 4.3 173 2.8 61 1.0 139 2.3 1,440 23.4
25 to 29 21,591 926 4.3 176 0.8 523 2.4 893 4.1 20 0.1 106 0.5 207 1.0 1,065 4.9 675 3.1 264 1.2 673 3.1 5,528 25.6
30 to 34 23,801 962 4.0 205 0.9 503 2.1 750 3.2 14 0.1 113 0.5 164 0.7 960 4.0 623 2.6 241 1.0 715 3.0 5,250 22.1
35 to 39 30,916 1,254 4.1 337 1.1 537 1.7 958 3.1 24 0.1 103 0.3 239 0.8 1,119 3.6 771 2.5 304 1.0 671 2.2 6,317 20.4
40 to 44 35,502 1,539 4.3 379 1.1 604 1.7 1,027 2.9 41 0.1 108 0.3 285 0.8 1,229 3.5 725 2.0 281 0.8 722 2.0 6,940 19.5
45 to 49 34,124 1,339 3.9 280 0.8 473 1.4 1,042 3.1 51 0.1 84 0.2 244 0.7 1,095 3.2 651 1.9 289 0.8 610 1.8 6,158 18.0
50 to 54 31,248 1,061 3.4 219 0.7 328 1.0 1,006 3.2 53 0.2 57 0.2 190 0.6 795 2.5 535 1.7 203 0.6 561 1.8 5,008 16.0
55 to 59 26,612 774 2.9 136 0.5 210 0.8 836 3.1 38 0.1 31 0.1 141 0.5 547 2.1 397 1.5 124 0.5 406 1.5 3,640 13.7
60 to 64 13,041 435 3.3 78 0.6 86 0.7 379 2.9 14 0.1 14 0.1 75 0.6 350 2.7 191 1.5 77 0.6 236 1.8 1,935 14.8
65 to 69 4,116 151 3.7 Table 1 Footnote * Table 1 Footnote * 21 0.5 109 2.6 Table 1 Footnote * Table 1 Footnote * Table 1 Footnote * Table 1 Footnote * 29 0.7 147 3.6 69 1.7 23 0.6 89 2.2 677 16.4
70+ 1,131 42 3.7 Table 1 Footnote * Table 1 Footnote * 8 0.7 22 1.9 Table 1 Footnote * Table 1 Footnote * Table 1 Footnote * Table 1 Footnote * 9 0.8 71 6.3 28 2.5 10 0.9 27 2.4 223 19.7
Unknown 1 Table 1 Footnote * Table 1 Footnote * Table 1 Footnote * Table 1 Footnote * Table 1 Footnote * Table 1 Footnote * Table 1 Footnote * Table 1 Footnote * Table 1 Footnote * Table 1 Footnote * Table 1 Footnote * Table 1 Footnote * Table 1 Footnote * Table 1 Footnote * Table 1 Footnote * Table 1 Footnote * Table 1 Footnote * Table 1 Footnote * Table 1 Footnote * Table 1 Footnote * Table 1 Footnote * Table 1 Footnote * Table 1 Footnote * Table 1 Footnote *
Total 228,345 8,754 3.8 1,869 0.8 3,490 1.5 7,241 3.2 271 0.1 642 0.3 1,641 0.7 7,646 3.3 4,839 2.1 1,877 0.8 4,852 2.1 43,122 18.9

Table 1 Notes

Table 1 Note 1

Information for small numbers has been supressed (counts of 1 to 5). Additionally, to avoid residual disclosure, other data points, may also be supressed.

Return to table 1 note * referrer

Distribution of public service of Canada employees by designated sub-group and age range - Members of visible minorities (as of )

Workforce Availability for Members of Visible Minorities Population (2016 Census and the 2017 Canadian Survey on Disability - based on
Canadian citizens only): 15.3%
Age range All employees Black Non-White Latin American Person of Mixed Origin Chinese Japanese Korean Filipino South Asian/ East Indian Non-White West Asian, North African  or Arab Southeast Asian Other Visible Minority Group Members of visible minorities
Number Number % Number % Number % Number % Number % Number % Number % Number % Number % Number % Number % Number %
Under 20 116 table 1 note * table 1 note * table 1 note * table 1 note * table 1 note * table 1 note * table 1 note * table 1 note * table 1 note * table 1 note * table 1 note * table 1 note * table 1 note * table 1 note * table 1 note * table 1 note * table 1 note * table 1 note * table 1 note * table 1 note * table 1 note * table 1 note * table 1 note * table 1 note *
20 to 29 24,577 925 3.8 160 0.7 604 2.5 902 3.7 22 0.1 107 0.4 216 0.9 1,030 4.2 740 3.0 270 1.1 932 3.8 5,908 24.0
30 to 34 22,030 779 3.5 185 0.8 403 1.8 652 3.0 10 0.0 86 0.4 141 0.6 833 3.8 553 2.5 209 0.9 812 3.7 4,663 21.2
35 to 39 29,342 1,089 3.7 293 1.0 485 1.7 850 2.9 21 0.1 88 0.3 212 0.7 922 3.1 677 2.3 273 0.9 693 2.4 5,603 19.1
40 to 44 33,762 1,355 4.0 299 0.9 553 1.6 1,002 3.0 47 0.1 88 0.3 253 0.7 1,119 3.3 649 1.9 251 0.7 741 2.2 6,357 18.8
45 to 49 32,181 1,113 3.5 251 0.8 400 1.2 980 3.0 39 0.1 79 0.2 207 0.6 911 2.8 591 1.8 250 0.8 606 1.9 5,427 16.9
50 to 54 30,284 944 3.1 170 0.6 282 0.9 921 3.0 51 0.2 43 0.1 171 0.6 718 2.4 502 1.7 187 0.6 540 1.8 4,529 15.0
55 to 59 25,519 680 2.7 133 0.5 180 0.7 769 3.0 37 0.1 27 0.1 121 0.5 478 1.9 358 1.4 113 0.4 364 1.4 3,260 12.8
60 + 16,307 542 3.3 94 0.6 92 0.6 429 2.6 22 0.1 17 0.1 89 0.5 488 3.0 248 1.5 84 0.5 291 1.8 2,396 14.7
Unknown 2 table 1 note * table 1 note * table 1 note * table 1 note * table 1 note * table 1 note * table 1 note * table 1 note * table 1 note * table 1 note * table 1 note * table 1 note * table 1 note * table 1 note * table 1 note * table 1 note * table 1 note * table 1 note * table 1 note * table 1 note * table 1 note * table 1 note * table 1 note * table 1 note *
Total 214,120 7,427 3.5 1,585 0.7 2,999 1.4 6,505 3.0 249 0.1 535 0.2 1,410 0.7 6,500 3.0 4,318 2.0 1,637 0.8 4,980 2.3 38,145 17.8

Table 1 Notes

Table 1 Note 1

Information for small numbers has been supressed (counts of 1 to 5). Additionally, to avoid residual disclosure, other data points, may also be supressed.

Return to table 1 note * referrer

Distribution of public service of Canada employees by designated sub-group and age range - Members of visible minorities (as of )

Workforce Availability for Members of Visible Minorities Population (2016 Census and the 2017 Canadian Survey on Disability - based on
Canadian citizens only): 15.3%
Age range All employees Black Non-White Latin American Person of Mixed Origin Chinese Japanese Korean Filipino South Asian/ East Indian Non-White West Asian, North African  or Arab Southeast Asian Other Visible Minority Group Members of visible minorities
Number Number % Number % Number % Number % Number % Number % Number % Number % Number % Number % Number % Number %
Under 20 104 table 2 note * table 2 note * table 2 note * table 2 note * table 2 note * table 2 note * table 2 note * table 2 note * table 2 note * table 2 note * table 2 note * table 2 note * table 2 note * table 2 note * table 2 note * table 2 note * table 2 note * table 2 note * table 2 note * table 2 note * table 2 note * table 2 note * 9 8.7
20 to 24 4,933 153 3.1 26 0.5 115 2.3 181 3.7 table 2 note * table 2 note * table 2 note * table 2 note * 43 0.9 177 3.6 141 2.9 42 0.9 165 3.3 1,058 21.4
25 to 29 15,767 492 3.1 100 0.6 292 1.9 512 3.2 14 0.1 63 0.4 109 0.7 633 4.0 358 2.3 158 1.0 824 5.2 3,555 22.5
30 to 34 20,736 669 3.2 169 0.8 341 1.6 632 3.0 9 0.0 71 0.3 132 0.6 732 3.5 478 2.3 190 0.9 708 3.4 4,131 19.9
35 to 39 28,442 1,004 3.5 256 0.9 475 1.7 846 3.0 18 0.1 77 0.3 196 0.7 866 3.0 626 2.2 226 0.8 687 2.4 5,277 18.6
40 to 44 32,235 1,161 3.6 258 0.8 485 1.5 962 3.0 44 0.1 77 0.2 223 0.7 1,017 3.2 566 1.8 244 0.8 694 2.2 5,731 17.8
45 to 49 30,748 1,025 3.3 227 0.7 370 1.2 937 3.0 44 0.1 69 0.2 181 0.6 820 2.7 525 1.7 219 0.7 532 1.7 4,949 16.1
50 to 54 30,297 860 2.8 144 0.5 249 0.8 886 2.9 50 0.2 43 0.1 152 0.5 644 2.1 454 1.5 173 0.6 494 1.6 4,149 13.7
55 to 59 24,807 615 2.5 118 0.5 152 0.6 708 2.9 32 0.1 24 0.1 115 0.5 451 1.8 309 1.2 102 0.4 348 1.4 2,974 12.0
60 to 64 11,189 336 3.0 68 0.6 68 0.6 286 2.6 15 0.1 7 0.1 52 0.5 288 2.6 159 1.4 59 0.5 175 1.6 1,513 13.5
65 + 4,008 150 3.7 21 0.5 table 2 note * table 2 note * table 2 note * table 2 note * table 2 note * table 2 note * table 2 note * table 2 note * 28 0.7 171 4.3 table 2 note * table 2 note * 19 0.5 76 1.9 657 16.4
Unknown 2 table 2 note * table 2 note * table 2 note * table 2 note * table 2 note * table 2 note * table 2 note * table 2 note * table 2 note * table 2 note * table 2 note * table 2 note * table 2 note * table 2 note * table 2 note * table 2 note * table 2 note * table 2 note * table 2 note * table 2 note * table 2 note * table 2 note * 1 50.0
Total 203,268 6,468 3.2 1,387 0.7 2,568 1.3 6,042 3.0 235 0.1 448 0.2 1,231 0.6 5,799 2.9 3,689 1.8 1,432 0.7 4,705 2.3 34,004 16.7

Table 2 Notes

Table 2 Note 1

Information for small numbers has been supressed (counts of 1 to 5). Additionally, to avoid residual disclosure, other data points, may also be supressed.

Return to table 2 note * referrer

Distribution of public service of Canada employees by designated sub-group and age range - Members of visible minorities (as of )

Workforce Availability for Members of Visible Minorities Population (2011 Census and the 2012 Canadian Survey on Disability - based on
Canadian citizens only): 13.0%
Age range All employees Black Non-White Latin American Person of Mixed Origin Chinese Japanese Korean Filipino South Asian/ East Indian Non-White West Asian, North African  or Arab Southeast Asian Other Visible Minority Group Members of visible minorities
Number Number % Number % Number % Number % Number % Number % Number % Number % Number % Number % Number % Number %
Under 20 89 table 3 note * table 3 note * table 3 note * table 3 note * table 3 note * table 3 note * table 3 note * table 3 note * table 3 note * table 3 note * table 3 note * table 3 note * table 3 note * table 3 note * table 3 note * table 3 note * table 3 note * table 3 note * table 3 note * table 3 note * table 3 note * table 3 note * table 3 note * table 3 note *
20 to 24 3,680 82 2.2 17 0.5 47 1.3 118 3.2 0 0.0 6 0.2 26 0.7 121 3.3 89 2.4 30 0.8 212 5.8 748 20.3
25 to 29 12,749 284 2.2 67 0.5 184 1.4 428 3.4 6 0.0 46 0.4 75 0.6 465 3.6 268 2.1 125 1.0 737 5.8 2,685 21.1
30 to 34 20,044 546 2.7 148 0.7 320 1.6 620 3.1 11 0.1 55 0.3 133 0.7 668 3.3 411 2.1 172 0.9 638 3.2 3,722 18.6
35 to 39 27,313 906 3.3 238 0.9 431 1.6 771 2.8 26 0.1 81 0.3 173 0.6 832 3.0 541 2.0 206 0.8 632 2.3 4,837 17.7
40 to 44 30,513 1,003 3.3 210 0.7 458 1.5 904 3.0 39 0.1 66 0.2 202 0.7 948 3.1 504 1.7 236 0.8 620 2.0 5,190 17.0
45 to 49 29,382 930 3.2 174 0.6 327 1.1 929 3.2 46 0.2 62 0.2 163 0.6 716 2.4 474 1.6 209 0.7 511 1.7 4,541 15.5
50 to 54 30,499 777 2.5 134 0.4 250 0.8 864 2.8 48 0.2 33 0.1 144 0.5 617 2.0 415 1.4 148 0.5 434 1.4 3,864 12.7
55 to 59 23,978 579 2.4 106 0.4 135 0.6 610 2.5 30 0.1 23 0.1 103 0.4 433 1.8 281 1.2 94 0.4 331 1.4 2,725 11.4
60 to 64 10,615 301 2.8 58 0.5 57 0.5 263 2.5 17 0.2 7 0.1 50 0.5 257 2.4 141 1.3 54 0.5 156 1.5 1,361 12.8
65 + 3,603 table 3 note * table 3 note * table 3 note * table 3 note * 18 0.5 85 2.4 table 3 note * table 3 note * table 3 note * table 3 note * 26 0.7 165 4.6 60 1.7 19 0.5 table 3 note * table 3 note * 595 16.5
Unknown 2 table 3 note * table 3 note * table 3 note * table 3 note * table 3 note * table 3 note * table 3 note * table 3 note * table 3 note * table 3 note * table 3 note * table 3 note * table 3 note * table 3 note * table 3 note * table 3 note * table 3 note * table 3 note * table 3 note * table 3 note * table 3 note * table 3 note * table 3 note * table 3 note *
Total 192,467 5,538 2.9 1,170 0.6 2,227 1.2 5,592 2.9 229 0.1 383 0.2 1,095 0.6 5,222 2.7 3,184 1.7 1,293 0.7 4,340 2.3 30,273 15.7

Table 3 Notes

Table 3 Note 1

Information for small numbers has been supressed (counts of 1 to 5). Additionally, to avoid residual disclosure, other data points, may also be supressed.

Return to Table 3 note * referrer

Distribution of public service of Canada employees by designated sub-group and age range - Members of visible minorities (as of )

Workforce Availability for Members of Visible Minorities Population (2011 Census and the 2012 Canadian Survey on Disability - based on
Canadian citizens only): 13.0%
Age range All employees Black Non-White Latin American Person of Mixed Origin Chinese Japanese Korean Filipino South Asian/ East Indian Non-White West Asian, North African  or Arab Southeast Asian Other Visible Minority Group Members of visible minorities
Number Number % Number % Number % Number % Number % Number % Number % Number % Number % Number % Number % Number %
Under 20 72 table 4 note * table 4 note * table 4 note * table 4 note * table 4 note * table 4 note * table 4 note * table 4 note * table 4 note * table 4 note * table 4 note * table 4 note * table 4 note * table 4 note * table 4 note * table 4 note * table 4 note * table 4 note * table 4 note * table 4 note * table 4 note * table 4 note * table 4 note * table 4 note *
20 to 24 2,807 59 2.1 table 4 note * table 4 note * 38 1.4 90 3.2 0 0.0 table 4 note * table 4 note * 16 0.6 94 3.3 61 2.2 31 1.1 164 5.8 577 20.6
25 to 29 10,944 255 2.3 61 0.6 166 1.5 388 3.5 8 0.1 36 0.3 67 0.6 420 3.8 217 2.0 110 1.0 525 4.8 2,253 20.6
30 to 34 19,616 520 2.7 147 0.7 332 1.7 634 3.2 14 0.1 53 0.3 124 0.6 637 3.2 439 2.2 155 0.8 507 2.6 3,562 18.2
35 to 39 26,833 902 3.4 224 0.8 457 1.7 772 2.9 25 0.1 68 0.3 178 0.7 858 3.2 487 1.8 213 0.8 499 1.9 4,683 17.5
40 to 44 29,028 915 3.2 179 0.6 412 1.4 871 3.0 39 0.1 67 0.2 194 0.7 864 3.0 497 1.7 222 0.8 480 1.7 4,740 16.3
45 to 49 28,556 880 3.1 162 0.6 318 1.1 892 3.1 42 0.1 51 0.2 151 0.5 707 2.5 466 1.6 186 0.7 441 1.5 4,296 15.0
50 to 54 31,142 760 2.4 126 0.4 239 0.8 876 2.8 45 0.1 30 0.1 134 0.4 557 1.8 389 1.2 153 0.5 372 1.2 3,681 11.8
55 to 59 23,128 535 2.3 97 0.4 120 0.5 541 2.3 35 0.2 18 0.1 95 0.4 414 1.8 258 1.1 85 0.4 291 1.3 2,489 10.8
60 to 64 10,022 265 2.6 46 0.5 54 0.5 220 2.2 16 0.2 9 0.1 47 0.5 243 2.4 108 1.1 49 0.5 140 1.4 1,197 11.9
65 + 3,335 table 4 note * table 4 note * table 4 note * table 4 note * 17 0.5 81 2.4 10 0.3 table 4 note * table 4 note * 21 0.6 155 4.6 62 1.9 16 0.5 69 2.1 575 17.2
Unknown 1 table 4 note * table 4 note * table 4 note * table 4 note * table 4 note * table 4 note * table 4 note * table 4 note * table 4 note * table 4 note * table 4 note * table 4 note * table 4 note * table 4 note * table 4 note * table 4 note * table 4 note * table 4 note * table 4 note * table 4 note * table 4 note * table 4 note * table 4 note * table 4 note *
Total 185,484 5,218 2.8 1,074 0.6 2,153 1.2 5,365 2.9 234 0.1 342 0.2 1,027 0.6 4,949 2.7 2,984 1.6 1,220 0.7 3,492 1.9 28,058 15.1

Table 4 Notes

Table 4 Note 1

Information for small numbers has been supressed (counts of 1 to 5). Additionally, to avoid residual disclosure, other data points, may also be supressed.

Return to Table 4 note * referrer

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