2024 Public Service Employee Survey

  • My Job

    Q1. I have the tools, technology and equipment I need to do my job.

    1. Strongly agree
    2. Somewhat agree
    3. Neither agree nor disagree
    4. Somewhat disagree
    5. Strongly disagree
    6. Don’t know
    7. Not applicable

    Q2. During meetings in my work unit, I feel free to use the official language of my choice.

    1. Strongly agree
    2. Somewhat agree
    3. Neither agree nor disagree
    4. Somewhat disagree
    5. Strongly disagree
    6. Don’t know
    7. Not applicable

    Q3. When I prepare written materials, including emails, I feel free to use the official language of my choice.

    1. Strongly agree
    2. Somewhat agree
    3. Neither agree nor disagree
    4. Somewhat disagree
    5. Strongly disagree
    6. Don’t know
    7. Not applicable

    Q4. My physical environment (e.g., office, workspace) is suitable for my job requirements.

    1. Strongly agree
    2. Somewhat agree
    3. Neither agree nor disagree
    4. Somewhat disagree
    5. Strongly disagree
    6. Don’t know
    7. Not applicable

    Q5. I get the training I need to do my job.

    1. Strongly agree
    2. Somewhat agree
    3. Neither agree nor disagree
    4. Somewhat disagree
    5. Strongly disagree
    6. Don’t know
    7. Not applicable

    Q6. I have the information, training and equipment I need to ensure my health and safety at work.

    1. Strongly agree
    2. Somewhat agree
    3. Neither agree nor disagree
    4. Somewhat disagree
    5. Strongly disagree
    6. Don’t know
    7. Not applicable

    Q7. I have support at work to balance my work and personal life.

    1. Strongly agree
    2. Somewhat agree
    3. Neither agree nor disagree
    4. Somewhat disagree
    5. Strongly disagree
    6. Don’t know
    7. Not applicable

    Q8. I get a sense of satisfaction from my work.

    1. Strongly agree
    2. Somewhat agree
    3. Neither agree nor disagree
    4. Somewhat disagree
    5. Strongly disagree
    6. Don’t know
    7. Not applicable

    Q9. I receive meaningful recognition for work well done.

    1. Strongly agree
    2. Somewhat agree
    3. Neither agree nor disagree
    4. Somewhat disagree
    5. Strongly disagree
    6. Don’t know
    7. Not applicable

    Q10. I have clear work objectives.

    1. Strongly agree
    2. Somewhat agree
    3. Neither agree nor disagree
    4. Somewhat disagree
    5. Strongly disagree
    6. Don’t know
    7. Not applicable

    Q11. I know how my work contributes to the achievement of my department’s or agency’s goals.

    1. Strongly agree
    2. Somewhat agree
    3. Neither agree nor disagree
    4. Somewhat disagree
    5. Strongly disagree
    6. Don’t know
    7. Not applicable

    Q12. Overall, I feel valued at work.

    1. Strongly agree
    2. Somewhat agree
    3. Neither agree nor disagree
    4. Somewhat disagree
    5. Strongly disagree
    6. Don’t know
    7. Not applicable

    Q13. I am proud of the work that I do.

    1. Strongly agree
    2. Somewhat agree
    3. Neither agree nor disagree
    4. Somewhat disagree
    5. Strongly disagree
    6. Don’t know
    7. Not applicable

    Q14. I have opportunities to provide input into decisions that affect my work.

    1. Strongly agree
    2. Somewhat agree
    3. Neither agree nor disagree
    4. Somewhat disagree
    5. Strongly disagree
    6. Don’t know
    7. Not applicable

    Q15. I am encouraged to be innovative or to take initiative in my work.

    1. Strongly agree
    2. Somewhat agree
    3. Neither agree nor disagree
    4. Somewhat disagree
    5. Strongly disagree
    6. Don’t know
    7. Not applicable

    Q16. I have support at work to provide a high level of service.

    1. Strongly agree
    2. Somewhat agree
    3. Neither agree nor disagree
    4. Somewhat disagree
    5. Strongly disagree
    6. Don’t know
    7. Not applicable

    Q17. Overall, I like my job.

    1. Strongly agree
    2. Somewhat agree
    3. Neither agree nor disagree
    4. Somewhat disagree
    5. Strongly disagree
    6. Don’t know
    7. Not applicable

    Q18. I can complete my assigned workload during my regular working hours.

    1. Always or almost always
    2. Often
    3. Sometimes
    4. Rarely
    5. Never or almost never
    6. Don’t know
    7. Not applicable

    Q19a. I feel that the quality of my work suffers because of constantly changing priorities.

    1. Always or almost always
    2. Often
    3. Sometimes
    4. Rarely
    5. Never or almost never
    6. Don’t know
    7. Not applicable

    Q19b. I feel that the quality of my work suffers because of too many approval stages.

    1. Always or almost always
    2. Often
    3. Sometimes
    4. Rarely
    5. Never or almost never
    6. Don’t know
    7. Not applicable

    Q19c. I feel that the quality of my work suffers because of unreasonable deadlines.

    1. Always or almost always
    2. Often
    3. Sometimes
    4. Rarely
    5. Never or almost never
    6. Don’t know
    7. Not applicable

    Q19d. I feel that the quality of my work suffers because of having to do the same or more work, but with fewer resources.

    1. Always or almost always
    2. Often
    3. Sometimes
    4. Rarely
    5. Never or almost never
    6. Don’t know
    7. Not applicable

    Q19e. I feel that the quality of my work suffers because of high staff turnover.

    1. Always or almost always
    2. Often
    3. Sometimes
    4. Rarely
    5. Never or almost never
    6. Don’t know
    7. Not applicable

    Q19f. I feel that the quality of my work suffers because of overly complicated or unnecessary business processes.

    1. Always or almost always
    2. Often
    3. Sometimes
    4. Rarely
    5. Never or almost never
    6. Don’t know
    7. Not applicable

    Q19g. I feel that the quality of my work suffers because of unreliable technology.

    1. Always or almost always
    2. Often
    3. Sometimes
    4. Rarely
    5. Never or almost never
    6. Don’t know
    7. Not applicable
  • My Work Unit

    Q20. I am satisfied with how interpersonal issues are resolved in my work unit.

    1. Strongly agree
    2. Somewhat agree
    3. Neither agree nor disagree
    4. Somewhat disagree
    5. Strongly disagree
    6. Don’t know
    7. Not applicable

    Q21. In my work unit, every individual is accepted as an equal member of the team.

    1. Strongly agree
    2. Somewhat agree
    3. Neither agree nor disagree
    4. Somewhat disagree
    5. Strongly disagree
    6. Don’t know
    7. Not applicable

    Q22. In my work unit, individuals behave in a respectful manner.

    1. Strongly agree
    2. Somewhat agree
    3. Neither agree nor disagree
    4. Somewhat disagree
    5. Strongly disagree
    6. Don’t know
    7. Not applicable

    Q23. The people I work with value my ideas and opinions.

    1. Strongly agree
    2. Somewhat agree
    3. Neither agree nor disagree
    4. Somewhat disagree
    5. Strongly disagree
    6. Don’t know
    7. Not applicable

    Q24. In my work unit, I would feel safe to speak about racism in the workplace without fear of reprisal or negative impact on my career.

    Racism refers to any expression of prejudice, discrimination, hostility or violence against people because they appear to belong to a specific race or ethnic group. Racism may show up in individual actions, with conscious awareness or not, and/or in organizational policies or practices.

    1. Strongly agree
    2. Somewhat agree
    3. Neither agree nor disagree
    4. Somewhat disagree
    5. Strongly disagree
    6. Don’t know
    7. Not applicable

    Q25. In my work unit, I would feel safe to speak about racism in the workplace without negative impact on my mental health.

    Racism refers to any expression of prejudice, discrimination, hostility or violence against people because they appear to belong to a specific race or ethnic group. Racism may show up in individual actions, with conscious awareness or not, and/or in organizational policies or practices.

    1. Strongly agree
    2. Somewhat agree
    3. Neither agree nor disagree
    4. Somewhat disagree
    5. Strongly disagree
    6. Don’t know
    7. Not applicable
  • My Immediate Supervisor

    Q26. My immediate supervisor encourages me to work collaboratively with others outside of my work unit.

    1. Strongly agree
    2. Somewhat agree
    3. Neither agree nor disagree
    4. Somewhat disagree
    5. Strongly disagree
    6. Don’t know
    7. Not applicable

    Q27. I receive useful feedback from my immediate supervisor on my job performance.

    1. Strongly agree
    2. Somewhat agree
    3. Neither agree nor disagree
    4. Somewhat disagree
    5. Strongly disagree
    6. Don’t know
    7. Not applicable

    Q28. I feel that my immediate supervisor supports my career goals.

    1. Strongly agree
    2. Somewhat agree
    3. Neither agree nor disagree
    4. Somewhat disagree
    5. Strongly disagree
    6. Don’t know
    7. Not applicable

    Q29. My immediate supervisor keeps me informed about the issues affecting my work.

    1. Strongly agree
    2. Somewhat agree
    3. Neither agree nor disagree
    4. Somewhat disagree
    5. Strongly disagree
    6. Don’t know
    7. Not applicable

    Q30. My immediate supervisor supports the use of flexible work hours (e.g., varying the start and end times of the workday).

    1. Strongly agree
    2. Somewhat agree
    3. Neither agree nor disagree
    4. Somewhat disagree
    5. Strongly disagree
    6. Don’t know
    7. Not applicable

    Q31. I am satisfied with the quality of supervision I receive.

    1. Strongly agree
    2. Somewhat agree
    3. Neither agree nor disagree
    4. Somewhat disagree
    5. Strongly disagree
    6. Don’t know
    7. Not applicable

    Q32. When I communicate with my immediate supervisor, I feel free to use the official language of my choice.

    1. Strongly agree
    2. Somewhat agree
    3. Neither agree nor disagree
    4. Somewhat disagree
    5. Strongly disagree
    6. Don’t know
    7. Not applicable
  • Senior Management

    Q33. Senior managers in my department or agency lead by example in ethical behaviour.

    1. Strongly agree
    2. Somewhat agree
    3. Neither agree nor disagree
    4. Somewhat disagree
    5. Strongly disagree
    6. Don’t know
    7. Not applicable

    Q34. I have confidence in the senior management of my department or agency.

    1. Strongly agree
    2. Somewhat agree
    3. Neither agree nor disagree
    4. Somewhat disagree
    5. Strongly disagree
    6. Don’t know
    7. Not applicable

    Q35. Senior management in my department or agency makes effective and timely decisions.

    1. Strongly agree
    2. Somewhat agree
    3. Neither agree nor disagree
    4. Somewhat disagree
    5. Strongly disagree
    6. Don’t know
    7. Not applicable

    Q36. Essential information flows effectively from senior management to staff.

    1. Strongly agree
    2. Somewhat agree
    3. Neither agree nor disagree
    4. Somewhat disagree
    5. Strongly disagree
    6. Don’t know
    7. Not applicable

    Q37. Senior managers in my department or agency use both official languages in their interactions with employees.

    1. Always or almost always
    2. Often
    3. Sometimes
    4. Rarely
    5. Never or almost never
    6. Don’t know
    7. Not applicable
  • My Organization (Department or Agency)

    Q38. My department or agency does a good job of communicating its vision, mission and goals.

    1. Strongly agree
    2. Somewhat agree
    3. Neither agree nor disagree
    4. Somewhat disagree
    5. Strongly disagree
    6. Don’t know
    7. Not applicable

    Q39. I feel that change is managed well in my department or agency.

    1. Strongly agree
    2. Somewhat agree
    3. Neither agree nor disagree
    4. Somewhat disagree
    5. Strongly disagree
    6. Don’t know
    7. Not applicable

    Q40. If I am faced with an ethical dilemma or a conflict between values in the workplace, I know where I can go for help in resolving the situation.

    1. Strongly agree
    2. Somewhat agree
    3. Neither agree nor disagree
    4. Somewhat disagree
    5. Strongly disagree
    6. Don’t know
    7. Not applicable

    Q41. My department or agency does a good job of promoting values and ethics in the workplace.

    1. Strongly agree
    2. Somewhat agree
    3. Neither agree nor disagree
    4. Somewhat disagree
    5. Strongly disagree
    6. Don’t know
    7. Not applicable

    Q42. I feel I can initiate a formal recourse process (e.g., grievance, complaint, appeal) without fear of reprisal.

    1. Strongly agree
    2. Somewhat agree
    3. Neither agree nor disagree
    4. Somewhat disagree
    5. Strongly disagree
    6. Don’t know
    7. Not applicable

    Q43. My department or agency does a good job of supporting employee career development.

    1. Strongly agree
    2. Somewhat agree
    3. Neither agree nor disagree
    4. Somewhat disagree
    5. Strongly disagree
    6. Don’t know
    7. Not applicable

    Q44a. To what extent have the following adversely affected your career progress in the federal public service over the last 12 months?

    Conflict between my work obligations and my family or personal obligations

    1. Not at all
    2. To a small extent
    3. To a moderate extent
    4. To a large extent
    5. To a very large extent
    6. Don’t know
    7. Not applicable

    Q44b. To what extent have the following adversely affected your career progress in the federal public service over the last 12 months?

    Lack of access to language training in my second official language

    1. Not at all
    2. To a small extent
    3. To a moderate extent
    4. To a large extent
    5. To a very large extent
    6. Don’t know
    7. Not applicable

    Q44c. To what extent have the following adversely affected your career progress in the federal public service over the last 12 months?


    1. Not at all
    2. To a small extent
    3. To a moderate extent
    4. To a large extent
    5. To a very large extent
    6. Don’t know
    7. Not applicable

    Q44d. To what extent have the following adversely affected your career progress in the federal public service over the last 12 months?

    Accessibility issues

    1. Not at all
    2. To a small extent
    3. To a moderate extent
    4. To a large extent
    5. To a very large extent
    6. Don’t know
    7. Not applicable

    Q44e. To what extent have the following adversely affected your career progress in the federal public service over the last 12 months?

    Accommodation issues

    1. Not at all
    2. To a small extent
    3. To a moderate extent
    4. To a large extent
    5. To a very large extent
    6. Don’t know
    7. Not applicable

    Q45. I believe I have opportunities for promotion within my department or agency, given my education, skills and experience.

    1. Strongly agree
    2. Somewhat agree
    3. Neither agree nor disagree
    4. Somewhat disagree
    5. Strongly disagree
    6. Don’t know
    7. Not applicable

    Q46. I feel I would be supported by my department or agency if I proposed a new idea.

    1. Strongly agree
    2. Somewhat agree
    3. Neither agree nor disagree
    4. Somewhat disagree
    5. Strongly disagree
    6. Don’t know
    7. Not applicable

    Q47. I think that my department or agency respects individual differences (e.g., culture, work styles, ideas, abilities).

    1. Strongly agree
    2. Somewhat agree
    3. Neither agree nor disagree
    4. Somewhat disagree
    5. Strongly disagree
    6. Don’t know
    7. Not applicable

    Q48. My department or agency implements activities and practices that support a diverse workforce.

    A diverse workforce includes individuals who have an array of identities, abilities, backgrounds, cultures, skills, perspectives, and experiences that are representative of Canada’s current and evolving population. This includes but is not limited to differences in ethnicity or race, culture, religion, disability, sexual orientation, gender identity, age, educational background, region, and marital or parental status.

    1. Strongly agree
    2. Somewhat agree
    3. Neither agree nor disagree
    4. Somewhat disagree
    5. Strongly disagree
    6. Don’t know
    7. Not applicable

    Q49. My department or agency implements initiatives that promote anti-racism in the workplace.

    Anti-racism is the active process of identifying and eliminating racism by changing systems, organizational structures, policies and practices and attitudes, so that power is redistributed and shared equitably.

    1. Always or almost always
    2. Often
    3. Sometimes
    4. Rarely
    5. Never or almost never
    6. Don’t know
    7. Not applicable

    Q50. I would feel comfortable sharing concerns about racism in the workplace with a person of authority (e.g., immediate supervisor, senior manager, ombudsperson, human resources advisor).

    Racism refers to any expression of prejudice, discrimination, hostility or violence against people because they appear to belong to a specific race or ethnic group. Racism may show up in individual actions, with conscious awareness or not, and/or in organizational policies or practices.

    1. Strongly agree
    2. Somewhat agree
    3. Neither agree nor disagree
    4. Somewhat disagree
    5. Strongly disagree
    6. Don’t know
    7. Not applicable

    Q51. I feel that racism in my department or agency has had an adverse or negative impact on my mental health.

    Racism refers to any expression of prejudice, discrimination, hostility or violence against people because they appear to belong to a specific race or ethnic group. Racism may show up in individual actions, with conscious awareness or not, and/or in organizational policies or practices.

    1. Strongly agree
    2. Somewhat agree
    3. Neither agree nor disagree
    4. Somewhat disagree
    5. Strongly disagree
    6. Don’t know
    7. Not applicable

    Q52. I feel that the Call to Action on Anti-Racism, Equity and Inclusion has had a positive impact in my department or agency, since it launched in January 2021.

    The Call to Action on Anti-Racism, Equity and Inclusion in the Federal Public Service is a call to leaders in the Public Service to take deliberate action to address systemic racism and make the Public Service more inclusive.

    1. Strongly agree
    2. Somewhat agree
    3. Neither agree nor disagree
    4. Somewhat disagree
    5. Strongly disagree
    6. Don’t know
    7. Not applicable

    Q53. Overall, my department or agency treats me with respect.

    1. Strongly agree
    2. Somewhat agree
    3. Neither agree nor disagree
    4. Somewhat disagree
    5. Strongly disagree
    6. Don’t know
    7. Not applicable

    Q54. I would recommend my department or agency as a great place to work.

    1. Strongly agree
    2. Somewhat agree
    3. Neither agree nor disagree
    4. Somewhat disagree
    5. Strongly disagree
    6. Don’t know
    7. Not applicable

    Q55. I am satisfied with my department or agency.

    1. Strongly agree
    2. Somewhat agree
    3. Neither agree nor disagree
    4. Somewhat disagree
    5. Strongly disagree
    6. Don’t know
    7. Not applicable

    Q56. I would prefer to remain with my department or agency, even if a comparable job was available elsewhere in the federal public service.

    1. Strongly agree
    2. Somewhat agree
    3. Neither agree nor disagree
    4. Somewhat disagree
    5. Strongly disagree
    6. Don’t know
    7. Not applicable
  • Mobility and Retention

    Q57. Do you intend to leave your current position in the next two years?

    1. No
    2. Unsure
    3. Yes, to retire
    4. Yes, to pursue another position within my department or agency
    5. Yes, to pursue a position in another department or agency
    6. Yes, to pursue a position outside the federal public service
    7. Yes, end of my term, casual or student employment
    8. Yes, other reason
      Specify other reason _______________________
  • Harassment

    Harassment is normally a series of incidents, but it can be one severe incident that has a lasting impact on the individual.

    Harassment refers to any action, conduct or comment, including of a sexual nature, that can reasonably be expected to cause offence, humiliation or other physical or psychological injury or illness to an employee, including any prescribed action, conduct or comment.

    Q58. Having carefully read the definition of harassment above, have you been the victim of harassment on the job in the past 12 months?

    1. Yes
    2. No

    Q59. From whom did you experience harassment on the job? (Select all that apply.)

    1. Co-workers
    2. Individuals with authority over me
    3. Individuals working for me
    4. Individuals for whom I have a custodial responsibility (e.g., inmates, offenders, patients, detainees)
    5. Individuals from other departments or agencies
    6. Members of the public (individuals or organizations)
    7. Other

    Q60. Please indicate the nature of the harassment you experienced. (Select all that apply.)

    1. Aggressive behaviour
    2. Excessive control
    3. Being excluded or being ignored
    4. Humiliation
    5. Interference with work or withholding resources
    6. Offensive remark
    7. Personal attack
    8. Physical violence
    9. Sexual comment or gesture
    10. Threat
    11. Unfair treatment
    12. Yelling or shouting
    13. Other

    Q61. What action(s) did you take to address the harassment you experienced? (Select all that apply.)

    1. I discussed the matter with my supervisor or a senior manager.
    2. I discussed the matter with the person(s) from whom I experienced the harassment.
    3. I contacted a human resources advisor in my department or agency.
    4. I contacted my union representative.
    5. I used an informal conflict resolution process.
    6. I filed a grievance or formal complaint. (Go to question 63)
    7. I resolved the matter informally on my own.
    8. Other
    9. I took no action.

    Q62. Why did you not file a grievance or formal complaint about the harassment you experienced? (Select all that apply.)

    1. The issue was resolved.
    2. I did not think the incident was serious enough.
    3. The behaviour stopped.
    4. The individual apologized.
    5. Management intervened.
    6. The individual left or changed jobs.
    7. I changed jobs.
    8. I did not know what to do, where to go or whom to ask.
    9. I was too distraught.
    10. I had concerns about the formal complaint process (e.g., confidentiality, how long it would take).
    11. I was advised against filing a complaint.
    12. I was afraid of reprisal (e.g., having limited career advancement, being labelled a troublemaker).
    13. Someone threatened me.
    14. I did not believe it would make a difference.
    15. I intend to file a grievance or a formal complaint, but I have not done so yet.
    16. Other

    Q63. I am satisfied with how matters related to harassment are resolved in my department or agency.

    1. Strongly agree
    2. Somewhat agree
    3. Neither agree nor disagree
    4. Somewhat disagree
    5. Strongly disagree
    6. Don’t know
    7. Not applicable

    Q64. My department or agency works hard to create a workplace that prevents harassment.

    1. Strongly agree
    2. Somewhat agree
    3. Neither agree nor disagree
    4. Somewhat disagree
    5. Strongly disagree
    6. Don’t know
    7. Not applicable
  • Discrimination

    Discrimination refers to the unjust or prejudicial treatment of a person or group of people that deprives them of or limits their access to opportunities and advantages that are available to other members of society. The Canadian Human Rights Act sets out the following prohibited grounds of discrimination: race, national or ethnic origin, colour, religion, age, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, marital status, family status, genetic characteristics, disability and conviction for an offence for which a pardon has been granted or in respect of which a record suspension has been ordered.

    Q65. Having carefully read the definition of discrimination above, have you been the victim of discrimination on the job in the past 12 months?

    1. Yes
    2. No

    Q66. From whom did you experience discrimination on the job? (Select all that apply.)

    1. Co-workers
    2. Individuals with authority over me
    3. Individuals working for me
    4. Individuals for whom I have a custodial responsibility (e.g., inmates, offenders, patients, detainees)
    5. Individuals from other departments or agencies
    6. Members of the public (individuals or organizations)
    7. Other

    Q67. Please indicate the type of discrimination you experienced. (Select all that apply.)

    1. Race
    2. National or ethnic origin
    3. Colour
    4. Religion
    5. Age
    6. Sex
    7. Sexual orientation
    8. Gender identity or expression (including gender diverse identities or expressions such as transgender, two-spirit, or non-binary)
    9. Marital status
    10. Family status
    11. Genetic characteristics (including a requirement to undergo a genetic test or disclose the results of a genetic test)
    12. Disability
    13. Pardoned conviction or suspended record

    Q68. What action(s) did you take to address the discrimination you experienced? (Select all that apply.)

    1. I discussed the matter with my supervisor or a senior manager.
    2. I discussed the matter with the person(s) from whom I experienced the discrimination.
    3. I contacted a human resources advisor in my department or agency.
    4. I contacted my union representative.
    5. I used an informal conflict resolution process.
    6. I filed a grievance or formal complaint. (Go to question 70)
    7. I resolved the matter informally on my own.
    8. Other
    9. I took no action.

    Q69. Why did you not file a grievance or formal complaint about the discrimination you experienced? (Select all that apply.)

    1. The issue was resolved.
    2. I did not think the incident was serious enough.
    3. The behaviour stopped.
    4. The individual apologized.
    5. Management intervened.
    6. The individual left or changed jobs.
    7. I changed jobs.
    8. I did not know what to do, where to go or whom to ask.
    9. I was too distraught.
    10. I had concerns about the formal complaint process (e.g., confidentiality, how long it would take).
    11. I was advised against filing a complaint.
    12. I was afraid of reprisal (e.g., having limited career advancement, being labelled a troublemaker).
    13. Someone threatened me.
    14. I did not believe it would make a difference.
    15. I intend to file a grievance or a formal complaint, but I have not done so yet.
    16. Other

    Q70. I am satisfied with how matters related to discrimination are resolved in my department or agency.

    1. Strongly agree
    2. Somewhat agree
    3. Neither agree nor disagree
    4. Somewhat disagree
    5. Strongly disagree
    6. Don’t know
    7. Not applicable

    Q71. My department or agency works hard to create a workplace that prevents discrimination.

    1. Strongly agree
    2. Somewhat agree
    3. Neither agree nor disagree
    4. Somewhat disagree
    5. Strongly disagree
    6. Don’t know
    7. Not applicable

    Q72. I am satisfied with how concerns or complaints about racism in the workplace are resolved in my department or agency. (Answer if you selected “Race” in question 67.)

    1. Strongly agree
    2. Somewhat agree
    3. Neither agree nor disagree
    4. Somewhat disagree
    5. Strongly disagree
    6. Don’t know
    7. Not applicable
  • Stress and Well-Being

    Q73a. Overall, to what extent do the following factors cause you work-related stress?

    Pay or other compensation-related issues

    1. Not at all
    2. To a small extent
    3. To a moderate extent
    4. To a large extent
    5. To a very large extent
    6. Don’t know
    7. Not applicable

    Q73b. Overall, to what extent do the following factors cause you work-related stress?

    Heavy workload

    1. Not at all
    2. To a small extent
    3. To a moderate extent
    4. To a large extent
    5. To a very large extent
    6. Don’t know
    7. Not applicable

    Q73c. Overall, to what extent do the following factors cause you work-related stress?

    Unreasonable deadlines

    1. Not at all
    2. To a small extent
    3. To a moderate extent
    4. To a large extent
    5. To a very large extent
    6. Don’t know
    7. Not applicable

    Q73d. Overall, to what extent do the following factors cause you work-related stress?

    Not enough employees to do the work

    1. Not at all
    2. To a small extent
    3. To a moderate extent
    4. To a large extent
    5. To a very large extent
    6. Don’t know
    7. Not applicable

    Q73e. Overall, to what extent do the following factors cause you work-related stress?

    Overtime or long work hours

    1. Not at all
    2. To a small extent
    3. To a moderate extent
    4. To a large extent
    5. To a very large extent
    6. Don’t know
    7. Not applicable

    Q73f. Overall, to what extent do the following factors cause you work-related stress?

    Balancing work and personal life

    1. Not at all
    2. To a small extent
    3. To a moderate extent
    4. To a large extent
    5. To a very large extent
    6. Don’t know
    7. Not applicable

    Q73g. Overall, to what extent do the following factors cause you work-related stress?

    Lack of control or input in decision-making

    1. Not at all
    2. To a small extent
    3. To a moderate extent
    4. To a large extent
    5. To a very large extent
    6. Don’t know
    7. Not applicable

    Q73h. Overall, to what extent do the following factors cause you work-related stress?

    Competing or constantly changing priorities

    1. Not at all
    2. To a small extent
    3. To a moderate extent
    4. To a large extent
    5. To a very large extent
    6. Don’t know
    7. Not applicable

    Q73i. Overall, to what extent do the following factors cause you work-related stress?

    Lack of clear expectations

    1. Not at all
    2. To a small extent
    3. To a moderate extent
    4. To a large extent
    5. To a very large extent
    6. Don’t know
    7. Not applicable

    Q73j. Overall, to what extent do the following factors cause you work-related stress?

    Lack of recognition

    1. Not at all
    2. To a small extent
    3. To a moderate extent
    4. To a large extent
    5. To a very large extent
    6. Don’t know
    7. Not applicable

    Q73k. Overall, to what extent do the following factors cause you work-related stress?

    Feeling disconnected from colleagues

    1. Not at all
    2. To a small extent
    3. To a moderate extent
    4. To a large extent
    5. To a very large extent
    6. Don’t know
    7. Not applicable

    Q73l. Overall, to what extent do the following factors cause you work-related stress?

    Information overload

    1. Not at all
    2. To a small extent
    3. To a moderate extent
    4. To a large extent
    5. To a very large extent
    6. Don’t know
    7. Not applicable

    Q73m. Overall, to what extent do the following factors cause you work-related stress?

    Physical work environment

    1. Not at all
    2. To a small extent
    3. To a moderate extent
    4. To a large extent
    5. To a very large extent
    6. Don’t know
    7. Not applicable

    Q73n. Overall, to what extent do the following factors cause you work-related stress?

    Difficulty accessing my work tools or network (e.g., work email, work device, ergonomic equipment)

    1. Not at all
    2. To a small extent
    3. To a moderate extent
    4. To a large extent
    5. To a very large extent
    6. Don’t know
    7. Not applicable

    Q73o. Overall, to what extent do the following factors cause you work-related stress?

    Accessibility issues

    1. Not at all
    2. To a small extent
    3. To a moderate extent
    4. To a large extent
    5. To a very large extent
    6. Don’t know
    7. Not applicable

    Q73p. Overall, to what extent do the following factors cause you work-related stress?

    Accommodation issues

    1. Not at all
    2. To a small extent
    3. To a moderate extent
    4. To a large extent
    5. To a very large extent
    6. Don’t know
    7. Not applicable

    Q73q. Overall, to what extent do the following factors cause you work-related stress?

    Harassment or discrimination

    1. Not at all
    2. To a small extent
    3. To a moderate extent
    4. To a large extent
    5. To a very large extent
    6. Don’t know
    7. Not applicable

    Q73r. Overall, to what extent do the following factors cause you work-related stress?

    Issues with my co-worker(s)

    1. Not at all
    2. To a small extent
    3. To a moderate extent
    4. To a large extent
    5. To a very large extent
    6. Don’t know
    7. Not applicable

    Q73s. Overall, to what extent do the following factors cause you work-related stress?

    Issues with individual(s) with authority over me

    1. Not at all
    2. To a small extent
    3. To a moderate extent
    4. To a large extent
    5. To a very large extent
    6. Don’t know
    7. Not applicable

    Q73t. Overall, to what extent do the following factors cause you work-related stress?

    Issues with individual(s) working for me

    1. Not at all
    2. To a small extent
    3. To a moderate extent
    4. To a large extent
    5. To a very large extent
    6. Don’t know
    7. Not applicable

    Q73u. Overall, to what extent do the following factors cause you work-related stress?

    Issues with other individual(s) (e.g., members of the public, individuals from other departments or agencies)

    1. Not at all
    2. To a small extent
    3. To a moderate extent
    4. To a large extent
    5. To a very large extent
    6. Don’t know
    7. Not applicable

    Q73v. Overall, to what extent do the following factors cause you work-related stress?

    Lack of job security

    1. Not at all
    2. To a small extent
    3. To a moderate extent
    4. To a large extent
    5. To a very large extent
    6. Don’t know
    7. Not applicable

    Q73w. Overall, to what extent do the following factors cause you work-related stress?

    Personal issues

    1. Not at all
    2. To a small extent
    3. To a moderate extent
    4. To a large extent
    5. To a very large extent
    6. Don’t know
    7. Not applicable

    Q74. Overall, my level of work-related stress is…

    1. Very low
    2. Low
    3. Moderate
    4. High
    5. Very High
    6. Don’t know
    7. Not applicable

    Q75. After my workday, I feel emotionally drained.

    1. Always or almost always
    2. Often
    3. Sometimes
    4. Rarely
    5. Never or almost never
    6. Don’t know
    7. Not applicable

    Q76. My department or agency does a good job of raising awareness of mental health in the workplace.

    1. Strongly agree
    2. Somewhat agree
    3. Neither agree nor disagree
    4. Somewhat disagree
    5. Strongly disagree
    6. Don’t know
    7. Not applicable

    Q77. In general, how is your mental health?

    1. Excellent
    2. Very good
    3. Good
    4. Fair
    5. Poor

    Q78. My immediate supervisor supports my mental health and well-being.

    1. Strongly agree
    2. Somewhat agree
    3. Neither agree nor disagree
    4. Somewhat disagree
    5. Strongly disagree
    6. Don’t know
    7. Not applicable

    Q79. I would feel comfortable sharing concerns with my immediate supervisor about my mental health.

    1. Strongly agree
    2. Somewhat agree
    3. Neither agree nor disagree
    4. Somewhat disagree
    5. Strongly disagree
    6. Don’t know
    7. Not applicable

    Q80. I would feel comfortable sharing concerns with my immediate supervisor about my physical health and safety.

    1. Strongly agree
    2. Somewhat agree
    3. Neither agree nor disagree
    4. Somewhat disagree
    5. Strongly disagree
    6. Don’t know
    7. Not applicable

    Q81. I would describe my workplace as being psychologically healthy.

    A psychologically healthy workplace is one that promotes employees’ psychological well-being and actively works to prevent harm to employee psychological health due to negligent, reckless or intentional individual behaviours and organizational practices.

    1. Strongly agree
    2. Somewhat agree
    3. Neither agree nor disagree
    4. Somewhat disagree
    5. Strongly disagree
    6. Don’t know
    7. Not applicable

    Q82. Are you a supervisor?

    1. Yes
    2. No

    Q83. I am equipped to support employees in my work unit who are experiencing mental health issues.

    1. Strongly agree
    2. Somewhat agree
    3. Neither agree nor disagree
    4. Somewhat disagree
    5. Strongly disagree
    6. Don’t know
    7. Not applicable
  • Duty to Accommodate

    The duty to accommodate refers to the employer’s obligation to eliminate disadvantages to employees, prospective employees or clients that result from a rule, practice or physical barrier that has or that may have an adverse impact on individuals or groups protected under the Canadian Human Rights Act or identified as a designated group under the Employment Equity Act. It applies to all grounds of discrimination covered by the Canadian Human Rights Act (i.e., race, national or ethnic origin, colour, religion, age, sex (including pregnancy and childbirth), sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, marital status, family status, genetic characteristics (including a requirement to undergo a genetic test, or disclose the results of a genetic test), disability or conviction for an offence for which a pardon has been granted or in respect of which a record suspension has been ordered). Employers must provide accommodation up to the point of undue hardship, taking into account essential job requirements.

    Please note that the questions about duty to accommodate do not apply to employees who asked for office equipment to telework, unless their requests pertain to specific accommodation measures that help to reduce barriers to work, as per the Canadian Human Rights Act.

    Q84. Having carefully read the definition of duty to accommodate, have you requested workplace accommodation measures in the last two years?

    1. Yes
    2. No

    Q85. Were the requests for workplace accommodation measures related to a disability?

    Disability means any impairment, including a physical, mental, intellectual, cognitive, learning, communication or sensory impairment — or a functional limitation — whether permanent, temporary or episodic in nature, or evident or not, that, in interaction with a barrier, hinders a person’s full and equal participation in society. Barrier means anything — including anything physical, architectural, technological or attitudinal, anything that is based on information or communications or anything that is the result of a policy or a practice — that hinders the full and equal participation in society of persons with an impairment, including a physical, mental, intellectual, cognitive, learning, communication or sensory impairment or a functional limitation.

    1. Yes
    2. No

    Q86. Were any workplace accommodation measures implemented?

    1. Yes
    2. No

    Q87. I am satisfied with the workplace accommodation measures that were implemented.

    1. Strongly agree
    2. Somewhat agree
    3. Neither agree nor disagree
    4. Somewhat disagree
    5. Strongly disagree
    6. Don’t know
    7. Not applicable

    Q88. I would feel comfortable requesting workplace accommodation measures from my immediate supervisor.

    1. Strongly agree
    2. Somewhat agree
    3. Neither agree nor disagree
    4. Somewhat disagree
    5. Strongly disagree
    6. Don’t know
    7. Not applicable
  • Compensation

    Q89. In the last 12 months, has your pay or other compensation been affected by issues with the Phoenix pay system?

    1. Yes
    2. No
    3. Not sure
    4. Not applicable

    Q90. Have all your pay or other compensation issues been resolved?

    1. Yes
    2. No

    Q91. I am satisfied with the support (e.g., regular information, follow-up, making enquiries on my behalf, offering emergency or priority pay) I received from my department or agency to help resolve my pay or other compensation issues.

    1. Strongly agree
    2. Somewhat agree
    3. Neither agree nor disagree
    4. Somewhat disagree
    5. Strongly disagree
    6. Don’t know
    7. Not applicable

    Q92. I am satisfied with the support I received from the Pay Centre to help resolve my pay or other compensation issues.

    1. Strongly agree
    2. Somewhat agree
    3. Neither agree nor disagree
    4. Somewhat disagree
    5. Strongly disagree
    6. Don’t know
    7. Not applicable

    Q93. To what extent have issues with the Phoenix pay system affected your decision to seek or accept another position (e.g., deployment, promotion, secondment, assignment, acting assignment) within your organization or the federal public service?

    1. Not at all
    2. To a small extent
    3. To a moderate extent
    4. To a large extent
    5. To a very large extent
    6. Don’t know
    7. Not applicable
  • General Information

    The following questions ask for general information that will be used to better understand the survey results. To ensure confidentiality, please be advised that your responses will be grouped with those of other respondents in your department or agency. Individual responses and results for very small groups are never published or shared with government departments or agencies.

    Q94. For which department or agency are you currently working?

    Q95. In which organizational unit are you currently working? Note: Choose your lowest organizational unit from the dropdown.

    If your organizational unit is not listed, select from the dropdown menu “I cannot find my organizational unit”.

    From the dropdown menu, select the name indicating the lowest level of organizational unit.

    Q96. Which of the following best describes your current work arrangement?

    1. Working on-site at a Government of Canada location all of the time
    2. Teleworking all of the time
    3. Hybrid (i.e. any combination of telework and on-site work)

    Q97. Are you currently a shift worker?

    1. Yes
    2. No

    Q98. Do you work full-time or part-time?

    1. Full-time
    2. Part-time

    Q99. What is your current employee status?

    1. Indeterminate (permanent)
    2. Seasonal
    3. Term
    4. Casual
    5. Student
    6. Contracted via a temporary help services agency
    7. Governor in Council appointee
    8. Other (e.g., minister’s exempt staff)

    Q100. Have you ever served in the Canadian military?

    Canadian military service includes service with the Regular Force or Primary Reserve Force as an Officer or Non-Commissioned Member. It does not include service with the Cadets (COATS), the Supplementary Reserve or the Canadian Rangers.

    1. Yes, currently serving in the Regular Force or the Primary Reserve Force
    2. Yes, but no longer serving in the Regular Force or the Primary Reserve Force
    3. No

    Q101a. Please indicate your occupational group.

    If you are in an acting position, specify the group of the acting position.

    Q101b. Please indicate your level.

    If you are in an acting position, specify the level of the acting position. (e.g., for FI-03, indicate 03)

    Q102. What are the language requirements of your current position?

    1. Bilingual
    2. Unilingual English
    3. Unilingual French
    4. Either English or French
    5. Don’t know

    Q103. With which of the following communities do you most closely identify in relation to your current job?

    A community is made up of public service employees who share common work purposes, functions and professional interests. While many employees identify with at least one such community, not all employees do.

    1. Client contact centre
    2. Health care practitioners
    3. Intelligence analysts
    4. Federal regulators
    5. Compliance, inspection and enforcement
    6. Communications or public affairs
    7. Access to information and privacy
    8. Security
    9. Science and technology
    10. Library services
    11. Legal services
    12. Administration and operations
    13. Human resources
    14. Financial management
    15. Procurement
    16. Real property
    17. Materiel management
    18. Information management
    19. Information technology
    20. Internal audit
    21. Evaluation
    22. Data sciences
    23. Policy
    24. Project management
    25. Other services to the public
    26. None of the above

    Q104. In total, how many years have you been working in the federal public service?

    1. Less than one year
    2. One or more years
      Please indicate the number of years _______________________

    Q105. In total, how many years have you been working in your current department or agency?

    1. Less than one year
    2. One or more years
      Please indicate the number of years _______________________

    Q106. What is your first official language?

    1. English
    2. French

    Q107. Do you occupy a position in which you provide services directly to the public as a regular part of your job?

    1. Yes
    2. No

    Q108. In which province or territory do you work?

    1. National Capital Region
    2. Ontario (excluding National Capital Region)
    3. Quebec (excluding National Capital Region)
    4. Northwest Territories
    5. Nunavut
    6. Yukon
    7. British Columbia
    8. Alberta
    9. Saskatchewan
    10. Manitoba
    11. New Brunswick
    12. Nova Scotia
    13. Prince Edward Island
    14. Newfoundland and Labrador
    15. Outside Canada

    Q109. Do you work in one of the following designated bilingual areas of Quebec or Ontario?

    1. The bilingual region of Montréal (the counties of Deux-Montagnes, Île-de-Montréal and Île-Jésus, La Prairie and Vaudreuil)
    2. The bilingual regions of other parts of Quebec (the counties of Bonaventure, Gaspé-Est, Brome, Compton, Huntingdon, Missisquoi, Richmond, Sherbrooke, Stanstead, Argenteuil and Pontiac)
    3. The bilingual region of Eastern Ontario (the counties of Glengarry, Prescott, Russell and Stormont)
    4. The bilingual region of Northern Ontario (the counties of Algoma, Cochrane, Nipissing, Sudbury and Timiskaming)
    5. I do not work in one of these areas.

    Q110. What is your age group?

    1. 24 years and under
    2. 25 to 29 years
    3. 30 to 34 years
    4. 35 to 39 years
    5. 40 to 44 years
    6. 45 to 49 years
    7. 50 to 54 years
    8. 55 to 59 years
    9. 60 years and over

    Q111. What is your gender?

    Gender refers to a social and personal identity and may be different than a person’s biological sex.

    1. Woman
    2. Man
    3. Another gender
      Optional to specify _________________________
    4. Prefer not to specify

    Q112. Are you a person with a disability?

    A person with a disability is a person with any impairment, including a physical, mental, intellectual, cognitive, learning, communication or sensory impairment – or a functional limitation – whether permanent, temporary or episodic in nature, or evident or not, that, in interaction with a barrier, hinders a person’s full and equal participation in society.

    For the purposes of this questionnaire, please only identify disabilities that have lasted or are expected to last six months or more.

    1. No
    2. Yes, select all that apply.
      1. Seeing disability: affects vision, including total blindness, partial sight and visual distortion.
      2. Hearing disability: affects ability to hear, including being hard of hearing, deafness or acoustic distortion.
      3. Speech or communication disability: affects ability to talk, including total speech loss, partial speech and speech distortion.
      4. Mobility disability: affects ability to move your body, including the required use of a wheelchair or a cane, or other issues impacting your mobility.
      5. Flexibility disability: affects ability to move joints, to bend and to reach for things.
      6. Dexterity disability: affects ability to perform fine motor tasks, especially with your hands.
      7. Mental health-related disability: affects psychology or behaviour, such as anxiety, depression or social or compulsive disorder, or phobia or psychiatric illness.
      8. Sensory or environmental disability: affects sensitivity to lights, sounds, smells or other elements in one’s environment, including allergens.
      9. Chronic health condition: affects ability to function on a regular or episodic basis due to an ongoing health condition such as diabetes, Crohn’s disease, colitis, fibromyalgia, multiple sclerosis.
      10. Pain-related disability: affects ability to function on a regular or episodic basis due to pain.
      11. Cognitive disability: ability to carry out tasks involving executive functioning, such as planning and organization.
      12. Learning disability: affects the way a person receives, understands and uses information, such as dyslexia, dysgraphia and other learning disabilities.
      13. Memory disability: affects a person’s ability to remember information.
      14. Developmental disability (also known as intellectual disability): affects ability to learn and to adapt behaviour to different situations.
      15. Another disability (optional to specify): _______________________
      16. Prefer not to specify.
    3. Prefer not to say.

    Q113. Do you identify as an Indigenous person?

    For the purposes of this questionnaire, the term “Indigenous” refers only to First Nations, Inuit or Métis Peoples.

    If you identify as a member of an Indigenous community that is not First Nations, Inuit or Métis, please skip this question.

    Based on this definition, do you identify as an Indigenous person?

    1. No
    2. Yes, select all that apply.
      1. First Nations
        Optional to specify _______________________
      2. Inuk (Inuit)
        Optional to specify _______________________
      3. Métis
        Optional to specify _______________________
      4. Prefer not to specify
    3. Prefer not to say.

    Q114. Which racial group(s) do you identify with?

    Race is a term used to classify people into groups based principally on physical traits such as skin colour. Racial categories are not based on science or biology but on differences society has created, with significant consequences for people’s lives. Racial categories may vary over time and place and can overlap with ethnic, cultural or religious groups.

    If you identify solely as belonging to the Indigenous groups specified in question 113, please skip this question.

    Select all that apply.

    1. Black
    2. East Asian (for example, Chinese, Japanese, Korean)
    3. Southeast Asian (for example, Filipino, Indonesian, Vietnamese)
    4. Latin American (for example, Brazilian, Guatemalan, Mexican)
    5. Arab (for example, Lebanese, Saudi Arabian, Syrian)
    6. South Asian (for example, East Indian, Pakistani, Sri Lankan)
    7. West Asian (for example, Afghan, Iranian, Turkish)
    8. White
    9. Another identity
      Optional to specify: _______________________
    10. Prefer not to specify.

    Q115. Which ethnic or cultural origin(s) do you identify with?

    Ethnic origin refers to the ethnic or cultural origins of a person’s ancestors. People who identify with similar ethnic origins (ethnic groups) tend to have a shared understanding of their ancestry or historical past, often with identifiable geographic, cultural, linguistic and/or religious characteristics.

    If you identify solely as belonging to the Indigenous groups specified in question 113, please skip this question.

    Select all that apply.

    1. Southern Africa (for example, Botswana, Eswatini, Namibia, South Africa)
    2. Western Africa (for example, Benin, Ghana, Mali, Nigeria)
    3. Northern Africa (for example, Algeria, Egypt, Libya, Morocco)
    4. Eastern Africa (for example, Burundi, Kenya, Rwanda, Tanzania)
    5. Central Africa (for example, Angola, Cameroon, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Gabon)
    6. Africa – not otherwise specified
    7. Southern Asia (for example, Bhutan, India, Pakistan, Sri Lanka)
    8. Western Asia and the Middle East (for example, Bahrain, Iran, Turkey, United Arab Emirates)
    9. Eastern Asia (for example, China, Japan, Mongolia, South Korea)
    10. South-eastern Asia (for example, Cambodia, Indonesia, Philippines, Viet Nam)
    11. Central Asia (for example, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan)
    12. Asia – not otherwise specified
    13. Southern Europe (for example, Greece, Italy, Portugal, Slovenia)
    14. Western Europe (for example, Belgium, France, Germany, Switzerland)
    15. Northern Europe (for example, Denmark, Ireland, Sweden, United Kingdom)
    16. Eastern Europe (for example, Bulgaria, Hungary, Poland, Ukraine)
    17. Europe – not otherwise specified
    18. South America (for example, Brazil, Chile, Peru, Venezuela)
    19. North America (for example, Canada, the United States)
    20. Central America (for example, Belize, Costa Rica, Mexico, Nicaragua)
    21. Caribbean (for example, Cuba, Haiti, Jamaica, Trinidad and Tobago)
    22. South America, Central America or Caribbean – not otherwise specified
    23. North America – not otherwise specified
    24. Oceania (for example, Australia, Fiji, New Zealand, Polynesia)
    25. Oceania – not otherwise specified
    26. Buddhist
    27. Christian
    28. Hindu
    29. Jewish
    30. Muslim
    31. Sikh
    32. Another identity (optional to specify): _______________________
    33. I don’t know.
    34. Prefer not to specify.

    Q116. Which religion(s) or belief system(s) do you identify with?

    Religion or belief system identity refers to a person’s connection or affiliation with any religious denomination, group, body, or other religiously defined community or other system of belief – even if you are not currently a practicing member. Religion or belief system identity is not limited to formal membership in an organization or group.

    Select all that apply.

    1. Buddhism
    2. Christianity
    3. Hinduism
    4. Indigenous spiritual tradition
    5. Islam
    6. Judaism
    7. Sikhism
    8. Secular belief system (for example, Agnosticism, Atheism, Humanism)
    9. Another identity (optional to specify): _______________________
    10. I don’t know.
    11. Prefer not to specify.

    Q117. 2SLGBTQIA+ identities and sexual orientation

    The following two questions are about sexual orientation and 2SLGBTQIA+ identities.

    Q117a. What is your sexual orientation?

    Sexual orientation refers to how a person describes their sexuality.

    Select all that apply.

    1. Lesbian
    2. Gay
    3. Bisexual
    4. Asexual
    5. Pansexual
    6. Heterosexual
    7. Another sexual orientation (optional to specify): _______________________
    8. Prefer not to specify.

    Q117b. Do you identify with any of the following groups?

    Select all that apply.

    1. Two-Spirit
    2. Transgender
    3. Queer
    4. Questioning
    5. Intersex
    6. Another identity (optional to specify): _______________________
    7. Prefer not to specify.

    Q118. Open description of identity

    If you would like to identify as being a part of an equity-seeking group not listed in this questionnaire, or if the options listed in this questionnaire do not accurately reflect your identity, you may describe how you self-identify in the text box.

    Otherwise, press the Next button to go to the next question.

    Please do not include sensitive personal information in this text box, such as medical history, names of individuals or accounts of workplace issues.

    Specify how you self-identify

    (Limit: 50 characters).

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