Presentation Public Service Health Care Plan (PSHCP) Eligibility Feed Transformation Project - April 2011
Associated Changes
- Increased frequency: Monthly to weekly
- Reduced file transfer: Full file to changes only
- System of record: Source systems
- Error/discrepancy reports: Weekly / Annual
- Backdated coverage: Elimination of 6 month rule
- Method of data transmission: Managed Secure File Transfer (MSFT)
- Leave Without Pay: Coverage disruption
- Transfers including active to retired
1. Increased frequency: Monthly to weekly
- Currently: 22 remittance files
- Coverage level is interpreted by Sun Life based on contribution reported
- Organizational file production schedules vary
- All 22 files are required before Sun Life systems can update
- The new eligibility file will be sent every Tuesday by 1 PM
- Sun Life will, in turn, update Telus system Wednesday night
- Tuesday changes will be known to all partners by Thursday
2. Reduced file transfer: Full file to changes only
- Over 600K members from all participating organizations and a record for each is required every month to maintain coverage
- For Regional Pay System (RPS) departments, eligibility reporting is dependant on a contribution deduction and there is a potential 48hr lag between Compensation Web Application (CWA) & RPS
- It is anticipated that all weekly eligibility files will result in approximately 10K change records (if no change reported then no record is sent)
- Only those members where an eligibility field is added/amended will be reported
3. System of record: Source systems
- Sun Life will no longer make manual updates. Reporting of changes will be through source system(s) amendments.
- If a claim is rejected as a result of eligibility, Sun Life will advise the member to contact his/her Compensation Advisor (CA) or Insurance Specialist (IS)
4. Error/discrepancy reports: Weekly / Annual
- The weekly SL system load may result in an entire file or just a record being rejected
- File reject will be a Corporate responsibility – in the case of RPS that is PWGSC
- Record reject corrections will be a Dept. responsibility
- The first weekly error reports will be sent to Dept. within 48 hrs of the May 17 eligibility file transfer
- An automated email message advising of the error report will be sent to a Dept., where applicable
- A full file annual reconciliation will be conducted at least once a year
5. Backdated Coverage: Elimination of 6 month practice
- Administration Authority (AA) approval in situations of retroactive coverage greater than 6 months was introduced to monitor departmental performance
- The Sun Life error reporting functionality provides the ability to generate performance monitoring functionality to replace the current AA pre-approval process
- Retroactive coverage amendments will be automatically updated if both the following conditions exist:
- The change does not precede a member's ability to submit a claim; and
- The change does not precede the last change on file with Sun Life.
- All other backdated amendments will be investigated by Sun Life prior to system update
6. Method of data transmission: MSFT
- Managed Secure File Transfer (MSFT) is a PWGSC service used to transmit Protected B files
- Both eligibility files and error reports will use the MSFT service and be routed based on a file naming convention
- TBS will be working with departments to establish the necessary MSFT link
- Set-up and service costs will be initially absorbed by TBS and re-evaluated once fully implemented
- It is strongly recommended that departments establish a generic PSHCP email account for use in PSHCP operations
7. Leave Without Pay (LWOP): Coverage Disruption
- Contributions and eligibility are now separate; if no change in coverage, then no file will be sent to Sun Life
- PWGSC form 2278 process is still required for pre-payments and Quebec residents (taxable benefit)
- Minimal coverage disruptions to/from LWOP, since no file will be sent unless coverage changes
8. Transfers including active to retired
- Department code, Pay Office and Pay List changes will generate a change record for transmittal to Sun Life
- If the Pay Office does not change, the CWA tool will automatically generate the transfer record
- If the Pay Office changes, CA coordination will be essential to minimize coverage disruptions
- Disruption can occur if a Coverage End Date is reported without a new Coverage Start Date (i.e. timing issue)
- A system solution is under review in order to prevent reporting of coverage termination when form 1422 is received
- Interim process:
- A communication strategy has been implemented at the Public Service Pension Centre;
- A member can request the 100 day supply limit be temporarily suspended in order to purchase an additional 3 month supply (TBS FAQ 28).
or you can write to Contact Pensions and Benefits Sector by E-mail :
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